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About hoverking

  • Birthday 09/18/1962

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    Middle Tennessee
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. When is your next IDPA match?
  2. He did the same thing on me turned around after half an hour and he was snoring in chair
  3. Thank you I'll give them a call
  4. Glad I ran across this, I'll be checking this out
  5. Anybody know if Bend of the River still does skeet & Trap for the beginner been 12 years since I've been there. Hoverking
  6. Anybody in Middle Tenn have Sunday matches? I have to work on Saturdays and can't make any Hoverking
  7. I'm not new here just been gone for awhile between Grand babies , 2 daughters getting married and my job has keep me away So with that being said HELLO!!! Chris


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