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Everything posted by jtmaze
Been cat fishing Kentucky lake for many years and it really isn't seasonal as much as knowing where or what depth to fish by water temp. I am no expert by any means, and don't fish much in winter due to I am a wimp and like to hunt more than fish. JTM Sent from my iPhone
Colorado Journalist/Comedian knows the size of your genitalia
jtmaze replied to Rightwinger's topic in General Chat
Lay off those of us that aren't well endowed and no I don't own an AR, but my wife does want me to get one. JTM Sent from my iPhone -
Welcome. JTM Sent from my iPhone
I have used the Lemishine and it works. Drying is a pain this time of year. I got an 18 lb media vibratory tumble for Christmas and am going to start using that on my next batch. JTM Sent from my iPhone
Actually a lot of this has to do with lack of accountability. My 18 yr old daughter has gotten more tickets in the last 2 years than I have in the last 20. Only 1 on her driving record due to county and city sponsored driving schools(money in someone's pocket). She finally slowed down after rolling a PT Cruiser on a county back road at 60+. JTM Sent from my iPhone
I wish it were that simple. I would nominate you for the next election. I am not sure of the process but am sure it is marred to the point that it is virtually impossible for simple people to get elected. And I include myself in simple working class people. I would love to see real people running for office around the country. The problem is people are to concerned with themselves to worry about the group. JTM Sent from my iPhone
Man shot when ammo fell out of box
jtmaze replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I didn't read the article but BS. Like someone else said. The bullet will not go far and he might have been hit with brass. -
Things just aren't like they used to be ......
jtmaze replied to Fourtyfive's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Thank you. I invited 2 guys from work out to the house to shoot next time we are all off because one came to me asking advice about buying his first handgun for HD and later to carry. -
I posted somewhere else on here discussing the same topic that we need to write our Congressmen and make sure everyone votes for the best candidates in local elections(state offices) in the near future. If no one is running from the right, find someone. You don't have to be a genius to run for office(look what we have), and band together as conservatives and vote the trash out at all levels. A friend of mine at work(a 25 year retired navy captain) and I both agreed that getting the right people in place at the state level is more important than yelling at the Federal idiots. We must have strong leaders in place at the state level to stand up to the national bully that is trying to rule us. My friend agreed to the point that he said,"Your right the federal government is done, we need to get state leaders that will stand up and we(as gun owners) can stand behind them." Point being we need to find Reps that want to work for us.
I really enjoyed this and am glad that my gift was appreciated. I am all in for next year and July if goes well. Thanks Metalhead for the work.
Contents of Feinswine's new AWB
jtmaze replied to Clod Stomper's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Funding is easy. $200 per Pistol that holds more than 10 round mag. Hmmmm. This cannot pass. Start writing your senators now. JTM Sent from my iPhone -
Contents of Feinswine's new AWB
jtmaze replied to Clod Stomper's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I have a couple of items at home that the NFA stamp would be worth more that the item. JTM Sent from my iPhone -
This is very good advice. It will be hard to teach a three year old but when the dog starts to growl with child present have her look him in the eye and not look away until he does. Yes the winner of a staring contest asserts dominance. Another way dogs assert dominance is by poking in the ribs with there nose. Hold two fingers and thumb together like holding a pencil and gently nudge behind shoulders just for her to remind him she is boss. When he snaps at her put down on left side with head laying flat until it relaxes. This is a controlled dominance. The dog will respect her and try her you just need to keep at it until the dog accepts the new order of dominance. The stare down is one of the easiest ways to let a dog know who the boss is. JTM Sent from my iPhone
We as citizens need to all right our elected officials in mass to see if our state government is willing to stand up to the federal government as a whole. The last great conflict fought on this continent was fought over states rights. We need to elect state governments that see our views on states rights and let it be known that our state and many others are not going to stand for a federal government that doesn't respect our rights as a state to let us decide what we want. I have many times posted a plan on how to set up a legitimate true Conservative party by starting small and working your way up. We need to quit complaining about the Federal government and start taking steps in our home state by electing officials that will stand up against a tyrannical federal government if and when the time comes that will say what you are doing is not in our best interest and we won't stand for it as a state. I don't think that anyone will convince the people in Washington that we won't stand for being disarmed or forced to buy insurance unless we get proactive and make sure we have the right people in place at the state level that have the testicular fortitude to break glass when the federal government comes knocking to take our possessions. JTM Sent from my iPhone
I have the XD40 Service 4" and my FIL has the SC and I am going to pick one up when I get thur financing(saving for) my XDS.
I tell you what. I have 3 old oscilliscopes that I found from my Dad's days in Mainframe computer repair in the 60's and 70'. I was gonna put on Ebay but your welcome to one if you come to the WestTN on a day I can meet.
I agree. I would still talk to the owner with LE present so when donkey does his job owner doesn't accuse you of shooting dog. A donkey might or might not kill the dogs but will definately keep then run off.
They are asking for everything to see what they can get. That law has already been stricken down by the SC just on the gun registration. JTM Sent from my iPhone
My wife had a thunder .380 that is a great little gun. Just stay away from aftermarket mags. JTM Sent from my iPhone
Westboro plans to picket children's funerals
jtmaze replied to C.lunn's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I like that idea but I like bikers doing it better. If I am off work and they come near here I am willing to participate. JTM Sent from my iPhone -
That is great. A 50bmg. Gotta love it. JTM Sent from my iPhone
But the 30ish woman in the SUV at Walmart was printing as she lock her toddler in the car seat. JTM Sent from my iPhone
I agree to the HACC. But I really don't care, that is why I got a permit. JTM Sent from my iPhone
Santa came today. I got 4 ammo reloading cases that fit all the calibers that I am starting to reload. And a bucket of tumbler media. These are things that I have been putting off til after Christmas. Thanks Santa and midway did good no names on box.
Welcome I bet we know some of the same people. I grew up in Deanburg and just moved back after about 15 years.