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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Huh? Im not really knocking your choice just wondering why? This is zombie killing not everyday concealed carry. I know the general population looks and acts like mindless zombies but they arent quite zombies yet. Almost though
  2. Since ive already said my 3 and there seems to be a pattern in what everyone else thinks, its basically Luger P08 Walther P38 Browning Hi Power CZ75 Beretta 92 Sig P226 Glock 17 A combination of three any of those seems to be 90-95% of the answers here Also while not really pistols but iconic 9mms nonetheless are the previously mentioned Uzi and Glock 18.
  3. This. I always thought it was common courtesy. Anybody remember when it happened in Smokey and the Bandit? Buford didnt want to stop but it was like he didnt have a choice.
  4. Hero gear is in winchester. Im sure he probably has one or two in the shop as display guns
  5. He was a member on this site before he showed his true colors and got banned. He has also been banned from every other forum he has been a member of on the internet from golden retriever forums to mustang forums and everything in between.
  6. Browning Hi Power Beretta 92 Glock 17
  7. Im sorry but if the world isnt so far in the crapper that anarchy abounds and you are caught carrying an ar or ak pistol on your person, you should expect to be held for 24-48hours while they figure out if they can charge you or not. The average law abiding citizen doesnt walk around with an ar or ak pistol with good intentions.
  8. Didnt they scrap the PSR procurement similar to the replacement for the M9? With nothing but logic to basis this assumption on, i dont think this is exactly a general issue but more geared toward special forces or others with the skill set needed to utilize it. I dont this is meant to be a new DMR or SPR. More like something to fit in between the M110 and the M107 More to answer your question, to qualify for the PSR contract it must have quick change barrels in .338 .300 and .308
  9. Either a glock 22 or an xdm 40 Maybe a browning hi power in 40
  10. Im thinkin that wouldnt be a good idea as the diameter of the .22lr bullet is .222" and the .25acp bullet diameter is .251".
  11. Depends on what purpose you want it to serve. Right now im really wanting to get a takedown version and mod a folding stock to fit along with a 16" threaded barrel, suppressor, red dot, and ruger bx-25 magazines
  12. Outpost is high on ALL their guns, btw. In my experiences, of course
  13. Well since that changed itd be a hard toss up for me between a g21 and a r1. Betcha cant tell im a 45 fan
  14. I was actually referring to his post about the G17 being 200 cheaper, but you posted before i could
  15. The only .45acp glocks are the large fullsize G21 the large framed compact G30 and the single stack compact/subcompact G36. The Glock 37/38/39 is the fullsized/compact/subcompact versions in .45GAP.
  16. Im a 1911 guy though so thats why i prefer the R1
  17. Either the R1 or the G17. Id prefer the R1 but the G17 would be good to get now to get hicap mags and cheap ammo
  18. .357 is fine for the small deer we have in tn. Best inside of 75 yards though. .44 is a great choice for deer around 100-125 yards.
  19. Opening around Sept. 15 i heard
  20. The 1895 i had was my favorite rifle period, any .45/70 rifle makes me grin ear to ear with every round
  21. There is also the kriss vector if you dont mind paying for it. And on the flip side im a huge fan of lever actions in .357mag/.44mag/.45colt for serious use
  22. Aside from Home Depot or Lowes, Im fairly certain nothing is open on Sunday. Might try looking up and calling CCDixon, just to check. Otherwise about the only shot would be talking a tech from one of the HVAC companies into selling you some parts today.
  23. Another option is the xds or a kahr pm9 or 40 or cm 9 or 40


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