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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Your budget limits you but there are some great scopes out there in that range. When you get into the high end scopes they have larger ranges. By that I mean using Leupold for example they have a 1-4x magnification scope and also have a 1.1-8x which obviously is twice the magnification on the high end. It also depends on how much magnification you want at a certain range. Even the most budget scope will have a range suitable for 100-400 yards though. I'd suggest trying a 3-9x40 to see how you like that. If you want less on the low end try a 2-7x or a 1-4xor 1-6x. If you want more on the high end try a 4-12x or a 5-15x Oh and unless you have something in your build limiting you, that should be good to 600yards.
  2. Yeah, I think it's so they can remain profitable if and when another AWB happens. Smart leadership.
  3. Mine was fine before and now the dot or star and "for sale" etc if applicable are on the first line with the actual title on the second line underneath it. Happened after the update. Not complaining as it isn't bad just mentioning
  4. With it being metal, I'm sure it is, however my wallet when I bought it (Saddleback leather) it said it was RFID blocking, not why I bough it but nice bonus. Tried it at work, and sure enough my work ID works through it. Obviously not RFID blocking. Most people don't test that feature when they buy a wallet. I will say our readers at work are very strong but still.
  5. 700s simply don't have the fit and finish they used to. It's not that they aren't blued anymore, but the bolts aren't nearly as smooth and triggers aren't as good. 870 Expresses are not used by LE/MIL. They use Police Magnums, which have more metal and less polymer and MIM components. Same with the 700 Police. I have owned both Express and Wingmaster models of 870. The express is not as smooth when running the action. And my newer Wingmaster is not the same quality as my dads 60s era gun. Most on this board know you love to support American manufacturers without fault, no problem with that. Me personally, I buy quality, no matter where it's made. If American manufacturers want my money, make something of comparable quality or better. Sorry but I don't believe firearm imports from our allies will end anytime soon. Ruger might be worth looking at for a .308 AR as well.
  6. No love, not because they screwed up the first one but because the second one isn't much if any better. They would still have a crappy gun, but I think they would have taken a lot less flack for it if it was just a modern pistol not a remake of a classic. That is what bothers me the most about it. It would be like colt taking the m1908 hammerless and making it a polymer frame 9mm. Even if it was flawless, it's still wrong. They took the 1st version debuted it before it was ready. They recalled them and refunded money, not bad. But the second version is almost the same thing, quality isn't where it should be. As far as the 870 and 700, a 2016 production vs a 1970s production is almost as different as a pre-64 vs post-64 Winchester model 70 or 94 or a Winchester 1912 vs 1300. Remington's quality simply isn't where it used to be, and I blame that on them being owned by a large corporation conglomerate with bean counters.
  7. Im not saying they did anything at all right about this gun. Market wants a polymer single stack 9mm right now. Remington tried and failed miserably, IMO.
  8. Because our gun culture as a whole has conditioned the market as a whole that we need a 9mm minimum caliber in our pocket guns. And that we need it to be as light as a toddlers squirt gun. We have forgotten that a firearm can be both a useful tool and a finely crafted work of art. Used to be that your concealed carry gun and the pistol you took to battle were two different things.
  9. Completely off topic, well kind of. Been almost 2 years now (due for upgrade in December) that I switched to an iPhone. Went from flip phone to Blackberry to 3 different droids then tried apple and I couldn't imagine going back. To me everything is just so much easier to use. I am certainly no Apple fanboy but this phone sure is easy to use. Now, if there is some reason for you to need or really want an android, disregard. But if you haven't tried one for long, I encourage you to try it.
  10. So we have gone from having regular old rifles to dickhole (Keymod) rails to a ball sack hanging off it. Forget this world, I don't want to live here anymore.
  11. With no talls, any chance in the future of getting some embroidery patches to have sewn on shirts that fit us taller men? Thanks and we appreciate you bringing these shirts to market regardless.
  12. I wanna see someone take that with them to Starbucks to open sugar packets with
  13. Been hearing good things about the Agency Arms trigger.
  14. With all the gun manufacturers on Facebook and Instagram, it's not gonna happen.
  15. I would let that go if it was a budget build using standard parts and that was a standard spring, maybe. Buy I'm very particular about my stuff and no way I would let that go being a JP. Heck, it would drive me crazy just knowing it's like that in there.
  16. And she carries a knife too! I know some like minded women who carry a gun but not one of them can be coerced into carrying a knife. She is no doubt a beautiful woman, but pretty women congregate together. She can reach far more non pro gun people than any of us men can. They are simply more likely to listen to another woman. I'm proud to have her as an ambassador to our gun culture.
  17. Everything but the ambi slide release is available on the aftermarket. Some people want a bone stock gun with no changes, some don't mind making changes. I'm in the latter, although it usually ends up being more expensive that way. At least Glock is improving, albeit ever so slightly and only because of landing a major contract.
  18. I've seen it posted a couple of places that the 17M and 19M are government contract only. MAC(Military Arms Channel on YouTube) got ahold of one from an Indianapolis State Police contact. Civilian sales will be called the Gen 5 and released at SHOT show 2017. I was really hoping for a full mil spec picatinny rail and ambi mag release and front cocking serrations.
  19. I wouldn't be very comfortable with a M134 mini gun in a highly fortified position against those, and certainly not anything less.
  20. I've always said, Rage virus or WWZ zombies scare me infinetely more than walkers.


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