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Everything posted by jtmaze

  1. I think the Libertarians have the right idea about getting back to the Constitution. They are just going about it the wrong way. I have never seen a Libertarian candidate in any other race except for the President. If the libertarians want to have a chance of making a 3rd party they need to start slowly in smaller local elections and make successful communities(all over the country). Then focus on state governments and use the proven methods that worked in the local governments to make the state government successful. Then use the success of the state governments to built monentum for the national government. The problem is they are throwing up a candidate every four years and then not worrying about the local elections. The movement they are trying to make must be made in baby steps. If you take small steps and put your limited fund where they do the most good then you have a chance to make a difference. If you throw all your money at one big problem and not worry about the little problems then you are wasting your money.
  2. Part of the reason that libertarians get such a bad name is because of guys like that. Name calling doesn't fix the problem. He is right about certain points. The problem is the libertarians want to start at the top and work down instead of starting at local governments then turn them around, then move to state governments( using the success of the local governments) gain seats in the state government. Make the state government successful to show that your ideas work then expand to several states. Then gradually get elected to us congress and then make a bid for presidency. If you vote independent you are insuring Obama a second term. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  3. I was in Walmart acouple of weeks ago and they had an ar10 for $897. I remember dpms lower don't remember any other specs JTM Sent from my iPhone
  4. Call me ignorant. I am only 40 and the peace sign has always been the peace sign. Anyone care to give me a history lesson. I am very conservative and have never paid any attention to the peace protestors and such. Now I am just curious. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  5. Interesting read from Hollywood. http://m.newsbusters.org/blogs/chuck-norris/2012/06/20/chuck-norris-column-can-obama-be-re-elected-broken-promises JTM Sent from my iPhone
  6. Check classifieds on here saw a few the other day. Pretty good prices. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  7. Thanks I found some with advertised life 8-10 years with24 hours duration. $10 gotta try it. Thanks for the info. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  8. How much of the good glow in the dark powder do you think I need to buy. I found some for 1/4 oz $9, 1oz $27, 4oz $82. The problem is how much is 1/4 oz. could be a thimble full or a cup full. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  9. Let me know if you come this way. I live about an hour away right now. After moving I will only be about 2 JTM Sent from my iPhone
  10. My wife said "Let them laugh, it gives me more time to get on target. Pink guns still shoot real bullets!!!!" JTM Sent from my iPhone
  11. Exactly JTM Sent from my iPhone
  12. Don't let my wife see it. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  13. Ok everyone with a M&P unload and see if you can get the firing pin to release without pulling the trigger. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  14. They are great. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  15. Got my first single shot 20 gauge at 12 and was squirrel hunting at 14. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  16. I was in Clare, MI last year with my father in law and he took me to an Amish store to get a good belt. 1/4 inch thick and 1 1/2 wide super stiff and does not stretch. Cost $14. The strangest thing was pulling up and carriages being sold out front. Interesting experience. This belt to add a hole had to use a drill. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  17. It had to be a shoulder holster from the description. But have you ever seen one with an exposed trigger. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  18. +1 for Dixie gun works. Great local company. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  19. Hunting is one of the most relaxing and exciting pastimes a person can experience. There is nothing more relaxing than sitting in the woods waiting for dinner. The key is be patient and enjoy the quiet because when the time comes it gets really exciting really quick. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  20. That is about five hours away for me. Still willing to take a couple of vacation days to participate. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  21. jtmaze

    Name that gun!

    This is very interesting. We should do more often. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  22. jtmaze

    Name that gun!

    No slide release. I would say it is clearly not a gun. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  23. jtmaze

    How often...

    I wipe down and run a patch down the barrel every time I shoot. Full clean trigger groups and everything about every six months. Moving next week where I will have a shop and garage to set up reloading station where I can shoot more. I have a friend that had 2 pallets of reloading and casting equipment given to him when a relative died. He has agreed to give me some reloading equipment for some floor space in my shop. In a few months I will prob be on here asking all kinds of questions. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  24. Good info. I have been looking for something inexpensive to do to the factory sights on my xd. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  25. That is where I was it last night. JTM Sent from my iPhone


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