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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Supposed to be the best of every weapon system to date all in one. Trigger is said to be exceptional. 2.5-3 lb match trigger is how it was designed, with the ability to increase the weight with springs if necessary. It hasn't been released yet and has been delayed several times but I think it will be the best bullpup bar none when it does come out. Standard chassis takes .308 or 5.56. Conversion kit for blackout on launch, with more on the way. Standard 16" version is 26" OAL (legal). Compact version with 10.5" bbl is same length as a P90. https://deserttech.com/html/product_overview.php?product_id=4&load=product_overview
  2. I saw that on IG. Said it was the most they had ever done in one day and it totaled over $2 million just in tax stamps.
  3. If I'm not mistaken, all TN FFLs received the same letter.
  4. I'm personally really looking forward to the Desert Tech MDR
  5. Organic farming is simply regular farming the way it used to be done. But as a civilization we have evolved. We don't have to resort to using manure as fertilizer. Although it is highly beneficial to do so when you also have animals and have the manure right there in your field all it takes is a little time to move it to where your crops are. Only a dumbass hippie or hipster would put human feces on their crops. We used to not use any type of fertilizer at all. Crops grew just fine. Then someone figured out the manure from the animals made the crops grow better so every one started doing that. Then we figured out what the chemicals and nutrients were that were actually helping and now you can just go buy a bag of fertilizer. Genetically modified plants are simply a way to increase the output for a certain land footprint. Probably not the best and certainly not all natural but it's not the devil either. Herbicides/pesticides are simply to keep bugs and parasites from destroying the harvest. As Raoul said, there is no need to be 100% organic nor go all out commercial and use every chemical available. We have evolved and should be smart enough to strike a balance. If it gives you a decided advantage without killing you, why not. Nothing wrong with hybrid plants, store bought fertilizer, and mild herbicides and pesticides.
  6. My opinion, when this was passed, it was nothing more than a feel good gesture, knowing it had no legs to stand on and no one would test it. TN isn't the only state that has this, I believe Montana? maybe Wisconsin? has it also. Still no test case in any state.
  7. And I know this is assumed, but also a felony charge that sticks with you when you do get out and effectively ruins the rest of your life. If someone doesn't really value their freedom all that much and has a few hundred thousand dollars to throw at court costs/legal fees to set a precedent, that'd be great.
  8. I knew this would come along at some point...
  9. Guess I won't use them anymore. It was them or iheart. Guess I'll try this Spotify
  10. Probably a standard spring loaded glass breaker. Some, like most on the handle of pocket knives and the like are solid and use brute force. ( Note: if using a solid one, it's easier to press in the corner where the logo has been etched in the glass, it's weaker there) Others, similar to a machinist center punch are pointed and spring loaded, set the point on the object and the press and it compresses the spring then "fires" the point. Simply easier to use, the machinist version is for accuracy.
  11. Look at the production cans. I don't know what kind of baffle design is used but the military issue Surfire SOCOM 556 suppressor is around 6" and 1.5 diameter. They have a version even shorter than that. I think 6-7" on a 556 should be sufficient with a 1.5" can.
  12. Wow, you really did get the last of them. I won't be able to get anymore unless we get Tall sizes. These shrunk up too short for me after two washings.
  13. My advice, don't, every few months the price goes up. If there is any other alternative, take it. I am switching to ATT very soon.
  14. Is that what those young whippersnappers call it now? Times are a changin...
  15. I'm curious as I have been lookin at these but it seems like everyone that has one is either a trainer or professional reviewer. Nice to see one in unbiased hands. Just make me want one even more.
  16. I don't think anyone can complain about that! Nice shooting!
  17. Don't get me wrong, it would cycle everything else, even some foreign bulk stuff is never heard of before and Remington Golden Bullet, which is bad. Stingers just stuck in the chamber. Somewhat common problem, not a big deal as stingers aren't that great for anything anyways.
  18. Only thing I have had that wasn't reliable was a Marlin Model 60, it would not shoot Stingers no matter what. Not really relevant though.
  19. I have one that is an AC Delco I got from O'reileys. Haven't had any problems with it. My dad had a big one, looked like a racing jack, might have been, idk. One stroke and it went from the floor to whatever you were lifting. Bought it at a flea market for what seemed like cheap.
  20. Like mentioned before, I like guns that have been tested by professionals that are far harder on them than I am. Guns that don't have weak links or if they do they can be remedied with parts or work from the aftermarket, not a design flaw. Typically guns that are used by groups that aren't restricted by anything including budgets, they get what is best for the task at hand. I tend to favor HK handguns or modified 9mm Glocks. I still stand by the fact that there is not a better .45 pistol on the market for hard use than the HK45. I still like a Jframe for a BUG, even with all the micro .380s and 9s. I have been looking hard at the 43 though. If it's just for fun at the range, a large bore revolver is hard to beat. Mid range .44mag from a N frame, or top level loads (that are safe in a SAA) out of a Colt SAA or clone are very relaxing for me.
  21. It would happen, except for the fact that their is a disproportionately large amount of money in California compared to other states. Lots of money means lots of it being spent on things like new cars and "assault weapons" and other highly regulated items. It's one thing to cut off just the government entity over there but all the citizens as well, that's a large revenue loss. Personally, if just 2-3 companies, including an industry giant, did it for a particular industry, I think it would catch on. Until some sort of government regulation forced them to make it Cali compliant in order to sell in the rest of the country. We are screwed either way.


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