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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Nissan manufacturing. I was saying that at least for Nissan, at the factory, one of the last things done to the car is making sure all fluids are filled to proper levels. Actually then it's driven on a dyno to check tons of things including engine diagnostics and fluid temps which is a direct result of fluid levels. Then it is tested to an outdoor test track among other things. Point is, it doesn't leave the factory with less than optimal fluid levels.
  2. That's a negative except for fuel. All fluids are filled to max, modern cars don't operate correctly without it. I worked at Nissan in the department that both checks to make sure the fluids are there and drives them on the test track.
  3. Happens a lot with over zealous officers. Checking to see if it's stolen or not.
  4. Look into the .460rowland and even the .45super. .45super is just a .45acp with a stronger case and loaded to higher velocity. .460 Rowland is a slightly longer case and even higher velocity (at commercial .44mag velocities!) but still fits in a 1911 or other .45acp magazine. Very strong over built .45acp pistols like the HK USP and the HK45 can handle super loads from the factory, 1911s only require a stronger recoil spring. Buffalo bore makes the ammo as well as others. Can load up to a 255 gr hard cast or maybe higher.
  5. It's been several years, but I was selling a glock on here and a guy from Brooklyn tried to buy it and have me mail it to him for an extra $200. Or drive it up there and meet him in Pennsylvania. I just brushed it off but turned out there were similar offers to other TGO members selling pistols on here. I'm still not sure if it was someone wanting an illegal gun or if it was a probe from the Feds. And this was when TGO was MUCH smaller than it is now.
  6. The strider is what I want. I have a Punisher TR-4 which is awesome, but I really like the looks of the Strider.
  7. 7 1/2" barrel will be long and slow on the draw, better than a 9mm though. I'd take Garrett Hammerheads if you can get any.
  8. You can get a one way ticket to hell, oh wait, never mind you already have one.* *meant in reference to Hillary, not you GT, just to clarify.
  9. Situational awareness and a good blade is a decent compromise.
  10. I wouldn't worry about it, it's not a legal posting. They are simply conveying their wishes. Even if it were legal, no one has been convicted for simply carrying past a legal posting. Not saying that I carry past signs, but I have never had anyone see my gun in public, no matter where I was.
  11. With a factory gun in proper working condition and a proper firm grip, it's a combination of two factors for the ammo. 115 gr. range ammo is cheap, it's low power for lower recoil, and doesn't have as much quality checks as premium self defense ammo. The fact that it's lower power also means it has a smaller margin of error of what will cycle a semi auto. All factory ammo will have enough power/velocity to cycle any functioning properly semi auto, unless otherwise stated, when loaded inside manufacturing specs. It's the few that slip through without the specified amount of powder, that may fail. And the lower the powder charge, the higher the probability of it failing to properly operate the slide. Also more care and quality checks are put into defensive ammo for obvious reasons.
  12. In Mother Russia, you no make fun of gays, they make fun of you.
  13. nightrunner


    I held one. It felt really bulky. But even more so than that, I think it would take ALOT of training to remember to fire two rounds then pump, fire two more then pump. As opposed to a standard pump where you pump after every shot, or a semi where you shoot until empty, especially when the adrenaline gets flowing.
  14. Looking forward to ESEE. Any chance of dealing Benchmade in the future?
  15. .458SOCOM. Puts em down with just one round.
  16. Considered the Springfield Custom Shop? Don't know if they offer it on individual pistols but one of their custom builds has the slide milled for the customer supplied MRDS.
  17. Well, the article said the last four years brought in over $100k so, at least $25k for the knife. It is a true work of art. If I were rich, I would have stuff like this hanging on my walls instead of some French oil painting.
  18. Agreed 100%. Another problem with Tesla is that I have yet to see a charging station for one. But tesla does look better than any other EV on the road. Chevy Volt was second. The new Bolt, the Prius, Leaf, all look hideous. We have had well over 100 years of advancement and innovation for the internal combustion engine, technology for electric vehicles will simply take time.
  19. Flying guitars for a skeet shoot sounds fun.
  20. A male human with long hair that puts his hair up in a bun like a woman.
  21. I have a Galco belt that has held up surprisingly well.
  22. I believe Silencerco sells a 3 lug adapter too, but theirs is pretty long.


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