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About M6HTZ

  • Birthday 11/22/1971

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    Signal Mountain
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
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  1. I'm just surprised it took so long, as a former MD resident I don't know why anyone would operate a business in that state let alone a firearms business. Beretta had a nice shotgun range in Greenbelt that they gave to the county.    I escaped MD for the same reasons, so greatful to live in TN.
  2. I switched to Erie insurance and have never looked back.  A+ rating, lower rates and first class service.  You don't see them advertise like the others, I guess they save the money to pay claims and keep their rates in check. 
  3. Thanks I will take a look at these. I see you're a VT fan, me too. I'm a little concerned about the VA game. Hopefully the good Hokies show up.
  4. I picked up the 27. The night sights seem to work well. I tried to pocket carry, not really working. I ordered a IWB holster should be here next week. The Galco King Tuk will be tested with a 19, 22 and a 27......
  5. I shot a 27 a few years ago and was really impressed with the accuracy for a baby Glock. I think I will pick it up this weekend. I like the idea of pocket carry in the summer that is a nice option.
  6. I have an old 10/22 laying around in need of a new stock and a few mods. I like shooting .22's and have been interested in this setup. I know its a little airsoft, but I think it would a fun little gun to plink with. Does anyone have a Maruader setup? How are the sights, they look a little short? Does the kit hinder the accuracy? Thanks
  7. Thanks that's what I'll do then. What is the life expectancy of night sights?
  8. Twist my arm... Looks like another addition to the family. You guys are a bad influence that's why I love this site. If the night sights are a little dim can I recharge them or do I have to replace them? I noticed my 19's sights are dim too.
  9. Thanks for the replies. I have a G22 and don't shoot it too much due to the price of ammo. I hate to pass it up I am a gunaholic.... He wants 350 for it with night sights and 3 mags.
  10. I have a 19 that I have been carrying for some time. A friend of mine has a 27 he wants to sell. I am considering buying the 27 as my carry gun. I am not sure if it would that big of a difference regarding comfort and concealment. Any real world experience would be great. As much as I would like a another Glock, I don't need to be spending any more money these days. Thanks
  11. Nashville airport. Thanks for the info.
  12. I have to pick someone up at the airport this week and would like to have my gun for the trip. I will be picking the passenger up curbside. I will not go into the airport. I see airports are prohibited carry locations. Does this include the parking lots too? Thanks
  13. 40 days for me. But I just moved to TN so that may have added to my wait.


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