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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Does that mean it has be be like a Sharps rifle or would something like a NEF HandiRifle be ok?
  2. And when you do go do your illegal activities, leave your phone at home.
  3. He was like watching a 16 yr old drive as fast as possible through a city in a new corvette. You knee there was about to be an epic wreck.
  4. Did he get banned? Im on mobile and it only shows an error message when i click on his username
  5. Its not just this thread, its every single thread he posts in. It sure seems like he is on a "kwik" path. Mods have intervened for less... I guess we just need to give him a bit more rope...
  6. Whoever owns the property makes the rules period. If you dont like it leave or find and buy your own property. Yes property ownership MATTERS
  7. Well the thing is, is that if im not already on every government watchlist they have, someone isnt doing their job.
  8. No downside, only progress
  9. Waffles are merely pancakes with syrup traps
  10. Just look through our vendor list and pick someone close to you
  11. That was awesome
  12. http://www.57center.com
  13. Get the best of everything, although it is quite expensive depending on how deep you go with it. A pro-touring musclecar. All the modern conveniences pick and choose which ones you want, in the classic look. You can have fuel injection, overdrive trans, upgraded springs or even air suspension, big brakes, creature comforts inside. All the will outhandle and brake and ride a new corvette plus you have the look and feel of a muscle car knocking down 20mpg.
  14. You can tell alot about a man by what he drives and how well he takes care of it.
  15. The kahr basically has a trigger from a double action revolver. VERY smooth ( on thr P/PM series) but long. Especially the smaller kahrs, are meant for pocket carry, therefore the long heavy trigger and no safety
  16. If i could like that 10 billion times, I would!
  17. 1. This thread is not for you. 2. Yes a car that only goes 85 top speed is dangerous. Most normal people drive about 75-80 cruising on the interstate, not 70, thats for grandpa and soccer moms. So you are doing 80, cruising and you need to pass a semi and not slowpoke around at it. Guess what? in a normal car or truck with enough power to get out of its own way, you will be doing 90-95 to safely pass the semi. Not so in your little matchbox car. And also around town, lack of acceleration is also dangerous. I drive a v8 z71 4x4 truck every day. I once borrowed a dodge stratus and about got run over i dont know how many times. Sometimes when you pull out into traffic you need to get with the flow of traffic pretty quickly, not being able to is dangerous. Excessive speed could be dangerous ( never known of such a concept but ok) but lack of power is also dangerous as well. Some people drive muscle cars simply for the look and not the performance as well. For most red blooded Americans with some youth left, if you have the horsepower, you will find a way to use it :)
  18. First, the easiest would be a PS90, but im assuming you want something else. There is also an AR upper in 5.7 that takes p90 mags and ejects through the standard ar magwell. You can get a TC Contender in 5.7 if you'd like. Savage got a bolt action to pre production stage but as far as i know, it never went into production or shipped any. Therr is nothing else, though. No good base to make a custom from either. I believe Rock Island makes or is going to make a small bolt action in. 22tcm but thats as close as i have seen.
  19. Mmmm, LT5. That ones not like the rest.
  20. Wasnt this showed off at SHOT show last year or year before last?
  21. How is it that we are this far along in the thread and it is STILL on the original topic?
  22. Yeah we just had a doctor successfully stop a criminal with a gun who was concealed carrying and now this happena only a couple days later? Yeah that doesnt sound staged AT ALL....
  23. Keyword, "legal". Because there is no such thing as a justice system anymore.
  24. The thing I dont get about Henry is, why in the flying f*ck do they have to make them where they load from the muzzle instead of the receiver like a Winchester ot Marlin. I would own several of their rifles if they loaded through the receiver like normal.


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