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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Now that you've googled it, I can only imagine the sort of videos that will be suggested for you on YouTube lol
  2. I thought that was the case with the multiple guns from same FFL. Is it just handguns? I always thought it was long guns too. Either way, it's about the same as withdrawing $10k+ cash at one time, not illegal but you get red flagged and likely investigated. It it sure doesn't feel like a free country anymore...
  3. The serrations look like a Glock Gen 3 RTF2.
  4. Just watch Walking dead then watch World War Z or 28days later. WWZ/28 days later zombies are like a human with the speed of a cheetah on cocaine. I don't care who you are, no human can shoot a semi auto fast enough to combat even a few of those. I prefer the slow walkers of Walking dead. Quite honestly WWZ type zombies scare the shiite out of me, and a virus epidemic could very well cause it.
  5. Well if it's zombies, I want an AR and a tactical wheelbarrow full of ammo.
  6. Now that is interesting. I have always followed the 6.8 from before it was available commercially but never got one. When the SIX8 came out I decided I would get that due to the longer OAL and usage of PMAGs.It would be nice if it were somewhat standardized with other options available. Supposedly LWRC is going to bring out a DI version of the rifle in the future, but who knows when.
  7. The larger lower is the LWRC SIX8. Takes proprietary Magpul 6.8 PMAGs.
  8. Holy nucking futs! That 700gr looks mean. I think that will shoot through a whole herd of elephants and kill the rhino on the other side.
  9. Lots of different situations here, and no one answer for them all. For general use, I stand by my model 27. If it's end of the world and I have to go looking for the fight, AR no doubt. Also, do we get to have accessories? If so, that effectively makes the AR an everything rifle. From cqb(SBR upper) to standard carbine, to long range(6.5 Grendel upper), subsonic(300blk), small game(.22lr) short range large game(.458socom), even single shot bolt action .338lapua mag and .50bmg. All this off from one lower receiver, which is technically the gun. Swap uppers, optics and even stocks relatively easily and parts are everywhere. Only thing it doesn't do is shotgun and concealed carry. If the world is still somewhat civilized like present time, hard to beat a Glock 19. Pair it up with the aforementioned AR and accessories, and there's not much you can't do.
  10. I have heard of .45Super but not this. Just looked it up and it's pretty much the same as a .45super, which is just a .45acp with stronger brass, except the .450SMC uses a small rifle magnum primer for more brass in that area for strength
  11. Depends on your budget. Also are you looking for a 16" barreled carbine or something to SBR?
  12. S&W 27 4" I take care of my guns so the blued finish doesn't bother me. Tell me one thing it can't do inside of 100yards. Beyond that, I can get away from the fight.
  13. Actually, the 16" barrel makes it pretty much a carbine. First establish a budget, then your primary usage. If the moderate ranges are the primary usage, I'd suggest something like a 2-7x or similar. Nightforce makes a 2.5-10x32 that would be excellent if you could budget that. Then a set of 45 degree offset irons. That would cover from point blank out to 1000 yards, although I'd like more magnification for that long out. It would be plenty for 500yards, Chris Kyle only had a max magnification of 10x when he made his 2100yd shot.
  14. I don't have mine yet. Just this evening it made it to Memphis according to the tracking number and was evidently handed over from DHL to USPS. I might get it eventually.
  15. I gotta agree with you on that. Property rights, whether it be real estate or personal or otherwise, trump everything else. As long as it isn't hurting someone else. It would be a shame if they were destroying pre-64 winchesters or vintage S&Ws but it's the same as destroying fine artwork, which arguably those sort of guns are. You may not like it but if they own it it's their right to do with their property as they wish. They're still idiots though.
  16. What level of pistol training should you have as a prerequisite to this class?
  17. I'm thinking you should make this your "social" rifle
  18. I haven't received mine either. Got an email with a tracking number and it says en route by DHL. I can't wait.
  19. It is heavy, but not horrible. I think it's a combination of things, being rugged, which dictated the materials used (this is an older design sight, not when titanium and carbon fiber is now somewhat commonplace of lightweight AR builds) and it's a complex sight internally, at least the 1/4x and even moreso the 1/3/9x version. It added weight but it wasn't horrible. It was mounted on a KAC SR15 so I'm sure that helped, it was a very light and well balanced rifle without the sight( ARMS mount, he removed it to show how the rifle handled). I have wanted both an Elcan and SR15 ever since I shot and handled that setup, not so sure I would pair them up, the SR15 was so light and balanced and light recoiling that I think it should be run with either irons or an Aimpoint micro.
  20. nightrunner

    Bear Gun

    TN Black bear or ? Nice choice with the .458Socom!
  21. It really depends on what you place more value on, close range( inside 50yards) or medium ranges (250-300). I don't think you'll be great at both unless you run a red dot with a flip to side or quick detach magnifier which would likely be over your budget. A fixed power around 4x plus some offset irons might work as well. I have tried a 1-4x scope and I wasn't satisfied at all. At short range, target acquisition was far slower than a red dot. For range use its fine but for anything else, it falls short IMO. I tried an Elcan once and I think it's just amazing for short and medium ranges . But good Lord that thing is crazy expensive!
  22. Yep, that's THE rifle for social work
  23. I have heard that about military, basically the optic mounted on the gun is for backup. Thought you might be using helmet mounted, but I guess like that you can't use the IR laser if you don't have your hemlet. Ever run it suppressed?
  24. Very nice! Is that an IR laser mounted forward of the optic? If so, where does the NV go?


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