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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Id prefer embroidered as well but in for either one
  2. Benchmade comes in at a lower price point as well. Benchmade is top quality, no doubt , as well as ProTech. But for as many different options as Protech offers with handles and blade finishes, the only different blade material they offer is Damascus. I consider them the best auto knife manufacturer, sure would be nice to see some premium blade steel.
  3. That's my main gripe with protech. Other high end manufacturers use better blade steel.
  4. Yep, just one more reason I'm not leaving this country ever. Also, F Australia and all their animal abominations, that might as well be another planet.
  5. I'm picturing a small of back holster, Galco makes one, it's not the most popular but not extremely uncommon. I'm guessing he was wearing it at 3:00-ish instead of 6:00.
  6. It is always sad to hear of a member's passing. May he rest in peace.
  7. I doubt it. Carhartt sells plenty of products without polarizing their target demographic. I would say most are pro gun, but some that aren't wouldn't like it and may not buy Carhartt and go elsewhere. Not to mention getting unwanted attention from less desirables (liberals) in the media. Also , Carhartt material isn't going to stop a properly functioning 9mm, and that's a dangerous thing to falsely advertise.
  8. I think the logo in the handle looks MUCH better than on the blade. Just my opinion though.
  9. Very nice! Seemed kinda like a neon sign, at least on the mobile version.
  10. I was curious about something like a 110-130gr with a full case of BP. Just wondering what kind of velocity could be had.
  11. I'm genuinely curious, do you think it would work with supersonic velocities?
  12. I know police will never use it aside from a hostage situation, but as a civilian, it's why I practice 2 to the chest, reevaluate, then a head shot. There are way too many stories of guys getting shot multiple times in the chest and not stopping. A CNS hit is the only thing that stops immediately.
  13. It used to be a Mini Griptilian, then Willis tempted me with the Punisher TR4 and I have been carrying it ever since. i have been really looking at the CRK Sebenza 21. I think that will be my next one.
  14. Dirty powder, the powder was nothing even close to what the original gas system was designed for, therefore it didn't run right. Plus, they shipped without cleaning kits like the rifles they replaced and some were told they didn't have to be cleaned, they cleaned theirselves. I know dolo has mentioned before about .300blk in an AR will run on blackpowder, part of it being his SHTF caliber. I don't know if that is heavy subsonic or if he is making supersonics with light bullets. Im just saying that with what they would have had in 1860s, that means no powdercoated bullets, I don't think it would work. With the bullets leading and the extra dirty blackpowder, I don't doubt it would run but I don't believe it would run for thousands of rounds on end like smokeless powder and jacketed bullets.
  15. A direct impingement AR is much different than a long stroke gas piston AK, and the AR is made with tighter tolerances than any AK. Im not saying the AR is unreliable, it is anything but. However, you put blackpowder and cast bullets in there at 2700ish fps and I'm not certain how long that will last. I would imagine it becoming a single shot fairly quickly.
  16. I'm betting not long before it clogs up the gas system. Haven't personally tried it though.
  17. Me personally, I would spend the extra money for less hassle, but I know some wouldn't. I wouldn't go back if it's a delay EVERY time you get a TICS check through them and no delay at your closer store.
  18. If you couldn't take a scientist and a lab with you to manufacture smokeless powder, that M4 won't do you much good. if you think an AR is unreliable now, try it with blackpowder and cast bullets.
  19. Anyone else hear about this? http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/05/foghorn/hk-top-finally-import-civilian-version-mp5k-sp5k/ They are a little late to the game, but it is legit HK. I'm kinda hoping more for a standard version versus the K configuration but this is great IMO.
  20. I'm really liking the new grip texture on this one. With this, I fail to see why anyone would choose any XD over a Glock or M&P.
  21. Nothing ever does, I'm hoping a 2x does the trick. Ive come to expect tall sizes only in tailored suits and Carhartt, not much else lol
  22. After the problems with mine, I looked for how to change mine and never could find it. I am on my phone though. Just got it changed though through your announcement link at the top of the page.
  23. Start a thread in feedback. Same thing happened to me and TGO David fixed it. When it gave me the error issue, I clicked on the "report it" button. He responded pretty quickly.
  24. @TGO David I'm definitely down for a hoodie. Wanted to ask but didn't want to push our luck, I'm happy finally getting T shirts lol
  25. I'm in! I got 2, but is there anyway for these to be available in the future? Reason I ask is, I am tall and really a tall size is ideal, but sometimes get by with a standard size, just depends on how the shirt is made. Tall sizes weren't available on this and usually aren't available on much of anything.


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