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Everything posted by mike243
The fishing lic $ isn't part of the hunting $ for legal reasons. federal $ is given for fishing programs ect and cant be combined with other funds. I support the raise even though it will cost my son and his wife more. I got the grand kids their lifetime and I also have mine.for the cost of a pack of cigarettes the fishing and small game lic is hardly a huge increase imo and $30 some odd dollars spread into 365 days is still $ well spent if your a outdoors type. a 6 pack of top notch beer is upwards of $10 and how many folks complain about that cost. id bet this raise will cover another 10 years but guys life costs more every day and entertainment in any form isn't a necessity. Its all about choices and im in a win win deal here. Fewer hunters in the woods or fishermen on the water means a better chance to harvest my limit :) . In all studies I have seen the # of hunters has decreased which shifts the weight to fewer folks. we need more game wardens but with out $ for salary's it wont happen. they are looking to charge WMA users like horse rides bicycles hikers ect but when you start taking $ from them you open up their rights for time/services = $ /time taken from hunters ect. 15 years ago before I quit smoking it was $10-$15 a carton.Now I think I seen signs for over $50 . Can you imagine if lic went up the same % ? . I have to look at both sides here to be fair and don't see it as price gouging as much as it is insurance to insure the future of Tn sportsmen having a place to enjoy our state
[url=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/oakridgedoesfeet_zps488e9c50.png.html][/URL] added a doe killed on the oak ridge hunt sat,she has some piebald genes in her, all 4 feet looked like this and she had white on the back of her ears also,switching to shotgun this morning as my Nikon is spitting a gasket out the front.240g xtp shooting 2600+ fps
Well I prefer to hunt looking down the ridge as opposed to looking up when possible.trees make a fine back stop as long as they are big enuf and thick. slugs can be shot in any shotgun barrel but improved seems to be what they recommend. stay away from saboted loads as they are made for rifled barrels. shoot it at 50 & 100y to ck accuracy .good luck and keep the shoots under 150y as its got a rainbow trajectory and takes some practice to hit consistently past 100y
[URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/nov14yote_zpse1b65b55.png.html][/URL] [URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/nov14doesavage105lbs_zps01c08de0.png.html][/URL] [URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/2014spike_zps977d2347.png.html][/URL] [URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/20148pt_zpsa2424863.png.html][/URL] These were my muzzle loader kills so far this year. 250g sst 2320fps
Norris has a range for 200y some say its 220y but I never counted the steps and don't have a range finder ,great looking rifle hope it shoots as good as it looks :)
Primitive Season Instead of Muzzleloader Season
mike243 replied to 300winmag's topic in Hunting and Fishing
Your allowed to hunt with primitive muzzle loaders now, why would you limit others that have no desire to hunt as you do? , Should they use the same underwear as you and drink the same coffee or beer? why force your preferences on any body else when they don't try to force you to hunt as they do?. Can you tell us why you want others to be forced to hunt like you do ? . I suppose a 1 buck limit might be in order also so there can be a wall hanger behind every tree? . I for 1 only care that folks hunt legal and safe. what they use has no bearing on me. I used my muzzle loader all of gun season except for the last day of the season last year. I took my Winchester 300wm as we had a field to hunt with 500-600y shots possible. I hate bow season but have no desire to end it because a lot of folks enjoy it and a select few carry 1 all year then a few more will only use it til a firearm season opens then proclaim they only use 1 because they have no choice and cant compete against a rifle. I hope the lic prices stay stable but I have a lifetime so the cost wont affect me in the least. our lic fee's are the biggest part of revenue for twra as no state funds are given to support them. looking to extend seasons for special weapons has become popular in other states due to $ being generated but Tn will not add any more listening to some of the folks in charge and I agree. put in comments to change or add hunts to select wma's as most wont effect every hunter in the state and you can have a choice to put in for that hunt and not be forced too. just my .02 :) -
they have to be a resident of Tn in order to receive a lifetime lic. it doesn't matter if they move out of state they can still hunt and put in for hunts free with out having to buy another lic when they have a lifetime, my son was grown when they started the lifetime. I bought mine in 07 and it has pretty much paid for its self . TWRA doesn't take any $ from the states general $ pool and the state cant take control of the $ raised from lic sales. politics play no major role with how the bucks are spent or saved :)
Primitive Season Instead of Muzzleloader Season
mike243 replied to 300winmag's topic in Hunting and Fishing
No I wouldn't support using any cartridge in the muzzle loader season. I would support opening deer season to any weapon from the opening day to the last day. we don't need any more rules to support 1 type of weapon or to restrict another than we have already. Bow hunters keep trying to extend bow season either before or after the normal season. They all ready get over a month longer to hunt than any type of gun hunter. use your single shot rifles in the other states that allow it but keep our seasons and weapons as they are now and have been for a long time imo -
shot a 105lbs doe sat and a spike sunday in the 90lbs something range, im horn hunting now till gun season ,
got my savage dialed in with a few different loads and at this time tomorrow I will be going into the woods,hope every body has a great hunt and stay safe
Bushes chili majic,texas style,add onion & red bell peppers and its great every time , I have tried them all and have stopped trying to outdo this 1.
been using Norris a long time, you wouldn't like it lol ,I am pissed & would like to know who shot up the porta potty, id make sure they wouldn't ever have another gun in their hand
id pick a savage & if prairie dogs remember the cost to feed the beast lol ,a lot of good choices but ammo $ means a lot these days
I will take a 300wm over the 300wsm due to ammo availability & being able to shoot over a 180g bullet without any mods,from what I have read the mags wont handle the longer higher weights without some type of modification & maybe chamber work? .100fs isn't enuf to make me change my mind.the xtra hp of a wm cant be overcome by a 3006 no matter the ammo imo
Thinking about a 22 magnum rifle.....tell me about yours
mike243 replied to gregintenn's topic in Long Guns
[URL=http://s261.photobucket.com/user/mike243/media/100_0374.jpg.html][/URL] here are my rimfire rifles,back row 2nd from left is my marlin 22m ssv ,nef 17hmr single shot is a tack driver also -
Thinking about a 22 magnum rifle.....tell me about yours
mike243 replied to gregintenn's topic in Long Guns
I have a marlin ssv ,very accurate & is my go to squirrel gun when I might have a shot at yotes or other larger than squirrel critters. 3 shots less than 1" at 100y with cci . I normally hunt with Winchester hollow points as soft points are hard to find at times. fmj bullets are not legal to hunt with. im not sure if a game warden would ck my rimfire ammo but I wont take a chance lol -
Anyone here shoot Air Gun Matches?
mike243 replied to Westwindmike's topic in Competitive Shooting Sports
if its like most parks hunting may be allowed but target shooting isn't, id look it up on the parks web site or call the local rangers, take a name if they give the ok in case somebody else has a problem with it -
Cons: Overall Cost Frost-free freezers typically cost more to purchase than their traditional counterparts. In addition, frost-free models generally cost more to operate. Based on the U.S. Energy Information Administration's September 2013 report, one frost-free 15-cubic-foot freezer costing 12.5 cents per kilowatt hour will run you about $219 every year, while the equivalent manual defrost freezer only costs about $144 annually. A frost-free model costs more to operate because it uses a heater to melt ice crystals, a fan to circulate cold air and sensors to monitor for frost buildup.
that uses 103 kilowatt-hours per month will cost about $14 a month to run. Small Chest Freezer By buying an Energy Star unit built between 2001 and 2008, you can cut your energy costs for that same small chest freezer by less than half per month. A chest freezer sized below 16.5 cubic feet costs $53 per year, using a total of 404 kilowatt-hours per year, or 34 kilowatt-hours per month. When you divide $53 by 12, your monthly costs equate to a little more than $4 per month. Quicken Loans - America's #1 Online Lender www.quickenloans.com 15 Yr. Fixed at 3.125% 3.562% APR $1,742/mo 30 Yr. Fixed at 3.875% 4.142% APR $1,176/mo disclaimer Energy-Efficient Models An energy-efficient large freezer with more than 25 cubic feet will use about 956 kilowatt-hours per year, according to EnergyStar.gov. That equates to about $10 a month. When you reduce the size of your freezer, your costs go down. Standard freezer sizes run between 19 cubic feet and 22 cubic feet. Monthly costs for these units average about $67 per year or a little over $5 a month.
Being in the fridge repair business for a long time I will take a chest freezer over a uprite any day of the week. less operating parts food lasts longer due to no defrost/heat let into the insides. when the door is open the cold stays in. Freezers put out less heat as a rule of thumb because they are opened less & will never put out more than a fridge. whirlpool would be my first pick. milk crates in a chest freezer makes it simple to keep stuff sorted out, less $ to run due no defrost . About 1.2 amps on the compressor on either type. 4-5 amps of defrost every 12 hrs of run time on frost free models. I like simple so stay away from electronics if you can,surge protectors when you cant
the limits shut the heating element off but not the whole dryer, id say timer is dropping out mtl... also the door switch is suspect also