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Everything posted by jtmaze

  1. Keep us all posted. I always look for quality in shoes. To the tune of about $600 a year or more. If they do hold up well worth the money. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  2. I have heard there is a man in Carroll co that does tactical training but don't know his name. Will ask around. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  3. I am really disappointed in them. I guess no more UFC for me. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  4. Last time you did that I got.......... JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  5. I carry my 1911 commander in a Tagua thumb break that fits very close to my hip.Owb.
  6. How does that compare to say 22lr that is a lead bullet in hardness. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  7. Yes we do. Not in a position to start right now but hopefully in the near future. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  8. Turned the tv off when fox was giving the highlights about how BHO wanted to rebuild the economy where everyone has an equal chance to succeed. Ate a really big dinner so I had to turn it off before I got sick. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  9. Go Giants!!! Can't help in they are my childhood team. It is a rematch of the spoiled perfect season. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  10. I have been thur the TSA dance in Austin Tx a couple of years after 9/11 and it was actually funny. I requested a woman to search my waistband. The funny part was they would intentionally make the handheld scanner go off to see your reaction. It would have been amusing if it hadn't taken an hour and a half. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  11. When I lived in TX you could buy white label Dickel cheaper than you can here and it is made here. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  12. Yes. I got my 1st 1911 last year and I am wondering how much of my income tax money will go towards my next one. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  13. I have the same gun and it is perfect. Has become my EDC JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  14. It doesn't look deep enough for a screw. I agree with others. It doesn't look deep enough to effect firing. It looks like bubba started to drill for his own scope mount and chickened out. I would test fire from gun vise a few rounds and no catastrophic failures then carry on. Just MHO. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  15. Your son should own that company. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  16. I would love a couple. I would buy a hat if they were available too. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  17. Not as hard as you think. Just use common sense. You can cut the seal on meter base and pull meter to kill power to main breaker to do switchover. Just be sure to tell electric co. What you did and they will replace seal. You also want to check the amp rating on the meter base itself to make sure you use the appropriate main breaker according to your main wiring coming Into the house. Good luck. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  18. Did you check the main tube fuses(not screw in) JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  19. Didn't have time to read the whole post but it sounds like you only have 110 to some 220 appliances and or a loose neutral on the 110 freezer. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  20. The rules on aggravated assault are different at home than on the street. TN has a castle law where you have the right to defend your home against unwanted intruders. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  21. MAybe that is what he is after JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  22. I open carry every day with a holstered weapon not an AR pistol in a full tactical harness. I will say there is a difference. Maybe not to the lawmakers but to the few of us out there with a little common sense left. This guy is going to get someone hurt at all of our expense. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  23. Hey leave the cub scouts outta this. To insult such an honorable institution. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  24. I didn't have time to look at the specs on it the day I took pics. When I get moved I will be installing your pump in well there. That is a great how to. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  25. jtmaze

    2011 NFL Season

    Go Giants!!!! My childhood team couldn't resist. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone


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