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About Rhodewarrior

  • Birthday 01/25/1975

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 26
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 43

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  1. Man... So jealous! I would love a 4" royal blued.
  2. Good news... Got my hands on one in .45 and the lightweight 9mm this weekend! Bad news is I don't know which one I want. Both...if I could afford them. I l love the all steel look of the .45 but love the feel of the LW 9mm, just not sold on the 2 tone yet. I guess I could cerakote it. The 9mm seems like it would be more fun to shoot too.
  3. I had a Commander SR1911 that was a great shooter. I sold it last year though. I gravitate towards sub compacts, so when I saw they make an officers size, it's right up my alley.
  4. I'm really interested in getting the Ruger SR1911 Officer model. Has anyone around middle TN seen one at their LGS. I would like to see one in person. The few stores I've been to haven't had them. Thanks in advance.
  5. Based on similar vehicle displays I've seen, it's most likely "real time" fuel mileage.
  6. It might be more geared toward first time Glock buyers, or new shooters. A lot of people think the 19 grip is too bulky but don't want a sub compact 43. There is a niche for it.
  7. I chose lifetime. For an extra $150 I never have to worry about it. Plus you never know how much it will cost to renew in 8 or 10 years, they could make it $100 per year! Or worse, they could stop issuing renewals. To many are out to eliminate our 2nd amendment rights. I always think back to something I SHOULD have done, didn't want this to be one of them.
  8. I rented one of these 2 weeks ago. It surprised the heck out of me how well I shot it. I shot a 2" group at 25' with the first mag. If I hadn't just bought a 43, I would definitely buy one.
  9. My mini-30 likes brass Prvi. It's hard to beat for the $.
  10. Yeah, I saw they had gen2 19's last week.  I wanted one but just bad timing with the holidays.  A Gen 2 19 will be my next gun!
  11. Uselton Arms opened in Franklin just before the R1 had come out.  I had spoken with Rick about them and he told me HE was involved in the production of the R1!! :shrug:   I guess I'll just stick to the adage "believe none of what you hear and half of what you see" 
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^ I was thinking this before I read it!!
  13. I know I could BUY a CCO gun.  Isn't half the fun of a 1911 customizing it to make it your own i.e. checkering/golfballing/bobtailing/engraving/coating etc. I like the my SR1911 platform and for me the PERFECT SR1911 would be commander slide with and officer frame.  Ruger doesn't make an officer frame I'm aware of, so if a transformation would be relatively easy I would like to do it.  I have never had a bare commander and officer frame side by side for comparison to know if it is even possible.


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