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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Ok I'll admit I was one of the ones who disliked the round one and I do like the square one but I do think round one looks "cleaner" and more fitting to the general style and layout of the forum. So, yes we are impossible to please
  2. Ok I'm officially 1000% more interested now. I saw these on IG from the AK operators Union but that they couldn't be had in US due to the Russian import ban.
  3. Too bad they'll never be imported into the US.
  4. Maybe we should reconsider training combat bears, ya know, just in case.
  5. If it's a podcast, I'm interested. Doesn't have to be gun related.
  6. The upcoming TGO Podcasts have me curious, what podcasts are you listening to? I have just started listening to prepper podcast.
  7. Just wait till the background check clears which is usually only a couple of minutes. Then cash and carry. Only exception is NFA regulated items. I believe if you buy more than one handgun from the same FFL in a week it gets reported, but you can still do it.
  8. I have shown it in the past, being younger and honestly society has changed since then. Now I'll show my HCP, but cover up my address with my thumb. Of all the times I have bought FTF, only twice have I been asked for ID.
  9. Bruce Gray is working his magic on these pistols as well now, FWIW.
  10. I don't do bill of sales period. I'm not giving some random person my personal information. It's not required by law and there are plenty of people who will sell or buy without one.
  11. Are you saying that is enough for your purposes? I have seen 1500fps 158gr .357 loads. No matter what, the .357mag has more case capacity so given a strong enough platform, it will always have more velocity and energy. It's not always needed which is evidenced by the number of people who carry snub nosed .357 revolvers and load them with .38 +p.
  12. Without ammo isn't that basically dry fire and drawing techniques you can practice at home? I'd be down if there was a place you could shoot and move similar to how the various trainers are able to shoot. But at this time competition is as close as you can get unless you own land. And then you have to follow their sometimes stupid to your application rules. Im with Dave, I'm definitely not paying someone to show me how to draw and reholster. If you think you are lacking in that area, watch some YouTube videos the practice at home with snap caps.
  13. From what I have heard, the specifications were created specifically so agents could get the Sig P320, since they can't ask for a certain weapon. They wanted to get away from Glocks. Then Glock modifies their pistol to fit the requirements. I'm assuming Glock will make them a great deal on trading in old 22/23s for the new 17/19M. Use all the same holster and gear and no retraining either, although I doubt the Sig would need that.
  14. I'm starting to like these Sig P320s more and more. The comment about expectations and not being an RMR, there is a reason the RMR is the top choice, it works reliably and is durable. The fact that the Sig optic is cheaper is irrelevant, to put in context, take a S&W 686 and Ruger GP100, one is cheaper but they both work every time and are durable and reliable. The optic on a defensive pistol whether it's for civilian EDC or used in some professional capacity has to be at a certain level.
  15. Wasn't Gecko45 someone who got banned from here before or was that just a tool I saw somewhere else on the internet( YouTube, ARFcom, etc)?
  16. I was researching these just the other day. Turns out Cylinder and Slide offers a few packages for the PPK. Sure do look nice.
  17. That would be them being generous. They want to outlaw it altogether. To be honest I'm highly surprised they haven't tried to outlaw machine guns completely.
  18. A Jasper rebuilt transfer case for my old 01 z71 was $2200 installed. Hope that isn't what you need.
  19. If you want to test over pressure hand loads get a Ruger to blow up, otherwise, get a Smith.
  20. I did not know that. Good to hear. Wouldnt that mean that only bulk reloading powder would be affected by this new regulation if they decide to reverse again and implement it?
  21. Now, I'm not saying it's common or even available without putting it together yourself, but it wouldn't be that hard to put zoom or even thermal imaging or night vision on one. Not to mention the guy who mounted a pistol on one. Id love to pick one up just for fun to play around with. Not to mention what could be done if you were technically inclined.
  22. If common smokeless powder is classified as a high explosive, that would require each round to have a $200 tax stamp, just like HE 40mm rounds.
  23. Here is my problem with it. I don't have a problem with anything you, go smoke meth for all I care, AS LONG AS IT DOESN'T AFFECT ME. But when you enjoying your hobby invades my reasonable expectation for personal privacy, that's where the problem lies. I think we can all agree that when we go out in public, someone is always watching in one way or another. But when I am at home, I should have privacy to not be watched. There is no reason that drones shouldn't be forced to say 250-500ft minimum unless it's over public property or have the consent of the property owner. I shouldn't have to put up bird netting or some other defense.
  24. I sold a used truck for $6000 and an old man came and bought it and paid cash right there. I have also sold a Glock once for $500 and guy came and paid for it in $20s (and no the guy was not suspicious other than that) It might make things awkward at first but it won't cut out cash sales. There will always have to be some sort of hard currency.


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