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Everything posted by jtmaze

  1. You know it is going on if the CDC is denying it!!!!!! But do you know where it started? I am pretty sure we see the immune monkey that started the virus on TV all the time. You have seen the movie Outbreak. A monkey that is a carrier of the virus is smuggled into the country, bites someone then they put him on a pedestal in Washington DC.
  2. This sounds like basic intimidation tactics and I am glad you and your father where knowledgeable enough to stand up and fight legally. As dolomite said I am not too far away, so if you need someone to come sit down the road from this mans house and obviously take pictures of the landscape. I am available two days a week and my wife seven. I would definitely have video cams installed visible on the side of the house in question and hidden on the other sides of the house. When someone thinks they know where the cameras are they usually do something stupid somewhere else. Good luck with this. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  3. I got a 15 gallon 200 psi, 5cfm air compressor for birthday 6-17 and fathers day. Has been a good day. Plus will get to go to Tn river and spend fathers day with my dad. Who can ask for more. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  4. I saw an interview with this guy on one of the news shows where in one of his videos someone actually points a gun at him. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  5. I have a late model 30-30 m-94 that was my grandfathers gun that my cousin and I shot quarter size groups at 100 yards...very consistent. Great gun show it the respect it deserves and shoot with pride!!!!!
  6. I fear we are not getting the whole story for no arrest. Probably mentally handicapped. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  7. Wow JTM Sent from my iPhone
  8. I carry an xd40 4" service in a high riding pancake under an untucked shirt and it is hardly ever noticed. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  9. Just googled the clips and they are about $1 each so you are getting 300 rnds of ammo for the $20 shipping. Not really a bad deal if you need the strips. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  10. I have about 1400 rnds of ammo I think I will order a can just for the stripper clips. Unless someone wants to sell me about 60 clips for about $20. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  11. I would head for the hills. Gun....10/22 is good choice but I would take my mosin Nagant just due to I have several stashes of ammo and capable of taking down big game. Blade...119 buck. Like the size and keeps a good edge. I am thinking survival not last stand. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  12. Range at the great outdoor store in Jackson had it now changed to Range USA not sure if they do. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  13. I work for Lowes and it is in the sandpaper section. My store doesn't carry any really fine grit though. Ask for emery cloth and that should get you there. I think the finest thing we carry is 800 grit aluminum oxide sand paper. To get the really fine stuff you will have to go to an automotive paint store. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  14. I have been going to the doctor in Memphis for most of my life. Once a month thur my college years and still once a year now. People say nothing has change but I have seen the bad areas grow substantially in the last 25 years. That same Sam's Club mentioned in the story above used to be where my parents and I used to stop and pick up bulk groceries before Jackson had a SAMs and we were never armed or thought we needed to be. You can say stay out of the bad areas but the "bad areas" have almost consumed the city of Memphis( not to include the suburbs). JTM Sent from my iPhone
  15. +1 I agree. Start at the local level and then move your success to the state level and then use that success to push towards getting the national government back in line. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  16. I sent a small contribution too. I will continue to support any people running against RINO incumbents.
  17. I will you are here in the West aren't you. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  18. Thanks guys. I have watched a few videos and will probably do myself.
  19. I don't own a knife without a lock blade. That is crazy. The township of Barryton, MI I was informed that any folding knife was illegal. You can open carry with no permit but can't carry a pocket knife. My father in law wore a 6" fixed blade the whole time we were there. It's a crazy world. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  20. jtmaze


    I have the American classic commander and went that way because it had better sights that the RIA. I have over a thousand rounds with no failures. Finish isn't great on the American classic but works great as a workhorse. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  21. I have a XD40 with a rather long trigger pull. I was wondering if anyone here has any recommendations on a trigger improvement kit(preferably drop pin) JTM Sent from my iPhone
  22. I am the bald one. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  23. I live pretty close to Camden and I have heard really good things about their classes from several people. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  24. Alright caster. My mother has always called me untouchable because I hate to be touched. I deal with the public all day everyday and have the same problems. Let's take this a step further. What do you do when middle age women put there hand on your knee casually talking in a business environment. Just man up and deal with it. Those old guys will be dead in a few years and we won't have to deal with it. LOL. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  25. At my house there is a hallway leading to each door. Whatever door they(armed person) are approaching, I will be at the end of that hallway with wife and kids in a far room(several walls to go through) behind me. I will be on phone with 911 hoping no one is stupid enough to come thur that door. I will always try and retreat if possible. JTM Sent from my iPhone


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