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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. If it means they use guns instead of bombs and IEDs, then I'm all for it. Especially since I still have my guns.
  2. I haven't dealt with them before either. It's run by the same guy who does Military Arms Channel (MAC) on YouTube. That's where I heard of Griffin Armament and he opened a gun shop and advertises for it on every video. If you had a bad experience, you would have plenty of avenues to contact him to make it right, although I doubt that would be an issue.
  3. Copper Custom has them in stock if you can't find one local.
  4. Same here, although a lot of time I'm on my phone inside a metal building that doesn't get very good service and it's usually 3G vs 4G or wifi anyways. I just assumed it was my service.
  5. Ok, I get that they are masking this as law enforcement and confiscating drug money or other illegally acquired funds... but it it sure seems to me that not only this but other things as well, they are just begging for people to push back. I'm sure they think they will come out on top, but what will they do when they push a little too hard on the wrong person?
  6. I agree, when I saw the number, I knew it was an Indiana number, but with cell phones keeping your number and all that, it could be a TN resident. Still a bit odd to dig up a 7 year old thread though.
  7. From the videos I've seen, it has the same gas to the face issue as a standard AR does when suppressed, except it has no aftermarket parts to help fix it.
  8. I am thankful for everything on that list. I only wish my parents had been harder on me than they were, and I had the strictest parents of any of my peers bar none.
  9. It might be because I walk in there and look at most of them and wonder who ties their shoelaces for them.
  10. I'm not quite sure why, but I can't stop laughing at this
  11. It's already happening, Cadillac just recently stole Infiniti's CEO to make some big changes. One of those big changes is a "virtual" dealership, no inventory, just information about models then you order what you want. Granted, it is a luxury brand but I think it is a sign of things to come.
  12. That and the fact that the make so much money on financing, they aren't too terribly interested in cash sales.
  13. I used to carry one of these. Got mine at WalMart. Eventually the blade became very loose and a couple of the screws holding the halves of the frame together disappeared, I did work construction at the time and may have been hard on it, so that may have contributed to it.
  14. Said I'd drive a Nissan, not a Toyota.
  15. What is actually happening? Selling weapons to a government I would think is OK. Giving them to a non allied government, not ok. Selling to insurgents as a government, not ok. Giving to insurgents, hell no.
  16. Am I the only one who thinks we shouldn't be arming anyone that isn't a dedicated ally? If they aren't a member of NATO, we shouldn't be giving them weapons. And if they are a member of NATO and can't supply their own weapons, they can make do with our worn out hand me downs that we don't want anymore anyways.
  17. I don't give the "foreign" manufacturers a hard time anymore. Nissan is using a Cummins diesel and Aisin transmission, Toyota is largely made/assembled in the US. Id drive a Nissan over a Ford any day.
  18. While I have no use for a thief, some people don't need a reason to kill they do it just to watch someone die. But then again, some people need killing.
  19. I'm a Chevy guy, I'll admit, but I have always thought using aluminum was a bad idea on a WORK vehicle. On a car, no problem, heck a lot of manufacturers use either some form of polyurethane or some even use carbon fiber. This is one reason that I despise Ford right now, trying to push lesser product on us, between the aluminum and the Ecoboost and getting away from v8s period, I'm starting to see them like a Taurus (gun company), just coming up with ideas and flinging crap at the wall to see what the buying public will tolerate.
  20. I would have one if you could get night sights but you can't and that's a must for me. If Sphinx or anyone else ever makes night sights for it, I will have one but not until then.
  21. Some say to clean the factory grease off first just in case it were to cause a malfunction. Sounds like you have gotten past that point though so I'd say clean it up and go on. Some say a Glock doesn't need to be cleaned as much, and maybe it doesn't, but I was raised/taught if you take care of your gun, it will take care of you.
  22. Skill like that, you should really consider doing those and selling them even if just through a Facebook page whenever you feel like doing one. That would look very nice framed and hanging on the wall. As for next, a 1911 would be nice.


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