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About EMAN

  • Birthday 10/23/1952

Profile Information

  • Location
    La Vergne, TN.
  • Interests
    Backpacking/hiking, firearms, family, home
  • Occupation
    Audio tech


  • Carry Weapon #1
    Keltec 9mm
  • Carry Weapon #2
    H&K USP 9 Compact

EMAN's Achievements

Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. I have a .308 Enfield I was given that has excessive headspace (supposed to be .010 and it's .012 or something like that). I was going to discard this firearm as I was advised not to shoot it but I've been told this can be repaired. Is there anyone local that can do this? Is it even worth it as this rifle is certainly not a collectors item or pricey? I wouldn't mind spending a little on it since it was free (I'm not sure the previous owner knew of the headspace problem and the rifle sat in my closet for 5 or 6 years before I even looked at it). Thanks.
  2. Wow...thanks for the info. I've been told by most everyone else that I might as well do as mentioned here, hang it on the wall. But I really like this thing. It's definitely a mans rifle and I'd love to save it if I can. I don't recall a peep sight on the receiver but I'll look when I get home. New found hope here....
  3. I have a .308 Enfield that was given to me. It apparently has too much "head space" to be safe to fire (supposed to be 10 thousands something or other and it's 12). So is this something I should just s--t can or is it something that could be repiared or modified? It's in otherwise pretty good condition. Hate to think I just toss the thing in the trash...
  4. EMAN

    Intratec Tec9

    I had one of these and the .22 version and frankly they were both a POS. More jamming than firing. Traded 'em for a tablesaw and a router.....more rewarding.
  5. EMAN


    I didn't want her to perhaps go to a gun range, get pulled over because her tailliight wasn't working or some other such BS and have some...exuberant...law enforcement person hassle her because she could not provide some sort of paperwork on the thing. I don't care what anyone says, this is the Amerika of the NWO and if you can be jerked around and intimidated over nothing for 30 minutes, especially when it comes to firearms, it will happen. Not so bad for me because I pretty much tell the offender to buzz off but for a 21 year old female, it could be somewhat traumatic. And no, I don't hate the police. I respect the job they supposedly do but sometimes, depending on the officer, they ARE overzealous. I drove a truck for several years in the entertainment industry and got crap over such heinous safety violations as improper punctuation on a manifest or a marker light out on the trailer. In the end, it was always about jerking me around for 30 minutes. I say, be prepared.
  6. EMAN


    Yeah...this is the one pistol I did NOT write down or copy the info. Even though daughter PROMISED to get permit and return info...no..really...she PROMISED....how many parents have been burned by this term (including my own). I appreciate the advice nonetheless.
  7. EMAN


    Maybe 2 years ago, I purchased a .38 S & W at a gun show in Smyrna (? Bob Pope show) to give to my about to be 21 year old daughter. As she promised to get her permit ASAP but had no other paperwork to prove ownership, I gave her my paperwork. Now, she has allowed (sorry, this is the most polite term I can think of as I have owned firearms for about 40 years, have moved them all over the country, had parties in the homes I've lived in, etc. and have yet to lose a one) this firearm to be stolen from her apt. last month sometime (Aug. 2009). I have reported the pistol stolen but have no idea as to whom I bought the thing from nor the serial number to add to the police report. I can't even remember the model number. Believe me, in some way in this, I blame myself for my inadequate record keeping and care. Thieves are thieves. Nonetheless, I am seeking some way to possibly retrieve that information. I am open to advice or suggestions. Thanks.
  8. Too much compromise. What are your kids going to have to compromise for THEIR kids. Just think though...with the current attitudes of our "leaders", maybe y'all won't have to worry about it much longer.... BTW, I wouldn't carry there either for reasons already given herein, i.e., too much body movement, etc. And I do respect their right as a private enterprise to tell me I can't. But not wanting to and being told I can't are not the same.
  9. Congress got their annual COL increase as well. Only $4700 or thereabouts this year though. Something they get everey year whether they want it or not...must be nice...
  10. EMAN

    .308 Enfield

    Thanks Astra and crap...I guess I keep hoping that I might get to shoot this thing at least once. Not sure why it's such a big deal. Just because probably. Maybe because it was free and it's otherwise in good condition. The pressure rating is what was explained to me more than a physical difference in .308 and/or 7.62 x 51. And difference between casing materials. So merely out of more curiosity, how do I determine the 2A/1A Ishapore thing? Only thing I've been able to remotely find about the rifle is that it was probably manufactured back in the 60's. I think around 1964.
  11. EMAN

    .308 Enfield

    I have a .308 Enfield that was given to me some time back with a box of .308 Winchester ammo. It has sat in a corner of the bedroom more or less as a doorstop. I drug it our recently to see if it was actually useable. It is clean and functions well but I have read and/or been told I cannot/should not use the Winchester ammo because of head tolerances or pressures. I have heard pros and cons and of course the folks who say screw it, shoot the darn thing anyway. As I love what remaining eyesight I have, I am notinclined to follow the latter advice. I did take the rifle to G&L where the gunsmith there, a really nice guy by the way, told me there was like .012 heade clearance and he advised not shooting the weapon. I have since been told that S. African .308 ammo is OK because it's military .308. DOH! I reckon I could rig the thing, tie a string to the trigger, stand back and see what happens to start at least. But will it hold up? Or will it blow up in my face at some future point? I am open to opinion on this. I like this rifle and would love to shoot it but not at the risk of injury obviously. Thanks folks.
  12. Actually, it was only a dinky ol' Phoenix Arms .22 pistol. Firecrackers make more noise. I lived in a neighborhood with some fairly close neighbors and I had a little over an acre. I tried to shoot when they weren't around only because I once had a ricochet from my 7.62. The closest neighbors were coming up their driveway the day Mr. Law was there so I would have stopped anyway.
  13. EMAN


    "Lord, I apologize for that right there, and please be with the starvin’ pygmies in New Guinea, A-men”......
  14. EMAN


    Not yet but yours might have been......
  15. Hey 2old...you ever discharge your firearm at home? Just curious because I used to live in Madison. Once, while teaching the daughter to shoot using a .22, the law stopped and axed me what the heck was I doing and did I not know that it was illegal to do this. Having looked it up, discharging a firearm in the General Services district of Metro (of which Madison is a part) is/was perfectly legal from sun up to sun down, unlike the Urban Services district where even shooting a BB gun is illegal and I quoted the exact code which stated this. They backed up a bit, obviously did NOT know this was so, and politely axed me to cease and desist. As the neighbors were coming home anyway, I politely complied. I think I got a chubbie from watching them stutter a bit though.


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