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Everything posted by jtmaze

  1. The 1st 7.62x39 I ever shot I paid 9cents a round for. We used to burn it up by the bucketful. What a blast. Have fun.
  2. Sad but true. I was visiting in-laws there a few years ago and have never heard the words rerouting so much in my life. Luckily my in-laws have since moved and I have no worries. It is a crazy place.
  3. That is the problem with the system. Everyone makes the team. Kids get sent to the next grade to get them out of the system.
  4. The driver is jumping out of truck. It looks like someone jumped up on the vehicle and busted the windows out when he tried to get thru and fell off.
  5. I saw an add on FB today that had a 325rnd brick of 22lr for $50. I almost got ugly with the guy but let it go. I hope he has too shoot it all himself.
  6. At least now we know no one watched that idiot!!!!!! :shrug:
  7. Sorry 6.8 I gotta work. That Jackson show usually gets alot of foot traffic. You will do fine!
  8. That is great. I don't think it will get very far, but still great. Do you need a Federal migratory stamp for that.
  9. What a shame. Be prepared.
  10. I gotta spare bedroom. I might need to start taking up an ammo collection.
  11. We just need to invite GZ to an undiclosed location in TN and tell the NBPP to come and find him. If I were Zimmerman I would demand government protection due to the fact they started this mess by skipping the judicial process and putting his name out to the mis-informed.
  12. Who is going to defend his 2nd Amendment rights. I hope the NRA is all over this.
  13. Great read
  14. Fast or slow I like the idea of snares and traps. Traps being dehabilitating. I haven't seen anyone run fast with only one foot!!!!
  15. They do !!!It says,"Welcome to Chicago."
  16. That Almost offends me. I graduated public school systems in the last 40 Years and went on to college, Paid off those loans and became a productive member of society....WHY? BECAUSE MY PARENTS TAUGHT ME THAT IS HOW LIFE WORKS.   My point is education starts at home. I have 2 daughters in college and both have jobs and take care of most of their own business. Why? Because according to htem I am a "HARDASS"because I have to be. One has gotten to the age where she understands why I am such a hardass on them and the other still hates me....so be it...She will understand someday!!!!!They didn't get pregnant in HS to get more money for mom's welfare. Education starts at home.
  17. Someone needs to fire her script writers......for court , I mean, not interviews.
  18. I gave for the first time to the Lady who unseated Maggart.
  19. I am not much on Internet videos....but this one was to good.
  20. Saw this this morning and thought it was worth a laugh. Not sure if it is real, but funny non the least http://www.youtube.com/embed/vETPO9237B0?autoplay=1
  21. That just made my day!!!!!!!


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