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Everything posted by phiferran

  1. I bet that Yarbro used a thousand words and said nothing!!  It was satisfying to see him and Rep. Love ticked off!!
  2.   Watching now.  Trying to guess how long it takes to make my blood boil. 
  3. My preregistration did not go through so I plan to be there at 8 am to register. Was it a long process to register onsite?? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Well, the saga continues. Notice Senator Norris comments in this article. http://wate.com/2015/04/06/haslam-says-he-favors-stripping-guns-at-capitol-provision-of-guns-in-parks-bill/ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. House had a non concur vote. No mention of the other two amendments. Back to the Senate?? Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk 2
  6.   I still get the feeling this bill is going to die today!!  But, I have thought that several times lately and it is not dead yet!! 
  7.   Supposed to be addressed later tonight. 
  8. Quick summary..   "The bill's sponsors, Sen. Mark Green of Clarksville and fellow Republican Rep. Curry Todd of Collierville, said the new measure clears up legal confusion over the original law and would place the burden on fired workers to prove that they were fired solely for storing their guns in company lots."   Link to a previous article...   http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/politics/state/story/2015/mar/23/tennessee-lawmakers-pass-right--sue-update-guns--parking-lots-law/294874/
  9. Well, our Gov did sign one bill today.  Todd and Green's parking lot bill.   http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/billinfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=HB0994
  10. I registered early last month and received nothing.  Sent them an email and they have no record of my registration and told me I will have to register at the convention. 
  11. Guess I am going on Saturday. Can't seem to motivate my wife and kids to go, but I plan to be there!! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Check this article out..   https://www.nashvillepost.com/blogs/postpolitics/2015/4/2/house_gop_press_conference_heated_over_guns_in_parks
  13. Praying for you and your family. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. I'm with you, I would be all over a SR45 compact.  The more I shoot my SR9c, the more I like it, especially for summer carry. 
  15. According to Representative Glen Casada, he predicts it will pass 60-39 and it may be on the calendar tomorrow.   I have quit trying to guess how this will play out--just trying to be patient and optimistic!!  So optimistic that I already bought a Pistowear holster for running on the greenway in the Boro!
  16. GKar, did that added amendment surprise you the way it played out??
  17. And the plot thickens....   http://wkrn.com/2015/04/01/video-guns-in-parks-bill-goes-before-senate/
  18. House either concurs and it goes to the governor or rejects that amendment and sends it back to the Senate. 
  19. Supposed to be April 6th so it would be in effect before the NRA convention.  Won't happen that fast!!
  20. House can either concur and send to the governor or reject the amendment and send it back to the Senate. 
  21. Now this is hard to believe!!!  A democrat adds an amendment allowing HCP holders to carry guns at the State Capitol???   https://twitter.com/TNReport/status/583282707263815680
  22. So the House eithers concurs with the amendment and goes to the governor, or they reject it and send the bill back to the Senate.   https://twitter.com/RickLocker
  23. Passed it with an amendment allowing those with an HCP to carry on Capitol grounds. 
  24. So the Senate passed the House bill this morning, but added an amendment.  Doesn't that mean it has to go back to the House to vote on the amendment???   http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/billinfo/default.aspx?BillNumber=HB0995
  25. I would love to shoot it, but work continues to get in the way of making it on Tuesday night. 


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