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Everything posted by nightrunner

  1. Well Aguila Mini shells aren't reliable in anything except a break action anyways. Fun on the range, but definitely not for serious use. Just too short
  2. Like dwarren said, the .410 is an experts guns, even though it is often touted as a beginners or youth shotgun. I grew up with one and one thing about it, if you can bag game with a .410, you can do it with any shotgun you find in your hands. Much easier with a 20 or 12 ga.
  3. Because the shooting community as a whole proved that they will pay the high prices for it when demand outpaced supply. Its likely everyone who touches it, from the manufacturer to the end sale to the consumer, is charging more to the next guy in the supply line.
  4. All stock P30Ls look the same. Only difference would be a bobbed hammer if it has a LEM trigger or adding a frame mounted manual safety lever if it was a P30LS.
  5. If it was a real gun, you can bet it has a body count.
  6. This is the very reason I had to leave the Facebook gun groups. They make my brain hurt. ALOT.
  7. I can't believe someone finally did it! Everyone has begged for a G19 sized 15rd pistol with the right grip angle forever. I was just waiting for a Gen5 to show up locally. But this is so much better to me. You can hate on Glock all you want but the Glock 19 is THE perfect size of 9mm pistol. It's the perfect balance of capacity and size/conceability. Add in a more traditional grip angle and metal magazines (HUGE plus to me!) and it's a win. Personally, I really despise the fish gill looking slide serrations, but that is easily fixed by the aftermarket. Hopefully, the existing 2.0 trigger parts from the full size will fit. Also, the new Surefire lights have me very interested as well. Waiting on details for those.
  8. I'm disappointed that out of 5 guys, not a single one has a tactical kilt. Amateurs.
  9. If you are handloading and have guns that will handle max loads, it's truly six of one, half dozen of the other. One is a .429" bullet and the other is a .454" You can load from 700fps on up with either cartridge. In this case, id let the single vs double action or barrel length be the deciding factor. Or if you have multiple guns in either caliber.
  10. It was hovering right around 2.00-2.05 here lately in Smyrna. Was 2.25 when I filled up this morning. Was 2.35 when I just drove by this evening. I sure don't like it but what are ya gonna do? Go buy a $100k Tesla or one of the other electric cars that are hideous? Gasoline is ALMOST as necessary as food in our modern society.
  11. I have a TGO sticker on mine only because the vast majority of people think it's just the TN flag logo, it's small, and somewhat inconspicuous. Otherwise, I see others or a bunch or stickers as just plain tacky.
  12. Sig might have influenced them a small bit, but CZ isn't even a blip on their radar.
  13. I feel pretty confident that no manufacturer on earth designs their product so that someone else can make money off of modifying it.
  14. Why on God's green earth did they not add front slide serrations? Why? That and some metal sights and I'm good. Metal sights are easy enough but front serrations should be standard by now.
  15. Wow, I've been strictly on mobile for so long, I didn't realize the full version didn't have them anymore. Mobile skins almost never have user signatures regardless of the forum. I always wondered what purpose they served anyways.
  16. "High range" would need to be defined. Inside 50 yards Id use a .177-.22 air rifle. Up to 100yards you'll need a .22lr. Out to 150-200 yards and .22hornet is your friend. But if you want much farther than that you will be looking at true long range small bore calibers like are typically used for prairie dog hunting, .223Rem, .22-250, etc. Most air rifles are fine. I really think the Marlin Model 60 is the best off the shelf budget .22lr available. Much more accurate than a stock 10/22.
  17. I believe I read that studies have been done and the human eye sees the color green faster and more vividly than any other color. That is why recently lasers and "red dot sights" are becoming available in green.
  18. New look feels a bit more modern. I love it. I have to say, TGO receives more upgrades than any other forum that I visit, whether regularly or through occasional browsing. And it shows, TGO looks and feels better than any other forum interface I have seen.
  19. I avoid Facebook like I do Walmart, but the exact same thing was posted on Instagram. A lot of the gun manufacturers are getting like that, H&K is like that too. Didn't expect it from Glock though.
  20. This is precisely why I don't jump on bandwagons
  21. For one, it's not G19 sized. It has a 19 slide length with a 17 grip length. You simply can't fit 17 rounds in a G19 grip length. FN is horrible at marketing this, the new 509 seems to have been better at this. A lot of people want a defensive pistol to be used by military or cops and this has neither. Never was adopted in any large numbers by anyone.
  22. They run about the same velocity but have half the payload. You increase your capacity but decrease the number of pellets per shot by the same percentage. Fun for the range, and that's about it. If you need less than low recoil 12ga, gonna have to step down to 20ga or less. With all the feeding problems they have, I see them as a novelty at best and a liability at worst.
  23. Exactly. I don't rely on the government and never have and never will. I can survive Mad Max/TEOTWAWKI. But society can't. A civilized world can't. You can't give everyone all the luxuries and conveniences we have now then take it away and expect everything to be ok. The general population is soft. Expecting them to harden up through trial by fire won't work.


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