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Everything posted by mike243

  1. x2 ,also having a smokeless mz made out of any 45/70 single shot rifle is the cats meow if you already have 1 in that caliber. for probly less than $150 to have it converted   luv my savage
  2. I seen that forks of the river is loaded with sunflowers this year, it will be a awesome hunt if the weather & the harvest/bush hogging gets done properly there. don't forget to tell the newbies about the long hot hrs setting in the sun waiting for 12:00 to arrive then 5 minutes till folks move in about 25' from you :surrender:   .then no birds flying till about 6pm , been many times & will go many more even with all the down sides :up:
  3. Marlin 795,short lite takes mags so no having to work the lever to unload. no need to buy barrels as most will shoot less than 1" at 50y. it all depends on how much $ you want to spend for accuracy & reliability
  4. Juveniles under the age of eighteen (18) are prohibited from using handguns for the purpose of hunting. Straight from the hunting guide
  5. I have never owned a rifle that shot all ammo the same,buy several weights & different brands & you will find what it likes then work on the rifle.ammo testing can be as expensive or as cheap as you want it to be.  
  6. Who has the best prices for a complete upper & don't need target comp accuracy?  thanks
  7. About the only time I do any hiking is during hunting season, during small game its a ruger 6 7/8" competition target 22 in stainless with the LCP in my pocket, big game I still carry the LCP
  8. Why would we trust them while on duty but not when they are off duty? . Stuff happens & no one can stop any body from doing bad things,banning something has never stopped any thing Ever ! Sheepeople  thinking rules mean any thing to the bad guys only hurt the majority of law abiding folks that make up this great nation imo
  9. I live in Anderson but work a lot in knox, bad thing about term limits is that the good gets thrown out as well as the bad, Some positions take time to acquire the skills to do a great job ,term limits might do better to put in a 1 cycle break then let them run again & stand on the performance of past terms, let folks see who has done the better job 
  10. Looks like a reelection tactic to me, term limits will get him :)
  11. Take plenty of shells, I take off opening day almost every year. I also make my own power line [URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/utf-8BSU1BRzAwOTUuanBn.jpg.html][/URL] its fun to watch dove try to land on it lol. its a lot of fun & take the kids too if you have any
  12. Buckshot isn't legal for hunting in Tn, I would ck on some heavy shot or T shot being legal & how it patterns in your gun before you head out. we have a bigger problem with yotes than most of us know im afraid
  13. Look at the weatherby line ,I bought a 20g semi 2 years ago & its a fine shooting shotgun. I got the synthetic stock because I hunt in any weather. The wood stocks get great reviews but I have not seen 1 in person.
  14. nuf said !
  15. I don't mind it,when I first started id separate all the leg muscles so it took forever,now I bone them out & slice into steaks,if small pieces fall off that's stew meat lol. I 1/4 my deer out & put in a spare fridge set very cold to firm it up, that way you can trim & make nice slices without the knife wandering all over & sliver skin is easier to deal with. When the cost was $30 to get 1 done I didn't mind it,when it hit $50 then $70 I just cant justify paying somebody for 30-60 minutes of work when I can do it.now jerky I cheat,grind season & squirt into the dehydrator .Its great knowing how your meat was handled & that it was yours & not somebody elses. 
  16. the app was just released for the iphone very recent,they have had a site to ck in deer but the new app has a lot more stuff on it plus you get a email confirming deer was cked in, Have you received email with confirmation # on it ? 
  17. its for apple products only but supposed to be ready for android use some time this month, I have to wait for them to make it & then the other hard part, getting something to ck in lol
  18. RED333 my brother had a capnball pistol with a 12" barrel   & shooting a old Freon jug at 100y you tell it was slower than mine with a 8" ,any idea if the longer barrel slows it down or speeds it up? ,30g & round balls were our max loads & I know they make some with higher ratings
  19. the head twra guy SCN on tn deer sez legal. carried 1 for years, boat anchor would have been as handy lol, only had the chance to use it 1 time & forgot I had it in my back pack, holster got in the way in a climbing tree stand
  20. Hope everybody knows it opens the 9th & not this sat,I will be taking my savage smokeless to the woods,my home is smoke free after I gave my son my optima & capnball pistol last nite. hope all have a great season
  21. If its a split system that's way too much if they are not replacing the condenser unit also, if its a complete furnace ,coil & condenser the Freon lines will need to be changed in order to make sure the new unit wont be contaminated from the r-22 .they make a flush but I haven't used it before & don't know how well it works, a 90+ furnace with a heat pump is the best alt to saving $ in the long run.that would be in the ball park for the price around here or was a while back ,get more than 1 estimate.
  22. I think the biggest reason its not popular are the ballistics', the upside is no recoil, cheap to reload. Some states allow small game to be taken with them but the #s are to lite for me to consider it for a deer rifle 
  23. be advised all weapons have to be registered with them before the hunt ,cant swap & say I will hunt with this 1 today & that 1 tomorrow unless they have #s ect ,good luck
  24. Very little public land in that county ,folks have pretty much got the places locked up for hunting & you cant blame them,I have not seen any bragging on any of the hunting boards I surf,


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