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Everything posted by Fivestring63

  1. Wow so has someone here actually downloaded that app to check it out?
  2. I just got it back from the gunsmith today. Everything works fine. Gonna get rid if it and get her a better one.
  3. I just dropped it off at a gunsmith. Even though I'm a mechanic and could've done it myself, I'm not going to keep it so I wanted to make sure it was done right before I got rid off it.
  4. Since I have to put a quart in every 4-5 weeks, I don't need to change mine. :stalk:
  5. I already got the extractor and push pin from Numrich, but they were sold out of the spring. The extractor does not have the hole in it for the pin. I'll have to drill it myself or take it and let a gunsmith do it. Ain't decided yet. I've used Bob's before but not had much luck with him.
  6. Fivestring63

    llama 45

     In need of an extractor spring for a full size llama .45 1911.
  7. Be careful what you say or you'll get a visit from the Amish mafia.
  8. I was at Barnes and Noble the other day buying a gun book and was asked for my email address. Politely refused.
  9. I read a thing about leaving onions out. It absorbs bad bacteria in the air or something like that.
  10.   Was wondering why the Commercial Appeal still has this database up and running. I thought the newly passed law was supposed to stop that. They attempt to explain it but not sure the legality of it.    Will someone have to challenge them in court?
  11. This is coming on tonight at 10 pm et. I'll be working let me know what happens.
  12. Yea, I figure they aren't legally obtained or they would be splattering it all over the news.
  13. I'm still waiting to see what kind of guns they had and where they got them.
  14. In defense of truck drivers. Most trucks are governed to a certain speed and can't speed up. Also if on a hill, the weight that they are hauling has a big impact if one can pass another or not if one is heavier than the other.    One of my pet peeves are people that will speed past you just to slow down and make a right turn.    OK one more. I'm really tired of hearing "Watch out for motorcycles". Most are safe, but the ones that aren't are extremely unsafe moreso than cage drivers.  
  15. Just remember that if you bid online there is the 9.25% state tax, + a 13% buyers premium, + a $10 background check for firearms.
  16. Yea that may say 20 but its not my high bid.    I counted approximately 18,000 22 rounds. Dang.
  17. www.powellauction.com   Look under firearms auction. Wonder how much they are gonna go for?
  18. Looks like permit holders are exempt from the background check.
  19. OK now that I'm at my home computer, I can see it more clearly.      
  20. I just glanced through a part of it on my crappy cell phone and I thought I saw a part that said there would be a 24 hour wait before you can receive a firearm bought at a gun show.
  21. I wonder what kind of reply you would get if you e-mailed him in favor of stricter gun laws?
  22. So I wonder what obama promised Alexander at their "dinner" the other day to get him to vote for this?   I see private sales going. When they debate this, I at least hope they get something in return.   What would be some silly outdated laws that we could get overturned in our favor???
  23. I bet they lose their A rating by the NRA after this. LOL
  24. ""The agreement also contains provisions expanding firearms rights, and that concerns gun control supporters. Some restrictions on transporting guns across state lines would be eased, sellers would be shielded from lawsuits if the buyer passed a check but later used a firearm in a crime and gun dealers could conduct business in states where they don't live Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/10/obama-touts-gun-bill-progress-ahead-vote-as-critics-call-bipartisan-deal/#ixzz2Q7bLy2fi""     OK here's the compromise they came up with.
  25. Thought I seen the words "Friends" and "Family members" thrown out there as being exempt. Of course we won't know till the final bill comes out. I would've liked to have seen people with permits being exempt.  


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