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Everything posted by scoutfsu

  1. I've always had to squeeze the sides of the mags to disengage the tabs.  I've seen people bitching about them for years online, saying its like you need three hands to pop the base plate off.  I've broken a Glock tool too.   I guess we'll chalk it up to my girl hands.
  2. Glock base plates are a bitch to get off.  You have to squeeze the bodies while using leverage and a tool to pop the base plate.  What you're describing with the rattle is normal.  Don't worry about it or screw up your magazine getting the base off.  100% normal and will not affect function.
  3.   There is a school of thought that says so :up:
  4. I'm actually not surprised and believe you 100%.  You're not the first to say something like that.
  5. Mike, When I hear hole, I think of an actual hole, not wear and tear.  I have heard of Larue mounts wearing on rails but they were (IIRC) identified as having been improperly tightened down.  I've read of some people tightening them down so much that they need tools to pop them off the rails.   It definitely shouldn't do that after 20ish times of taking it on and off.  I regularly change out the optics on my SCAR and MRP and I haven't had any issues.  Was this only on one rifle or was it spread across several different types?
  6. Eating the finish, yes.  But not a hole through the upper.  Marring the finish is an end result of the mechanics of the levers Larue uses.  It is why some prefer ADM.  Properly tightened and locked down, the Larue mount WILL mar the finish.  It will also RTZ, in my experience, every time.....and thats what I'm worried about and why I pay the expensive price for them.   On a side note, I'm sure you've seen the posts of people crying about the mounts ruining their finishes after only a few mountings.  Then they sheepishly come back after they follow the suggestions of cleaning it and seeing the marks disappear.    Like I said earlier.....I don't really like Mark's trollish behavior on forums but he makes very good, very reliable products.
  7. Mike,   I'm not calling you a liar but I gotta see this.  I have many Larue mounts and I've never seen this.  I regularly switch optics on my SCAR and LMT MRP.  There are definitely marks on the upper but not to the point or any where close to eating through.
  8.   It is sporadically updated.  No rhyme or reason, but it is  updated
  9.   Chewed a hole in your rails?  How is that even possible?  Do you have any pictures of it?
  10. His online personality may suck but the stuff they make is top notch.
  11. AR15.com is the big one.  But they're available pretty much every where due to them being issued by the Army. 
  12.   You can find them for $150ish on various online forums.  Buying directly from SF, like buying from most any manufacturer, is a suckers bet. 
  13. I won't be there but my money will be ;)
  14.   Probably because they stopped letting unscrupulous employees have 1st dibs, buy and resell at astronomical prices,....well actually, I don't know. It would be nice if the tide was turning...but I don't think we're quite there yet.
  15.   I would hazard a guess that they would pocket the "tax" money considering there's nothing that says they need to collect it.  Thats just me being cynical though.
  16. I have one for my Glocks.  Works very well.
  17. Shake the sand out Flyboy.  No one is attacking you.
  18. In Washington, the state was having FFL's collect the use tax on transfers. :down:
  19. It's a use tax. You're supposed to pay that for anything you buy on the Internet thats not already taxed.
  20. They've been out for months. The big gripe going around is Colt hasn't pushed out the 5.56 adapter and doesn't know when it will.
  21. Is this an actual 68? Like from the .mil? Don't worry about the accidental changes or turning the unit on. That's usually associated with heavy use/military usage (rubbing against gear, etc). That "short" battery life? Sure, it's short compared to the new APs getting 80,000 hours......IIRC, it's still getting 10kish hours.
  22. Until my gunner starts punching .50 through it ;) 173rd is correct.
  23. Given your options, you'd be better off getting 3 different suppressors. .22 is filthy and requires a take down can (and is super cheap). You could get a 7.62 can and shoot 5.56 through it but if all you have/ plan on having is 5.56, stick with it. Same idea for the pistol can. I dont think you're going to find a can that you can shoot all 3 through. You could shoot .22 through the 5.56 can but it is strongly discouraged due to the residue of the .22.
  24. MagicCR.....I happen to agree with you.  People are idiots a lot of times.  The difference here is the guy was reveling in and boasting his idiocy/opinion.  If you are in the CS business, how much sense does it make to call your customers idiots?  Especially on a local state board?  Is that not asking for trouble?  Again, Dub couldn't heed an upfront warning to shut his mouth.  He was given plenty of warning that most people would have heeded.  IMO, it puts him on par with the customers he was disparaging.     I imagine you deal with some stupid people in your job.  I get that.  But if you went online and called your customers stupid, would you not expect some sort of reaction?  Even if you couldn't predict that action?  I may disagree with some of the thing in my job....I don't go online and blast them without expecting repercussions. 
  25. Meh.  You come to a public forum to boast about potentially unethical activities (and also boasting that your employer could care less), you should expect some sort of fallout.  Anything else is naive.  This is the internet.  EVERYTHING is public.  TMF even warned him what could happen.  He chose to ignore it and plod on.  He reaped what he sowed.  Then he blames everyone but himself.  Some might call that a character flaw.   I guess, regardless of what we say, his company took a dim view on his (mis)use of an employee discount.


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