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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Well, it really matters how you will be using it, but you do know you are limited to as short as 16" barrel if using a stock right?
  2. It does, very much so. Are you using a special buffer tube?
  3. Can any of these braces be setup to have the same LOP as a fully extended m4 stock? I'm 6'5" with long arms and need it to be long. I don't have an AR pistol for this very reason.
  4. With what you describe, that would irritate me pretty bad. But I use the mobile theme on my phone almost exclusively and it hasnt affected me.
  5. How much material has to come off? Not so much as to compromise the integrity of it?
  6. The H&R Pardner is pretty dang close to an 870 clone. Most all accessories fit. The Maverick 88 is a cheaper version of the Mossberg 500. Either one of these or a used 870 or 500 at a pawnshop should serve you well.
  7. Are you using the mobile theme? i access the site almost exclusively on iPhone.
  8. .327 mag wasn't made until 2008 ish so anything in that will be either a newer gun or a custom piece.
  9. If you are looking at a revolver with lower recoil, I'd suggest a steel K frame in .32S&W long. My mother has one as a nightstand gun and shoots it fine even with a crushed right hand( right handed). a .38 snub has recoil, I had a M&P340 which is scandium, even lighter than an air weight. It had more recoil with .38 +p than my Kahr pm40. Not an accurate comparison but nonetheless. If if she just doesn't like the snappiness of the pm9 try a mk9 ( steel frame) or maybe something like a browning bda (steel frame mid size .380)
  10. Barney's face was the best part of the article! I don't know that this will catch on but I sure do like it! You can bet it will be in every Call of Duty/Battlefield/Medal of Honor modern war type video game from now on though.
  11. Another thought, maybe a Colt M1903 or 1908?
  12. For a knock around gun that his father bought him on 18th birthday, I'd suggest a Ruger Security Six of some flavor. Nice but not so nice to be scared of actually using it.
  13. If he has experience shooting, I'd say something blued that will simply wear not wear out. 1911 or maybe a nice blued S&W. All depends on budget. No experience, probably a .22
  14. I'm curious also as to the actual validity of this. Not doubting it has happened but how it will hold and if it has legs to stand on. I was under the understanding that an AG could only interpret existing laws not create new ones.
  15. I believe robtattoo, recently had the conversion done on his XDS for a hunting trip, maybe he'll chime in.
  16. As far as a reason for leaving, I know most modern professionals will disagree with me, but if it's poor working conditions, suck it up and be a man and honor your word. If it's poor pay/compensation to the point it is causing your family hardship if you are supporting one, then just be straight with your employer and state your intentions. Regardless of anything, do not leave without giving them a 2 week notice, it's a common (not so much anymore) courtesy. They may not let you work it out, but it will look infinitely better to your next employer. Im all for bettering yourself but you can't do that if your word means nothing.
  17. The way I understand what you signed is, you agreed to work for them in the maintenance position for 3 years in return for training you and giving you a valuable skill set. It doesn't look legally binding, but may be and probably is. But even moreso IMO, the right thing is to fulfill your side of the agreement, then go looking for employment elsewhere. Them terminating employment is one thing, but you terminating it is another. Just my personal opinion.
  18. In response to police use of force, it would do a whole lot for public relations of cops didn't walk around with their hand on the grip of their pistol while still holstered. Walking up on a simple traffic stop, whether it be speeding or running a stop sign or even something simpler than that, they have no reason to have their hand on their gun as well as a stand of fish attitude. They shouldn't be drawing their gun every time the wind changes direction either. They should have the same guidelines as a civilian in regards to drawing their firearm. Immediate threat only. As a civilian, I can't go around pointing my gun at people just because they act threatening or refuse to comply to what I say. I say a large part of the problem is a lot of officers especially the younger ones are ex military and they haven't completely gotten away from the "us vs them" mentality. It's not a war and the civilians are not the enemy. Until this is remedied, I don't see this problem getting any better. If the civilians and police as a whole had a mutual respect for each other, these murderers would have no place to hide.
  19. Police officers as a whole, do not respect the populace. Me personally, I will give a police officer the same respect I give any other man. Until he gives me a reason not to. He gets no preferential treatment from me because of a badge.
  20. I ordered directly from Dickies website about 2 months or so ago and never got product. No shipping or tracking info or anything. Charged my card though. Try Amazon I guess.
  21. The ones I'm looking at are $50, same as similar Carhartts. I work in a factory, and can be hard on my work clothes. I don't want or need the tactical aspect of them just the durability. Magpul doesn't make junk or put their name on it, but I honestly don't care what brand tag is on it. Im just trying to find some looser fitting, cooler ( not as hot as jeans) pants for work that won't wear through so fast. Ive had the cheaper "designer line" of Carhartts and some Levi 569 that have worn through. I won't wear these outside of work, my work clothes and normal clothes are two different things. I dont mind paying more if they last a long time. If the Magpul pants are cut to fit tight like above, then they are out. Also if anyone has a site they have ordered Dickies pants from and they actually delivered them, I'm all ears. Nowhere around here has the ones I want.
  22. Anybody have any of these yet? I'm curious about them. Specifically the utility pants. About the same price as some similar Carhartts. I need some for work and can't find Dickies in a relaxed or loose fit ANYWHERE. Ordered some direct from Dickies about 2 months ago, nothing. I'm real picky about how they fit, not too tight. Anyone have any that care to explain how they fit? Thanks


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