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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Beautiful, just beautiful. But that horrible ambi safety would have to go.
  2. I had a guy that lived in nyc try to buy a glock i had for sale here on tgo a year or so ago offered an extra $200 if id ship it to brooklyn or meet him in pennsylvania. Im convinced it was entrapment by some gov agency. Needless to say i walked away but it happens on all firearms classified sites
  3. After commenting in the flashlight thread about how i loved my Surefire Backup flashlight, the next day i lost it And after reading how several people were very satisfied with their Streamlights, I thought id give one a try. I picked up a Streamlight ProTac 1L. Very close in size to the Surefire Backup. First off it is much cheaper than a Surefire around $50 compared to around $150. After taking it out of the package, i noticed it is a bit lighter feeling than surefire, not a bad thing necessarily when carrying it all day every day. But it just feels cheap to me, not as solid as a surefire. It comes with a duracell 123 battery. Not my choice but it would be odd for streamlight to ship a light with a surefire battery ( best battery IMO). I noticed that it is rather tough to get it fully seated in my pocket. It goes to a certain point, lacking about 1/2" before bottoming out in the pocket clip. Rather annoying when just trying to slip in my pocket and go. It takes me two hands to get it fully seated, one holding the clip away from the body of the light and another holding the edge of my pocket, not ideal in the least. Next i noticed that on high it is close to the same as surefire in light output on fresh batteries. However it has a strobe feature IN BETWEEN the high and low so i have to cycle through it every time i use it on low which is quite frequently. I have absolutely no use for a strobe feature on this type of light, maybe on one more suited for outdoor/hiking use but not an EDC light. This annoyance to me causes me to just use the light on high more than i normally would. And using this light on high, it burns through a battery in about 5-7 days. That is just waaaayyyy too frequent for battery changes. I could go for probably a month or more with a surefire with the same approxiamate usage. The threads on the talicap feel very soft, like it would be very easy to cross thread it. And if you are able to take the lens cap off to replace the bulb, i havent figured out how yet. It would be ok for someone who carries it alot but doesnt use it much, but i am constantly using it. Maybe I was spoiled by Surefire but i am just not impressed with it. My surefire i had complete confidence in and didnt doubt it at all. This streamlight is another story, i kinda expect it to break soon if i dont quit using it, im very hard on my every day tools. I will be picking up another surefire backup very soon. Paid $100 for my last one, couldnt believe prices had gone up that much. I guess you really do get what you pay for though. Just my experience and my thoughts on it. YMMV
  4. .300blk is still a bottleneck cartridge
  5. Recoil reduction. Supposedly in full auto its much more manageable in. 45 than a mp5 in 9mm
  6. Springfield xd
  7. Wow, i love that stippling, looks amazing
  8. nightrunner

    FN 5.7

    It serves a small niche in application aside from recreation. Imo it would be perfect for certain individuals needing ap rounds in a truly concealable package with a select fire lever
  9. That makes me happy
  10. Would look better on a fullsize like a sr9 or any p series
  11. Sounds about right. I know its needs to be a 3" magnum shell and a modified or full choke and the longer the barrel the better (more velocity, more range). I personally just didnt know what size shot would be best.
  12. Whatever load is commonly used for geese would likely be best. Id take the shot, and probably sell the remains on ebay lol
  13. Nice! What does one of those run and where did you get it from?
  14. Id have to say the. 357 magnum glock from the HCP class video Other than that I really liked my G33 that i had once upon a time
  15. Havent they quit making $2 bills?
  16. I owned this exact model before and im more accurate with it than anything else ive ever shot. About the only role it doesnt fill for me handgun wise is pocket carry.
  17. After being without a firearm for about a year, I was finally able to pick up a handgun again. Picked up a Springfield XD-45 Service in like new condition. Still had a box of Winchester 230gr JHPs. I feel much better now. The gun fits my hand better than anything else. No pics because of crappy phone camera and using phone as computer.
  18. I hear the arrendondo +4 baseplates are nice
  19. It may or may not have modifications but i know its a S&W 625 .45acp uses moonclips even mere mortals can reload. .45acp revolvers with full moon clips pretty fast.
  20. nightrunner

    FN 5.7

    2 things Ammo does not exist that will explode anything like that. Aside from fragmentation grenade rounds and they dont exit for the FNH5.7x28mmm And putting that vertical foregrip on the pistol is highly illegal without registering the pistol as an AOW first.
  21. I carry a surefire backup everyday now. Never thought id use it much but if i had to not have my knife or light id leave the knife. I use it all the time burns through batteries pretty fast as i use it on high most of the time and burns them up even faster if i use any brand other than surefire batteries. I drag it under houses, under cars, out in the woods, you name it. Also use it alot holding it with my mouth when i dont have my headlamp on, works good enough. Had mine for probably 3-4 years still working with all original except batteries. And its been dropped over 10ft on concrete multiple times and never skipped a beat.
  22. I couldnt choose one. I like a 1911 for most things but there are a few times when you NEED a high cap pistol. And i couldnt overlook the availability of glock mags and parts. And glocks are cheaper to buy and easier to train a new shooter to operate
  23. The biggest problem is pressure. A shotgun barrel has very thin walls compared to a rifle barrel. Also a rifle or even a revolver cartridge has much higher pressure than a shotgun cartridge does.
  24. Either. 45/70 or some heavy .45colt loads.
  25. If your worried about mosin fever, do yourself a favor and stay away from 1911s, lol


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