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Everything posted by phiferran

  1. I definitely want to look at one.
  2. I had heard rumors about a M&P Shield 45, but just saw this announcement today. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category4_750001_750051_780153_-1_757781_757781_image
  3. Hydor is correct. I went back to the basics and my bore sight showed my sights were off. Adjusted the rear sight and I am back in business. I also showed my slide to a friend of mine that is a glock armorer. He said not to worry about it and that issue is not uncommon in older glock 17's like mine. Thanks to all of you for reminding me to go back to fundamentals and not assume anything!!!!
  4. Thanks. Slide on mine looks very close to the pic in that article. I still have to find out why I started shooting 2" to the left at 7 yards all of a sudden. Could still be me--my old eyes are not seeing that front sight as clear as I used to.
  5. I'll work on receiver pictures when I get home. I have been trying to find wear on it and I need to break out the magnifying glass.
  6. I did take the slide stop out and checked it. Seemed ok-but I did have a glock OEM extended slide stop in for a couple of weeks. I didn't like it so much so I removed it and put the original back in. That was awhile back and it was shooting fine after that. This just popped up this week, but I wonder if I did have it misaligned. Would that cause issues on both sides of the slide?
  7. Went shooting this week and suddenly shooting 2 inches left with my Glock 17 Gen 3. I figure it is me so I slow down and focus on fundamentals. Grip and trigger press. No matter what I do, I shoot left. Good groups, but left. I give it to a buddy of mine who shoots Glocks and he shoots left as well. He picks up his own Glock 17 and he shoots great. So, I set it down and start shooting my CZ with no issues. I bring my Glock home and break it down and find a small chunk out of the slide. Almost appears the slide lock is digging into the metal???. I don't use the slide lock to go to battery. I grab the slide, pull back and let it fly forward. See pic (hope it works). Interested to see everyone's thoughts. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4C987C5A12473F81!65799&authkey=!AKiuOc1ebqyZaDE&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg will post more pics later
  8. Robert Fuller.  The guy from Laramie. 
  9. You are definitely in our thoughts and prayers. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. OS, the history says the dreaded amendment SA0999 was tabled.  Doesn't that mean it was not adopted???  I believe I may be ranting and raving for nothing. 
  11. To add even more fuel to the fire, the colleges can "opt out" by doing absolutely nothing at all.  Read Amendment SA0999 and see if your blood starts boiling like mine is right now.    http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=SB2376&ga=109
  12.   After reading the amendments, this law is pretty much useless.  Perhaps this is the foot in the door to change it later????  I agree with OS, no college will allow handgun carry on their property.   Haslam wanted the the "opt out" provision and he got it. 
  13. Thank you for introducing me to the MyFitnessPal app!!  Looks like I started my journey to lose 40lbs as of today!!
  14.   I was there last week and that does not apply to handgun ammo.  Applies to rifles and shotguns.  I have a yearly membership--but this will be the last year I buy it no matter how good a deal it is.  I only go at times when I know they are usually not crowded with inexperienced shooters.  Safety isn't the chief concern with many who go to shoot there now.  The one time I took my AR to shoot, both rifle lanes were broken.  I go to Walden's or OK Corral if I want to shoot rifles and shotguns. 
  15. I have a Molon Labe sticker on my truck but most people have no clue what it means.
  16. That is awesome!!  Well done!!
  17. I actually upgraded my Glock 17 by myself. Installed an OEM extended slide release and extended mag release getting ready for the GSSF Music City Shootout in May and getting ready to jump back into IDPA competitions. Can't believe it was so easy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18.   Thank you David.  Joined this morning.
  19. Welcome aboard!!!
  20. Maybe gundistrict.com can fill the gap.   http://www.thetacticalwire.com/story/366765
  21. 26/30--It appears that I guessed pretty well on some of them!!
  22.   This!!  I don't reload to save money--it is a hobby that is enjoyable and a stress relief for me.  With that said, I can reload and build up my stash over time without paying several hundred or even thousands of dollars at once which is better on the cash flow at home. 
  23.   I agree.  Details don't pass the smell test!!
  24. I have been interested in these sights as well.  I hope there is some feedback from others that have used them since I have "seasoned and experienced eyes" and am always looking for sights that would help out. 
  25. I have been very pleased with their 9mm plated bullets.  I haven't used their lead bullets yet, but thinking about trying their .45 ACP lead bullets.  No cannelure on the ones I used. 


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