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Everything posted by jtmaze

  1. You polished the grip safety. I noticed this at first but thought it just might be the difference vs the xd service model I have.
  2. jtmaze


    Sun has been shining most of the day in the West.
  3. My ACII Commander came factory with Novak rear sights and dovetail front sights. The butt on mine is square like the full size not rounded like the original commander size therefore it takes standard 1911. These are just the little things you need to find out. Skeleton combat trigger and hammer. You may not be saving money if you purchase an entry level that you are going to have to spend more than you saved upgrading. I really suggest you shoot of possible or at least handle. See if you like the combat hammer over the standard hammer.
  4. Where are you? I was in Direct Hit a few weeks ago and he had several enrty level springfields around the $600 price tag that you could go handle. My Metro commander came with checkered mahogany grips and dovetail sights that is why I chose it over RIA at the same price. Just shop around and read the details.
  5. I have a Metro Arms Classic Comander that I love. Can't beat it for the price <$500
  6. All casing I buy I save for reloading later. Is this brass or steel like most Russian ammo?
  7. Have seen this at walley world and wonder if it is worth the $2.50 a box that you save.
  8. This is public knowledge. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  9. We appreciate that but you are not the norm. Does your wife like Sonic ice? Would you even think to want that on a refrigerator. That is what I have been doing for years. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  10. As a stockholder my worries are how will the stores replace the key salespeople as they leave or move into different positions for less stress. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  11. I agree with this and have done so for many years. I you won't pay commission then pay me appropriately. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  12. I apoligize for that. I spent 13yrs as the parts department manager on a new car dealer and know several ethical car salesmen. That line is a joke between me and a few of them that are still my friends. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  13. In most cases yes. Why would a man spend a million dollars to get a $60000 a year job. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  14. Would that be Beach Bluff? JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  15. Welcome from Milan and a fellow XD owner. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  16. In some markets short timers might have passed you off to someone else I the next person was more qualified to help. If you have had selective customer service you shoul have brought it to someone's attention because that is not stood for in most stores. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  17. Yes but at a considerable pay cut. Most of us can't live on our hourly pay. Lucky for me I can along with my "weekly allowance" but most cant. The average McDonald's employee makes as much without the stress of the job. Lowes did pay commission on all special order sales and big ticket items such as appliances and lawn mowers. And no selling cars is not an option. Too ethical for that. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  18. As of 2/10/2012 Lowe's discontinued all commissioned sales for employees, employees were offered a weekly bonus equal to half of there weekly average commission from the previous year. As an employee of Lowe's for several years I think this is a move on the wrong direction. For all of our customers this is a step in turning Lowe's into Walmart. Any thoughts on where a better than average salesperson can find a good commission sales job with benefits in the West Tennessee area? JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  19. Believe me I know that but BHO doesn't. You missed the point. Let BHO get re-elected and see what goes to his front burner. UN treaty. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  20. That is what I was referring to. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  21. You just asked and answered all of you questions with yes. What do you think he is going to do once he gets re-elected and signs the UN peace treaty and then come to dis-arm us. You and I and everyone who reads this needs to write there Congressman/woman and have Congress stand up to him before we are in all out revolution. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  22. What would the fine be. We could castrate felons. The problem is that these people don't have records at conception(early in life). JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  23. jtmaze

    Your First Car!

    78 Dodge Challenger no magnet but "damned old dodge goes everywhere!!" JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone
  24. Go to Lowe's. Free estimate. Tell whoever you talk to you need to speak with their PSE. JTM🔫 Sent from my iPhone


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