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Everything posted by blueghost

  1. With a 2 million dollar bond.. Smh 🤦 wtf...
  2. I suspect the SS aspect of the EO will boil down like this: If you are receiving a SS check for a mental issue (schizophrenia, paranoia, or some other psychotic disorder) then you will not pass the background check. If there is an appeals process (which there should be) and the aforementioned group is considered mentally "capable" then their SS check should be cut off, can't have it both ways.  I bet the vast majority of the "crazies" would rather stay on the government tit than deal with purchasing a firearm.   My only problem with this part of the EO is the number of people who might get swept under some disability coding error and are classified incorrectly.
  3. Costco looks to see how many items are on the receipt, e.g., 7 and count that number of items in your basket. For those who think Costco and similar stores are just about "bulk" items like peanut butter; well they sale computers, televisions, washers and dryers, refrigerators, mobile phones, safes, tools, lighting, furniture, etc etc. Generally speaking, their prices are awesome & you can't beat their warranty.
  4. [quote name="Sam1" post="1143431" timestamp="1398639128"]... As far as knowing the specifics of whatever happened, this is a privately owned board and I don't think we have a right to know anything that happens on the backend.[/quote] +1, and I doubt that the admins on the board are going to take time to appease current members with a banned member contact list. Perhaps, a forum member can monitor the banned members. Good luck to whomever takes on that chore
  5. Congrats to you and the Mrs. Lumber jack. I'm not sure where you lived in East TN but Davidson County is not as bad as others are making it sound, depending on what you are use to. What you are looking to gain by living in Middle TN, land?, low property taxes? entertainment?, resale value/home appreciation?, cool neighborhoods?, good school districts?, shopping?, so on and so forth. If you want land, then certainly the counties (Maury, Rutherford, Canon) south of Davidson are a good start, Wilson County, Cheatham County (Mike Breedlove for Sheriff!!! {shameless plug}) and even some parts of Williamson are priced reasonably. If you want good school systems, Williamson County hands down. Resale value, Williamson County and certain parts of Davidson like Sylvan Park, East Nashville, Green Hills, the Gulch, and Brentwood. I'm very familiar with the real estate market in the Middle TN area so feel free to pm me if you have any questions. Just so you know, I'm a resale value/home appreciation oriented person so I'm going to always look out of that green prism first. One thing to keep in mind for your wife (and yours) is the long commute if you decide to live outside of Davidson County & work a traditional schedule. I will echo what a couple have mentioned about the traffic being terrible but it's not too bad if you work odd hours/shifts. Good luck!!
  6. [quote name="TankerHC" post="1126743" timestamp="1395196587"]I write everyone when it concerns veterans and is required. Should say call. What amazes me the most is how the original post is ignored and everyone defends the President's action's. He made it racial. When a President proclaims that he is going to " correct a racial injustice" by awarding the MoH then he just brought a racial and political element into the award. I've done plenty over the last 15 year's and continue to do so. How about you? Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2[/quote] When it concerns issues (mainly gun rights, taxes, the economy) that I feel strongly about, absolutely. I've never even heard of Lt Garlin Conners until I read this post & I'm sure there are many others in the same boat so thanks for enlightening me about him, learn something new everyday.
  7. [quote name="TankerHC" post="1126657" timestamp="1395187716"]BTW, where is the defense of Lt. Conner? Where is Lt. Conners exception? He has dozens of high ranking people fighting for him and his widow. And has continously been told no. But when Obama wants to use the medal to pander, which is exactly what he has done, all he needs to do is select 24 people, push it through and use his pull. They did quite a few of these mass MoH ceremonies after the Civil War. Most were rescinded later when reviewed they showed no merit. That medal should not be used in any way as a political statement. That is exactly what the President has done. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2[/quote] Have your written your Congressman and military leadership regarding the oversight about Lt Conners? If so, what did they say? Also, have you been this passionate under the previous Presidential administrations and have you written the leadership for those periods of time as well? If so, what was their response? Perhaps, you should start a grassroots campaign for the defense of Lt. Conners and bring this issue to the forefront.
  8. [quote name="TankerHC" post="1126629" timestamp="1395184099"]I'm not sure who is disrespecting these soldiers other than Obama. Using the MoH in a mass awards ceremony to correct a racial injustice is extremely disrespectful in more ways than one. What would have been wrong with several smaller ceremonies and proclaiming the award for what it is? Actions above and beyond. Well I can tell you. Not only has he belittled the awardees but also the Medal. As well he has basically told Lt. Conners family that he did not count due to the color of his skin. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2[/quote] I certainly doubt that the black soldiers who were honored feel disrespected by receiving the award. Those soldiers could probably care less about the POTUS's personal/political agenda. They were honored and that's all that matters.
  9. Pretty cool swamp cooler. Those things are awesome, especially in the southwest where the humidity is low.
  10. [quote name="Nynick81" post="1111989" timestamp="1392571021"]... that's why I live out in the sticks in cheatham co.[/quote] And on that note, remember to vote Mike Breedlove for Cheatham County Sheriff!!
  11. Sorry for your loss. May HE keep you and yours in this time of need. Science is merely a miniscule grain of sand to HE who created it. There are some things that we can just not wrap our minds around and there is a reason for it. Once again, sorry for your loss.
  12. [quote name="bersaguy" post="1103699" timestamp="1391108295"]I guess he picked McGavock High School because it reminded him of schools in Chicago. 70 to 80% of students are gang members that attend school there and his audience of students were all hand picked so go figure..... talk with a bunch of thugs for an hour.............jmho[/quote] I'm pretty certain it wasn't because it reminded him of the schools in Chicago but rather because it is recognized as an "Academy of Nashville" based on its turnaround and forward thinking in education based in aviation, law, transportation, digital design, hospitality and communication. The CMA and Ryman Properties have contributed significantly to the school's program and I seriously doubt they would spend their money if 70 to 80% of the school's students were "gang members" and "thugs". Not sure where you got your percentages but it would be greatly appreciated if you cited your source because I would love to be corrected.
  13. Good find. Thanks for the linky. Always looking to support a home state biz.
  14. Sorry to hear about your father. May the Lord direct the chemicals, radiation and surgical hands to heal him
  15. I've put Linux Mint alongside (dual boot) various Windows OS's for family & friends and they have no complaints. They especially love it when Windows acts wonky and they can pull files from Windows while in Linux. Ubuntu has a ton of support in the Linux community so that is another option. Good luck
  16. Lmao x 100
  17. First off, how much is the NRA getting? Secondly, why not get a credit card that pays you first then you can send whatever you want to the NRA. Amex True Earnings or Bluecash are good. Also Chase has some pretty good ones as well. Just a thought
  18. [quote name="gomer pyle" post="1094884" timestamp="1389721536"]Is usaa for military personal only?[/quote] Banking= no Insurance= yes. However, you can qualify as a legacy member if you are not military.
  19. [quote name="bersaguy" post="1080709" timestamp="1387384041"]I would love to see everyone just tell their employers to stop taking the money out of their checks and the employers do it. If every American did that they don't have enough IRS agents to enforce 1/2 of 1/10,000th of the American people and even if it only lasted a month it damn sure would get their attention that when WE THE PEOPLE speak we mean business...............jmho[/quote] The Government wouldn't need IRS agents to directly enforce the tax code if that many Americans decided to not pay. The Government could simply freeze the bank accounts. Since commerce is pretty much electronic anyway, freezing wouldn't be hard to do.
  20. [quote name="peejman" post="1080345" timestamp="1387304407"]... and brake/break, affect/effect, they're/their/there, your/you're, who's/whose, ....[/quote] And of course...to, too, and two. Subject/verb agreement and dangling participles slay me.
  21. As others I have stated, the situation that occurred at Morton's was a whirlwind of mistakes but I'm glad that they tried to make it right because they could have easily said "Screw those people" and moved on. Being able to wear a hat wherever you want (in this case a restaurant) doesn't have anything to do with being a "free country". It's about etiquette and knowing what's proper. For example, let's say that you take your significant other on a date that has a coat policy. Well, if you didn't wear your coat then guess what...you will certainly get turned away. Or let's say you decided to shop at Walmart in your underwear, t-shirt and hat, once again you would get turned away. The latter example is more on the extreme side but to people who associate in different circles, not dressing appropriately for the environment might be perceived just as offensive to them. But like you said and what's most important is that you can choose to spend your money wherever you want and that is free
  22. [quote name="Randall53" post="1079285" timestamp="1387119157"]You know, this kind of carp happens every day in Middle Schools all over the USA and is expected from immature children. It's a pretty sad state of affairs that our narcissistic "president" has the same level of maturity as a 13 year old.[/quote] Heck, it happens in middle schools, high schools, college, corporate America, etc, etc. Plenty of men have succumb to the fairer sex throughout the decades and perhaps the POTUS was merely "forging" a relationship for future endeavors, lol. Immature, perhaps. Uncouth, absolutely; especially when the Mrs was around.
  23. What a frggin kook From my GSIII using TPR
  24. [quote name="TankerHC" post="1064401" timestamp="1384594878"] ... Americans have lost nearly 40% of their wealth since Obama took office...[/quote] Great post Tanker. What exactly does this nearly 40% of wealth lost mean, realized or potential?? I don't anybody who has lost that much. In fact, most of the people I know have been doing quite well when it comes to investments, etc. Now, they complain all day long about Obama this, that, or another thing but their lifestyle does not reflect someone who has been adversely affected by the economy. Perhaps those people who have lost wealth suffer with spendingtoomuchitis, which is usually the case when it comes to wealth building.
  25. Kinda sounds anti-capitalist...? lol. Sounds like it a lot, lol. :lol::lol: Are they (rich/wealthy/banks) making money on my money, absolutely. Heck, the same can be said about anything they touch i. e., money, labor, etc. Money makes the world go round and I'm fine with that. If I take $100k, invest it and make $50k profit. I can then continue to play with house money or invest in land, Aurum, other stocks, diversify my investments or just take the money and run. The $50k is more than I had to begin with debased or not. Right now I'm loving my fiat currency because it goes hand in hand with Aurum. From my GSIII using TPR


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