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Everything posted by jtmaze

  1. Cool so my wife can shoot deer with her Bersa .380. Joking!!! She did ask me the other day if she could shoot yotes with it. And I told her if they were that close have at it. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  2. Sorry to hear that but at least they are stepping up to the plate. Not only 2 free mags but you get a factory rework on your trigger groups. Not sure about caracal design but I am sure they will replace worn parts. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  3. Shoot them in the center of chest and field dress them. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  4. Gotta have a 4" barrel. But basically yes. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  5. How old a house is it? Is the reset button on the actual outlet or in the box. See if outside outlets are working. Sounds like a bad breaker or tripped breaker. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  6. I have killed deer with my Winchester model94 out to 200yrds. I like to hunt with it since it belonged to my grandfather who got me into hunting. I used it to this day as a brush gun and for spot and stalk. I love that gun. Sent from iPad in the woods.
  7. I have been to pochahantas and it is out there. Used to go mudding down there when I was younger but the people are nice. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  8. I carry everywhere I can legally except work. Simply because I can. It is my right to carry a weapon with permit to defend myself, I like to be prepared. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  9. <br /><br />;Is that scarred or scared? mine has one green eye and one blue, If they both turn the same color be somewhere else!!!!Love you honey...LOL
  10. I have never had to shoot a dog even working with the SPCA. I have a friend that has and it was because the dog had hold of his arm and started to shake. This was a bulldog and he had no choice. I personally would have to be bitten and in fear of my life. In my opinion there are no bad dogs just bad owners. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  11. My wife has been the red head with whip but didn't kill me but I am sure she will before it is all over. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  12. Yep I have 4 iPhone 4 in my family and I would trade all but one for an ar10. my kids don't need a phone. Sent from iPad in the woods.
  13. There are many ways that this could be a straw purchase but aren't all gun sales. You have to give the customer the benefit of the doubt. Three months ago my wife had no idea how to hold my model 870 and since then she has killed more squirrels with it than I have. The way a person holds a gun should have no bearing on there ability to purchase one. Number one: if this were a person trying to do something shady, don't you think the felon husband would have stayed in the car while wife purchased the shotgun. Number 2: if husband was looking for a cheap shotgun to do something shady with there are cheaper shotguns to be had. Number 3: if an actual straw purchase why go to Walmart. They are going to CYA. <br /><br />Just on another note I will bet that more youth model shotguns have been sold by Walmart to full grown men knowing they won't be the primary shooters than any other stores. Who bought your first shotgun. My dad bought mine and I still have it. <br /><br /><br />My wife found this article researching shotguns for women because my youth model single shot 20g fits her much better than my 870. <br /><br />
  14. It sounds like Brandon ms sounds like any small town I know in West TN.
  15. Skullbone is another great place for good ole country folks. They get kinda protective around Skullbone when strangers come around.
  16. Sweet lips is a great place in southern Chester county that has a country store that doubles as a restaurant and pool room. That store even has a FB page. Check it out. It is about 15 minutes south of Henderson. I live in Deanburg that is about 15 min west of Henderson.
  17. The problem I have with either one of them talking about support for the middle class is that the government shouldn't be supporting the middle class. If I remember correctly, the middle class supports the government(or has in the past). Our government was established to provide the protection of certain unalienable rights and no more. Until the government can limit its self to protecting those rights then we will never be the great nation we were. Those who work the hardest get the spoils. No one owes us anything. You want nice things work for them. You want nicer things, work harder. This philosophy has gone by the wayside. If you could show me a politician who truly believed in serving the people as a whole and not a small group of contributors I might watch a debate. Otherwise they are saying what they think people want to here. The whole campaign process has become a farce in to who has the most money to spend. Limit each campaign to$1 million dollars each and take the big business buying politicians out of play. We just had an example of big business controlling our government happen here in TN with the Parking Lot bill. Do you think it is any difference in Washington. Rant off!
  18. I went today with my wife and we were in and out in ten minutes. I only had one issue and that was the state senator for my district and she had a D running against her so it was the lessor of to evils. Hopefully I can use my vote to help persuade her to look out for gun rights.
  19. just marking for later
  20. I work about 35-40 miles from home with Jackson in the middle. I keep a get home bag in the truck just for this emergency. I have supplies at home might just have to take the back roads around Jackson that week.
  21. Work looks good to me. JTM Sent from my iPhone
  22. What about the Fnp-40? I saw one on here and started researching and liked what I saw, I have heard good things about FN and thought I might need one.
  23. After many years of retail...I have learned one thing. YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!! Most poeple dont know how many truly stupid people there are in this world. Just look Obama got elected.
  24. I wear carpenter pant/jeans and am a large guy(6'2" 270) and I can get my wife's thunder380 in my pocket with my hand. It is tight coming out though.
  25. I still have to stop in the LGS on my way home every couple of weeks to fondle one. I wish I was rich and didn't have kids in college. Lol there would be a lot less guns on the market. It is coming hopefully income tax time. Congrats. JTM Sent from my iPhone


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