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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Waiting on this. I had forgotten my membership had run out.
  2. I know you said it would be awhile before it worked but the activity stream / new content is working just fine for me.
  3. I'm on mobile and so far I'm really liking it. Much more than the old version.
  4. While the next world war will be fought in the Middle East, I believe our enemy will likely be an alliance of Russia, China, possibly N. Korea as well. Those together would have the capability and willingness to at least try either a full nuclear attack or an EMP blast then occupy. Not really highly likely though and I think our foreign relations would have to get quite a bit worse from now. My primary concern is a solar based event that deals moderate to severe damage that takes many months if not years to repair. The civil unrest and lack of grid and structure, not to mention if the government can't continue handouts due to fixing the grid, will be significant.
  5. Best I remember, if the shoot is ruled justified, you have a defense. Very similar to the fact that carrying a gun is illegal, however having an HCP is a defense to that. Also, if you are carrying illegally, whether it's no HCP or in a forbidden area, if it is a justified shoot, you can't be charged with illegal possession. Anyone can file a civil suit against you, but all your lawyer has to do is cite the law and you are clear. At that point I would have my lawyer file a motion (or whatever it would be called) to have them pay all court costs and attorney fees.
  6. I only heard my dad talk about him and his shop, it was where he bought all his guns. I believe he closed up shop before I came around into guns.
  7. Man, I haven't heard that name in quite a while.
  8. If you wanted to carry folders, I'd suggest Kershaw, Gerber, Zero Tolerance, SOG, Spyderco, etc. A good automatic simply isn't cheap.
  9. I haven't read the book but have been meaning to. From what I have read in various places online, nobody, even the government, really knows what will happen to electronics in an EMP event. We can speculate but we don't know. It could be anywhere from completely destroying everything to a minor inconvenience like the lights going off for 5 minutes then coming back on. However it's likely to fall somewhere in the middle. It really depends on what gets destroyed and how. If it's a solar storm, you can kiss everyone's satellites good bye. And we rely on satellites for ALOT of stuff. If it's a land based " high altitude" missle or device detonation, it depends on if it knocks out Comms equipment or satellite controls and what not. Basically I expect it to destroy everything electronic, and I plan on going back to the manual way of doing everything. Anything that doesn't get destroyed, is just something nice to have. I'm not so sure I would dislike everyone going back to circa 1900 ish time period.
  10. Well, I for one, would love it if there were more nice knives in LGSs. It kinda goes together with guns IMO. However, a large portion of people will buy knives online since you can have them shipped to you directly, no paperwork or background check or anything. Not to mention we at TGO, just had Willis become a knife dealer and gets us amazing deals. That's not even mentioning the various other websites including BladeHQ and others with good deals that a local dealer simply can't match between both lack of volume and having to charge tax. Believe me when I say, I would love it if you had a large knife selection, but I don't believe it would be very profitable on the business side. Just my opinion.
  11. Do you know of a resource with this sort of information? It pays to know your enemy.
  12. On that note, one trick I learned elsewhere on the web is to take an old credit card ( people tend to leave old gift cards laying on top of the gas pumps) and wrap duct tape ( I use gorilla tape when I can) around it. It really makes for a smaller package for a bug out bag and you don't have to take the whole roll. Say a 1/3 of a roll wrapped on a credit card is MUCH smaller than a whole roll in it's original packaging.
  13. I haven't seen it but I'm assuming it's similar to the Colt Lightning pump rifle? Reproductions are made of those.
  14. The colt lightning didn't sell near as well as the Winchester lever guns. I think nostalgia has quite a bit to do with it. However, I for one, would LOVE a .45/70 pump rifle.
  15. That old girl has done her fair share of work over the years. She has earned the right to hang on a wall or sit in the back corner of the safe. No need to batter her up now. If you were 150years old, you wouldn't want to work anymore either :)
  16. nightrunner


    It says it has a stainless frame and barrel on the website. No mention of slide material. Mentioned on TFB, it's "all stainless steel". Who knows. A straight blowback .45 is going to need something to deal with slide velocity.
  17. Higher pressure gives you better fuel economy. Lower pressure gives you more traction. A smooth ride occurs towards the lower end of pressures but not too low. It's all about either adjusting your pressures for the task at hand or achieving a compromise that you are comfortable with.
  18. Some people are like that. My buddies girlfriend borrowed my G26 Gen 4 for her permit test. She said it jammed every other round. She said the instructor shot it as well and it jammed ( I don't believe that part). My buddy said he took it out and shot it after she got back, no cleaning and he buys the cheapest ammo and it didn't jam with him. After I got it back I went out and ran 100 rounds of WWB and 100rounds of American Eagle. Not one malfunction.
  19. Great information here but don't overlook the old or manual way of doing things. Could be simpler than an alternative energy source. Using a washboard and clothesline could be easier than trying to rig up a solar system to power a washing machine and dryer, just as an example. Oil lamps to supplement daylight aren't so bad either.
  20. There are a few good people left in this world, they are just far out numbered by the rest.
  21. Maybe a chest rig or a shoulder holster?
  22. I have heard of handloaders loading the .45super to dang near or at .460rowland velocities. If you handloader and don't depend on factory ammo, it makes the 10mm not so great anymore.


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