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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. I should probably keep my comments on this to myself. All I will say is this country is getting closer to the tipping point every single day. It won't be pretty for anyone when we fall over the edge.
  2. I had a PM40 which is REALLY close to the same size. I really liked it, I have looked at and held the CM series in a gun shop and I wouldn't have one. PM series just feels like a quality piece in your hands. CM not so much. As well as the other benefits of the PM over the CM, which you are aware of. No offense to CM owners, it's still a great gun itself, the PM is just more.
  3. Seeing hows Remington bought out Para, I expect to see more branching out of their 1911 line.
  4. I saw the video MAC did on it, according to him it fixes the problems with overrunning it that the binary trigger had. Personally, I think I'll stick with trigger control.
  5. I always use O'reileys for rarely used specialty tools, so there's a third.
  6. Not sure if they have inch lb ones, but parts stores rent tools. Usually $20 for it then get your money back when you bring it back.
  7. I saw that. First time I saw it, I wondered why it didn't penetrate but didn't really pay attention to the muzzle. Watching it now looks like one of those NAA mini revolvers, could be a .22 short with the 1 7/8" bbl. could explain the lack of penetration.
  8. It's about taking away the power of the people. They would rather eliminate the firearms industry all together if they could. Jobs don't matter, that means more people dependent on the government through welfare, food stamps, and whatever other programs there are. They only care about furthering their power not the country or its people.
  9. Not all. The high performance engines(high compression or boosted/turbo/supercharged) require the high octane, and it usually says it is required.
  10. Most newer engines with an ECU have KR(knock retard) built in. If you get knock, whether it's due to fuel to something else, it pulls timing until there is no knock. It would be low on power but otherwise ok. Don't know how much power would be lost, might be barely noticeable or not at all. A CBR isn't exactly low on power to start with though.
  11. Did he change anything? It doesn't just do that. One it shouldn't be sparking, that is a loose connection as stated earlier. And two, if it had to jump to another circuit to get a ground, that is a problem. The main panel should have a good and solid ground , if not it needs one (ground rod or otherwise) added to it. It being three prong simply means the ground and neutral is sharing a wire going to the main panel and is split off from there, whereas the 4 prong has a dedicated ground and neutral from the outlet to the panel.
  12. NEC calls for 4 prong on both now. And your right, code changes every 2 years I believe.
  13. 1 year, maybe 2 is about all you can get out of rotating your stock of commonly used foods. Longer than that and you need the air tight long term storage of beans, rice, etc. Practicaly speaking though, the longest I have heard of is 7-10 years storage. Pretty much have to rotate your stock beyond that, which you should be doing anyways. Realistically though, 2 years is really about all you NEED. Whatever time SHTF, use your stocks to survive until spring. Then you should be planting a garden and hunting in the fall and winter and/or raising animals. You can't store enough food to survive indefinitely. You have to replenish somehow. This is assuming it's a permanent TEOTWAWKI. If it's a temporary SHTF or a regional disaster, temporary stocks are fine until supply lines are back in order.
  14. I think most ankle carry is inside the left ankle. I would suggest a G43 or G26 as a backup instead, but if the Charter is what you want, go for it.
  15. I grew up in coffee county and it was well known that if you got on the interstate in a diesel pickup truck, there was a chance a trooper or TDOT may pull you over, usually with suspicion. Mostly guys that obviously worked on a farm or with Agricultural tags likely to use farm diesel. They just stuck a stick in your gas tank, if it came out red, you were done for. I know it is done on commercial trucks, but I don't know how that's conducted. What I know of is just the guys running farm diesel on the road.
  16. I don't know about leaded gasoline but TDOT enforces the usage of farm diesel for on road use. It's dyed so it's pretty easy to test on the side of the road.
  17. There is something somewhere alright. Id have to be there hands on and check several things before I could even guess at what is going on here. A lot will depend on how old it is too as residential grounding has come a long way.
  18. IMO, copper is gorgeous when it has a slight patina to it. Not to the point it turns green, but a nice patina. I have a bullet keychain cash stash and part of it is brass and part is copper. The copper looks great after it gets "worn" after a while. Good luck with the build!
  19. Is this effective immediately or when does it take effect?
  20. This is what I'm betting the intent is. To eliminate unregistered guns and those built from parts kits. Also, cheap NFA regulated items. Edited to add after reading the article myself in its entirety: Systemized production of ammo ( including automated loading or reloading) vs manual loading and reloading. Does this mean turret and progressive presses are subject to this now? It says machining new dovetails or drilling and tapping for scope mounts is OK. Main thing I see though that is a problem is, it says drop in parts are ok UNLESS it improves the accuracy, caliber or other aspects of operation. Does that mean an upper swap for an AR is no longer ok? How about conversion barrels for Glocks etc? Probably means no more putting an arm brace on an AR pistol that didn't come with one. Could be argued that that changes the operation.


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