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phiferran last won the day on March 3

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About phiferran

  • Birthday 02/22/1967

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  • Location
    Murfreesboro, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hiking, Camping, Hunting, Competitive Shooting
  • Occupation
    Production Manager


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Shadow Systems MR920
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 19 Gen 5

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  1. Ran across this post on the Honest Outlaw follow up….FWIW had similar problems out of the box, sent it back for warranty repair, it’s being sent back to me now. Here is the gun smith’s notes on the repair “Adjusted and tuned extractor assembly. Adjusted and polished feed ramp and barrel hood. Replaced slide stop spring. Functions checked and test fired good with CCI Blazer 9mm 115gr FMJ and Federal Premium LE 9mm 147gr HST in all customer supplied magazines in SA and DA trigger pulls using decocker.” 41 Reply
  2. Guess I’ll stick to my old P07 right now. Thanks for the range report @NoBanStan
  3. And yet another temptation…… https://www.smith-wesson.com/product/m-p-fpc-10mm?trk_msg=P078M270THEKL2KSTL4N87LI7G&trk_contact=9QRU0H3A00U39166PICORQIFMG&trk_sid=09K73V8TA5S9E4AHF21S07I4FK&trk_link=32D9G24MAL14B28M2811VPURE4&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=CHECK+IT+OUT&utm_campaign=Smith-Wesson
  4. Looking forward to a range report.
  5. Same for me.
  6. Arlington is definitely a humbling experience. The thoughts of all the sacrifices is overwhelming .
  7. I haven’t researched that yet.
  8. 7 and 15 yards. I need to get used to revolvers again before I branch out to 25. Have to work on my grip and trigger press.
  9. Range report: this thing is sweet!!! Much more accurate than I am. Have to get used to shooting a revolver again.
  10. Appears that Dan Wesson made revolvers at their plant for High Standard for a few years and this is one of those according to the serial number. It does say High Standard Sentinel Mark II on the barrel. It really feels good and I’ll provide a range report soon. @et45 thanks for the info and I’ll keep an eye out for any issues. No cracks or blemishes found on it so far.
  11. So I went to Outpost today and found on older High Standard Sentinel Mark II in excellent shape. First revolver I have bought in over 30 years.
  12. I use the same 5.11 bag and will keep it until just falls apart. I’ve used it for 4 years now and it still is in like new condition.
  13. Been too busy at work and traveling, so no purchase yet!!
  14. I’m trying to resist this one but I’m getting weak!! https://grabagun.com/tisas-1911-yukon-black-grey-10mm-4-25-barrel-8-rounds.html?trk_msg=DNOUOTFTNE5KL5BTV5P727USTC&trk_contact=9QRU0H3A00U39166PICORQIFMG&trk_sid=R3KEM230A0R6KMT6NR423E5VH0&trk_link=5OG9C19PV8OKR3T5IJ6AJR3VRS&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Tisas+1911+Yukon+Black+%2f+Grey+10mm+4.25%26quot%3b+Barrel+8-Rounds+(image)&utm_campaign=Blast+-+Behavioral+Banner


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