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Everything posted by Auburn

  1. After looking around, it looks like all the Holosights are gone. Oh well, back to EOTech.
  2. Gander Mtn has them for $250, but I've seen that on other sites for less than that. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?r=view&i=413255&aID=503N8&cID=FROOGLE_413255
  3. I've been looking for an EOTech, but have also considered the Bushnell Holosight, which is made by EOTech. Do any of you guys have a Bushnell? Whatdoyathink of it?
  4. Since you are in Knox, consider taking it to Predator. I took my Saiga to them for threading. It was worth the $40 they charged me to make sure it was done right.
  5. After reading this thread, I went to Bill's today for the first time. Really friendly and helpful. Prices were OK, selection was a little thin...but more stock arriving this week. I'm glad I found the store.
  6. What new range?
  7. Auburn

    Any FBI members?

    PM sent.
  8. Thanks all. I agree that the way to play the game is switch back and forth. My biggest concern about Dish is reliability in bad weather. We used to have lots of trouble with DTV until I went to HD and got a bigger dish. I assume Dish is pretty much the same.
  9. That's pretty-much what I ended up doing. Of course, 2 of the rivets were no problem, but the 3rd one caused some trouble. I did reuse the triggerguard and found that if I bent it out a little, I could force it under the mag release catch..and it stays in place because of the tension. It beats trying to put a screw under the catch to hold it.
  10. I'm thinking about changing from DirecTV to Dish Network. Does anybody have experience with them? Any comments would be welcome. Thanks-
  11. Congrats. I just did my second one. Getting the welded plate off the bottom of teh receiver was kind of a PITA, but everything else was smooth.
  12. The HiPoint carbine is fun. Aftermarket stocks solve the "ugly" issue. Just DON'T buy ProMags for them!
  13. I have converted a x39 and a 223. Luv em both. I think I have about $420 total in each one, including the conversion parts, barrel threading, and furniture. I am having some feed & eject issues on the 223 that has me puzzled, but I'm working on it.
  14. Just wondering how it is a Bulgarian AK74 if the receiver is US?
  15. I have two Romy WASR-10's, and two converted Russian Saigas (x39 & 223). All affordable to buy and reliable to shoot. I'm thinking seriously about picking up a 5.45 Saiga next.
  16. Auburn

    223vs556 HELPPPPP

    Just curious how much you paid?
  17. A couple of years ago I bought a Storm Lake 9mm conversion barrel and some 9mm mags for my G22. Everything works fine, but one day I did the math and was really surprised how much 9 I had to shoot to break even on the $. I think it was about 1500 rounds or so. I'm not sure I'm there yet.
  18. +1 on the Loctite.
  19. +1 on doing the conversion yourself. Installing the feed ramp was the only tricky part for me...just because I was afraid that I would ruin the rifle if I screwed up. If you want to skip that step, now you can buy dedicated Saiga 30 round mags that will feed fine. But, they are expensive compared to the millions of available cheap AK mags.
  20. I've got three of the Classic Arms WASR-10's. Paid under $300 for each of them a few years ago. They didn't look pretty when I got them, but with a little wood refinishing they all look great now. I've never had any of the WASR problems that many other folks have experienced. They go bang every time with decent accuracy. I also have a couple of Saiga's that I really like. It takes a couple of hours of work and a few new parts to convert them to be 922r compliant to use hi-cap mags, but the result is a Russian AK for a good price. The conversion isn't hard at all.
  21. For those of yopu who ordered this ammo, what was the shipping time? Are you still happy with it?
  22. Auburn

    40 vs the 9mm?

    If you go with the.40 cal Glock, you can then buy a 9mm conversion barrel that will fit it. Add a few mags, and you end up with BOTH a 9mm and a .40 cal Glock.
  23. One less burglar in the world: Roane homeowner kills burglar; second suspect charged Knoxville News Sentinel
  24. My 995 dropped right into the ATI stock without any mods. And yes, Promag sux!
  25. I agree that this sound like trigger slap which is caused by a crappy Century Arms fire control group. The best fix is to replace the FCG (about $30), or you can grind down part of the existing FCG to help eliminate the problem. There is a tab on the back side of the disconnector that should be removed. At one point, there was a good tutorial on how to do this on gunsnet,m but it looks like it is gone. This might help though: Trigger Slap


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