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Everything posted by Fivestring63

  1. Turned mine in about 2 weeks ago. I had a long wait (1 and a half hours) in DMV because of computer problems but was sitting next to a guy there for the same reason. BTW, the cop doing my paperwork said they might get about 4-5 a day in there and even higher if there's a violent crime that's happened. One thing we noticed was this guy that came in wearing a holster with no pistol in it, noticeably in the OC position. I remembered seeing this guy in the local walmart OC. I got out just barely early enough to go get fingerprinted. There is no fingerprinting place close so I had to drive a little to get there before they closed. Now the wait.
  2. Yes, it was Coal Creek. So I assume you went took the course there too? I kinda felt sorry for the guys with low capacity magazines that couldn't hold the 12 rounds. But on the other hand, that was probably good practice swapping mag's in the middle of a shoot.
  3. Our range time consisted of 12 rounds at 3 yards, 12 rounds at 7 yds, and 12 rounds at 15 yards. Then there was a 12 round rapid fire at 3 yards. There wasn't any time limits on any of these. We just had to wait for the slowest shooters to finish. During the rapid fire, we were allowed to also expend our last 2 shots of the box to the brain group.
  4. I'm not getting any notifications either.
  5. After I think about it, I believe your right to a certain extent. Most of the far left shots were from a rapid fire portion of the test and it very well could be my shooting style. ""The easiest way to post pics is to simply right click on it,and copy and paste. No need to worry about links,codes,or smodes..."" Thanks for the tip on posting pics. Didn't even think about copying. Now how do you resize it to fit the screen?? It
  6. This link should work. I changed it in the original post also. I couldn't get the image to appear in the post. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. http://www.banjohangout.org/myhangout/photos2.asp?id=3772&photoID=35489&albumid=0
  7. Out of 48 shots, I had 3 in the 8 ring and the rest in the 9 or 10. Not too bad for a brand new, out of the box, never fired before, S&W M&P9C. It looks like it shoots to the left just a little. My wife also went to the course with me and passed with her Beretta 84 .380. She had a hangfire on one of her shots and still managed to hit the paper.
  8. Don't play a guitar, but I've been playing banjo for 30 years. Check me out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg9in-3OCJk
  9. Makes you wonder just how close we are to having that here. My wife was pretty afraid of/anti-gun when we met. Now she has her own gun and is getting an HCP with me.
  10. I had to buy Coal Creek Ammo when I was shooting at their range. I guess it might depend on who's working behind the counter that day. I been to Gunny's to check the range out about a month ago, but I haven't shot at it YET. They didn't seem to have a big selection of guns or accessories yet, but I'm sure that'll change. It's gonna be my "go to" place.
  11. Fivestring63

    first 9mm

    If the German police are getting rid of their S6's, what are they going to?? An inlaw of mine has one of those and she told us that the little curl on the hammer is a beer bottle opener. That the German police were allowed 2 beers a day I think she said.
  12. I got the same gun and love it. I could've swore that I saw the little pinky extensions somewhere but can't seem to find them now. If I see them again I'll let you know. I'm going to a gun show in a couple of weeks in Knoxville and hope I can find one there. Read the instruction good when tearing down this gun to clean. You've got a little little thing in the magazine well you have to move out for the slide to come off.
  13. Fivestring63

    Kel-Tec .380

    Me and the wife were looking for a Kel-Tec 380 for a pocket carry for the same reasons. To through it in the pocket where normally I wouldn't carry. So I went and rented one at a range. After one round the wife said no way. After I put the rest of the box through it, I said no way. IMHO, It wasn't very accurate, the recoil was a bit much, and I hated the long trigger pull. All of these could probably remedied spending some time with it. Maybe using the longer mag with some kind of grips would help with the recoil and the accuracy. And other people have already talked about going through and smoothing out the trigger pull. I would want something that came out of the box the way I wanted it.
  14. I've been a member since January and am able to post, but I still got the message "Awaiting Account Activation" at the top of the pages. None of the links work in the message. I'm pretty sure I verified.
  15. If it's not been said already, I believe when the cops run your tags, it shows up on their screen that you have a HCP. That's why you have to go through DMV to register.
  16. I have a chance to get one tomorrow 3/28 at a good deal. I've read some good and bad things about these. What do you all say?? BTW, It's new in Box.
  17. Thanks for the reply guys. I really like the secured box cabled to the inside of the truck idea. I could probably make one myself a lot cheaper than the store bought ones.
  18. So my question is I work at a big plant. Obviously guns are banned. The parking area is outside the gates on company property and pretty secured. Does anyone else in this situation take their gun with them and leave it in your vehicle then strap it on as you're leaving?? I know there's a slight risk of bringing it on company property to begin with would make me subject to termination but there's no car search's and leaving would be getting in the truck and 5 seconds I'm on the road.
  19. We live in the Maryville area and this is one of the reasons my wife bought herself a handgun just today. I even got her wanting to take a carry course with me.
  20. I just got a 380 Beretta 84 today and love it. My main purpose was to find a quality carry 380 with a 10 or better mag. This Beretta has a 13 round mag. I really like the Bersa's too. The Bersa thun380m15 has a good size mag. I also like the cz-83.
  21. Hey guys and gals. New here. A little about myself. I work at Alcoa. I had 8 years total in Marines and Army. I'll be going to Coal Creek Armory in Knoxville sometime soon to find a better carry handgun. I plan to go this month to a Carry Course. It's something I've been wanting to do for years. For me, my S&W is too big for a carry, but I still like the 9MM size. I also want it to be a small enough (But not too small) for the wife to learn to use. She's a little intimidated by it's size. There's been a couple home invasions in my area recently and want her to know how to use one. Danny


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