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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Ranked #25. Sad to say they won't have enough luck to last when they stand toe to toe with #1
  2. I didn't even think about that (not super tech savvy), so assumed it was on a work PC. But don't know if tapatalk is even on PCs.
  3. As good as the mobile theme is for TGO, the only legitimate reason I can see for using Tapatalk is what I saw someone mention is that TGO is blocked at their work but they can still access through Tapatalk.
  4. Yes, but aftermarket fixed sights that fit the adjustable sight revolvers (586/686/66/etc.) are miles better than the little groove in the top strap on the factory fixed sight revolvers (581/681/65/etc.)
  5. How about a good lever gun? A model 60 or a 627 would be my choice.
  6. Well, the 34 has cheaper ammo, whether it's factory or reloads. Share ammo and mags with your 19 and if you have a 9mm carbine that uses Glock mags, fairly common, now or in the future. Gets you the most out of 9mm ballistics in handgun format. Would be an excellent option if you ever did competition shooting. Very fun all day range gun. Very common ammo. The 40 has more powerful ammo. Perfect hunting pistol. The only true magnum autopistol round IMO. With a 15-round magazine full of max pressure loads, it's a lot of firepower to hold on one hand. 6" barrel is getting the most out of the 10mm in handgun format. With respect to making a decision, unfortunately I don't see a clear winner. One now and one later?
  7. I was about to say, that does NOT look like 5.7, at least standard stuff. Im more interested in the sight to be honest.
  8. It was in the Benefactor Lounge. That's as specific as we are allowed to be about it.
  9. I was surprised at how poorly the Sig Legion did to be honest.
  10. TN Castle Doctrine says if someone enters your home uninvited, you can assume they mean to cause you great bodily injury or death. In turn, law also states if you are in fear of your life or great bodily injury, you can use lethal force to defend yourself. If it's the same video I'm thinking of, she would be in the wrong be cause she was shooting outside her home. Standing in the front door shooting out as they ran away. That would not fly in TN. Once they started to run away, they were no longer a threat. No threat, no shoot.
  11. I'm on iPhone mobile. I have never switched from mobile theme to desktop version. Nothing has changed on my end. To get to messages, click the 3 horizontal lines stacked on each other ( universal drop down menu) in the top right hand corner then click the envelope.
  12. https://kriss-usa.com/press-release/48-kriss-vector-gen-ii-now-available-in-10mm Yes I am excited for this. I really hope they sell enough to keep them in production.
  13. Ruger doesn't have the best reputation with lever guns. I have noticed lots of companies hedging their bets so to speak for an upcoming AWB by diversifying.
  14. I have read a few places about the rumor and some guesses. A common one is the replacement for the 77 series bolt action that was just discontinued. Or possibly additions to the American line that are missing now and we're part of the 77 series (.357mag, .44mag,etc). Some are hoping for 9mm and .45 but I personally think that's a stretch. Supposedly patents were filed concerning an improved and more user friendly take down system for the Mark 3 rim fire pistol. Shotguns are a glaring omission from their product line. Could be compact versions of the American pistol.
  15. Latest Hickok45 video is of a new Marlin 1895 Cowboy and its... well I wouldn't want it. Different finish on the barrel and receiver. Horrible fit on the forend. Wood looks very cheap IMO. No comparison on quality of fit and finish to his JM stamp 1894 he has for a comparison. I really hate that a great American manufacturer of classic rifles is putting out such pieces today.
  16. Maybe it's just me and my area, but it seems to have calmed down. No outages that I see, slightly higher prices but no worse than when a hurricane comes through ( which has no affect at all on fuel production) I think everybody has filled what they have and we are getting regular deliveries still.
  17. I don't see how you could have handled it any better. Dogs are literally animals. Not one of us here would hesitate to draw down on a thug that we would call an animal if they came running at us in a threatening way. No difference here. You perceived a threat and took action to "stop the threat" (key phrase). Stopping the threat is allowable by law. Legally, I don't think you broke any law and even if you did I don't think a LEO would charge you if one had been called. Mentally or otherwise, I don't think you did anything wrong. You weren't forced to pull the trigger.
  18. The Glock 19 does everything a man could reasonably ask a handgun to do. And does it well.
  19. From the reviews I have been reading, DDI is a really good one. And made in Knoxville too.
  20. It's just a regional thing it's not like the whole country is out. It will level back out and likely sooner than later.
  21. To update, was 1.99 Thursday afternoon, 2.15 Friday morning 6am, then 2.39 Friday afternoon 5pm. This is at She'll on Sam Ridley in Smyrna
  22. With all the emissions crap on them now, I would only get a newer one if I was where they don't have emissions testing. You can delete that junk off and greatly improve the efficiency (mpg) and power.
  23. I was in Cracker Barrel a few weeks ago( Late August) and they already had Christmas stuff out.
  24. Well this makes a bit more sense. Glad I filled up Thursday. Was 1.99, then 2.15 this morning. Figured it was just a sharp increase for Friday. Sure hope they get it resolved quickly.


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