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Everything posted by Warbird
Is this one of the Euro Police guns that have just been exchanged and the old ones are moving into this country. From what I have been seeing the price on the P7 has come down quite a bit, though the M8 and M13 have not. Unless I missed it, yours is the standard P7 with the Euro style mag release? I love these pistols and want another. As was noted they do get hot quickly, my experience was after 50 or so rounds. One of the guys who shoots on our range has 2 of them for that purpose, while one cools, he's heating the other one up. They are not inexpensive to buy, nor are mags cheap. But you can run over those mags with a car and keep using them, they are virtually indestructable. They are extremely accurate with the slide very close to the top of the hand. Very little flip. I made the mistake of letting someone talk me out of my last one. I might trade my 228 in toward one too. I don't know. Here's a great little video on the P7.[ame=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6239098748148707308][/ame] [ame]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6239098748148707308[/ame]
I do know that John donates his time to the TFA, he is not paid. I don't think he has ever been paid for his TFA work. Which really means he pays out of his pocket to do the TFA work because it is no longer free for a volunteer lobbyist to register with the state. Every lobbyist now has to pay the fees. John is a full time attorney and has a practice to run as well so time out of the office is time not getting paid. There are a few folks on the hill trying to look out for your rights, people who have contacts and credibility already. What they need is mobilized forces. They themselves also need to do a better job getting their word to the members, supporters what have you. Maybe some of you could help with those efforts. Almost everyone can give something; time, treasure or talent.
All the guns I buy are for concealment purposes. I buy them and then conceal them from my wife seeing.
Deep concealment. When I read that, I thought it was somebody shoving their gun up their butt.
It means best of luck with any of it or all of it. You have decided who is effective and who you would model your group after, so go to it.
You have said much, much in these words. Thank you! There are 90 million gun owners in the US, 27+ million in recent surveys said they support the efforts of the NRA and even more than that support the 2nd amendment. Yet the NRA stands at 4 million, TFA who knows how many, this board what a couple of thousand, if that? Stand up, support those who carry the banners for you, encourage your friends and relatives to stand as well. Then we will succeed.
TFA has been around since the early 90's sometime. You cannot compare the two, because one is a lobbying organization and one is a bulletin board. What success of TGO, the fact that they are a growing BB? In a bb world maybe that is a success and it's always good to see people of like minds come together. But from a political point of view they have done nothing. You are right, it's a silly comparison. I will say TFA is not nearly effective as they could be. For that matter no one is, but they have certainly done more from a state level group than almost anyone. NRA constantly works also on being more effective as well. But, I will tell you this, there's always a contingent of people who are never satisfied with the efforts of anyone. And every group will have members who are happy with them one day and mad at them the next. It's the nature of the beast. In bad times you better hope you have established groups to help stop the bad. The NRA and TFA have battled back many attacks in TN for many years. Most of these you never hear about at all. They are also the types of battles won because of close working relationships with pro-gun legislators. I dare say most of you have never heard of the Tennessee Center for Policy research. But their effect has been pretty great over the last number of years on policy and politicians in Tennessee.
Organized luncheons for the purpose of passing legislation is completely ineffective. You need to grow an organization through mail and membership efforts, raise money, build a database and mobilize people at the drop of a hat and number one, prove effective in elections. That is what politicians listen to. Nothing else matters. If you seem effective then they will listen to you and come out to something you may have for your members. That comes last not first. Organizing people in groups and having meetings for the purpose of talking about gun issues is worthless. Having people come out to the capitol at key times can be very effective, if the right people come out. Emails are utterly worthless for pressure, they are easily deleted and a politician cannot verify where they were sent from so they don't look at them as district pressure. Cards and letters are far more effective. Phone calls as well. Very effective when used at the proper time. At a minimum you will be looking at 3 to 4 years to be at all effective. If done right, you will start to be able to be so about that time. Unless, unless something drastic happens when the rights of citizens are in real danger, then you will a faster pace evolve.
First, as I said, I have absolutely no connection with John Harris and TFA other than I know John and I know the history behind the issue. I am not paid by TFA and have zero official capacity of any kind at all with that organization. Nor have I ever had any official capacity with TFA. I can see where you would have thought that to be true, however it is not. I simply want the facts to be known. Second., my comment as to people being members was not directed at you , but to several others who stated that John Harris and the TFA were irrelevant because they hadn't heard of him before, They also made false statements. My comment was not directed at you, I am sorry you thought so. I should have separated the comments into different posts.
I believe I said the TFA and John Harris were instrumental in passing the carry legislation and the reform of the legislation 3 years later because the legislature mucked it up on the floor the first time. John Harris wrote much of the legislation that is code today. The NRA, TFA, Harold Stockburger and Jim Holcomb along with a couple of more people took the bull by the horns and made it happen when everyone said it wo0uldn't. They ran all the same ads back then about the wild west and such. So, if you enjoy your right to carry today, one of the main people you can thank is John Harris. If you enjoy the fact that the carry rights were taken out of the hands of local sheriff's departments, you can thank John Harris and a couple more people who I could mention, but I won't. You can either like TFA and John Harris or not, it doesn't make a hell of a lot of difference to me. There are things they do that I like and things I don't. But I won't allow anyone who knows nothing of the history of this issue in this state to make the people who made it happen irrelevant.
I think you meant to call this post Wilson County, not Williamson.
Have you read any of the above posts? I think I stated pretty clearly what some of their successes have been. As to how many members they have, I have no idea. As to gun shows and such, I know I saw them a month ago at a gun show I attended. The reason why someone may have heard or not heard of a particular organization, I can only guess it is because of where they go and who they know as to how they are introduced. I do know John Harris is a regular on several talk shows. I know that I know many more people who know of TFA than know of this site. I know that I only know of this site because I have a friend who was a member here. I have never heard it discussed my anyone who I know if the gun world and I know a whole whole lot of them and have been around it a long long time. And let's get one thing clear, TFA is a ©4 lobbying organization, not a website, Their purpose is not to run BB's or to have moderators on their site and such. Their job is to be on the hill. I will admit that TFA has not done the job they needed to get more involved, they should have spent more money attracting new members and getting funds for elections than they have. If you think you can be effective politically w/o money you are living in a dream world. If it could be done I would have done it a long time ago. An internet world politically has very very tight constraints and limitations to its effectiveness. The suggestion that NRA hasn't been effective at all is also disturbing to hear. Want to know of the NRA's effectiveness ask Handgun Control, which believes w/o the NRA they could have already succeeding where Britain and Australia to name a couple have done so. Ask Bill Clinton if you want to know of the NRA's effectiveness.
I don't need to check my facts, I know them. Where were you when we passed carry in TN? You don't have to like the TFA but every time you carry your weapon on your person in public it is because of John Haris, TFA, NRA and several others who made it happen. And I know for fact that John is still looked at for advice and information everytime a pro-gun legislator wants to push or block any firearm legislation on the hill. I know that for fact. Purely absurd to call him irrelevant. I don't know who your connections are, but I do who mine are. I ask again where were you and what have you done?
I just don't see where the 5.11 looks much different from any other typical cargo pants. I highly doubt a criminal will say hey, now there's a guy in 5.11 tactical he's carrying a gun, shoot him first. I say wear whatever is comfortable to you. IF you like cargo style pants wear that stuff. If you are not comfortable when carrying you are less likely to carry. People come up with wild extraneous scenarios in their heads for reasons to not wear or to wear this or that. Big whoop, wear what is comfortable and usually what conceals the best, though I wore in the open in Colorado for a couple of years as there wasn't a law for concealment. Every person is built differently, big guys will have a harder time concealing and they may even at times wear, gasp a vest, oh my. your safety does not depend on others, it depends on you, the keys are great training and being aware, alert. That is what saves you, not the clothing you wear or don't.
For anyone who may be interested Wayne Lapierre will be in Kingsport on the 18th of April to speak at an event for the Tennessee Conservative PAC. It will be at 7pm at the Meadowview Convention Center.
Who said that? Whoever it was, was either brand new or a liar. I don't know anyone on capitol hill who doesn't know John Harris. Certainly anyone who supports 2nd amendment rights on the hill knows him well. He has had an impact and a major one historically on the gun issues over the last 15 or more years. I will also say if you don't know what is going on at the state legislature, then that's your fault. TFA does constant email alerts on goings on and the status of bills, The NRA has numerous times this year had Tennessee news on firearms legislation. Lastly, if you think for an organization to be worthwhile, a bunch of folks need to get together every month to be effective, then you are simply wrong. What is needed is mobilization efforts, both targeted and statewide and a strong organizational structure which is able to function because people take a financial interest and decide to tithe a worthy cause. I will say TFA has fallen down on the mobilization efforts, but much has to do with th fact that despite comments of money to an attorney, they don't operate on much of a budget and most goes to operating the email alerts and such. Organizations that 'get folks together' to discuss whats going on all over the state get just one thing accomplished, nothing. I figured that out a long long time ago.
Anyone saying they are interested in preserving our 2nd amendment freedoms and the nation's largest gun rights organization should certainly be there. the cost is less than a few boxes of ammo, you can enter raffles to win free guns and it goes to a good cause. Remember also, half the money raised by the FONRA comes back to the states to be used at ranges and for youth shooting programs and such. That is the future of our gun rights.
I have looked on and off for one for some time. How much are they going for right now, ballpark. I was thinking they had gone up quite a bit.
I have the Surefire 6P LED. This is different from the standard 6P. It burns at 80 lumens for 11 hrs. The standard is 65 for 1 or 2 hrs I think it is. It only costs about $15 more than the standard 6P. I got mine at On Target in Murfreesboro for about $15 less than Lowe's sells it. Great deal. I love this light. I have tried the conversion kits for the maglites and never was satisfied.
For me the Sig is the superior firearm. It fits me better. I have a 228 and a Pietro Beretta 92. The Sig always out shoots the Beretta. Why? Probably because it fits me better. No matter how great the rep of any particular firearm is, if it doesn't fit you, it's not worth crap to you, unless of course it's a collectors piece and you just want one. I also find the Sig 226 and 228 to be easier to carry concealed, if that is something you are interested in, maybe not. But again, it's easier for me to conceal. However, I will also say my Glock 27 or H&K .380 is even easier than that to conceal, so there you go. IMO the advice which has said go to a gun shop that rents or try a friend's is best. Try them on for size. See how they feel in the hand and how comfortable they are to shoot. Grab a holster and try that as well if you are thinking of carry.
Chinese Boxing and much of Kung Fu are based on Tai Chi movements. I don't know if you are in one of the aerobic class style Tai Chi,. yoga etc style things or Tai-Chi as it is used for principles of martial arts. If it is the latter that site could give you ideas for some groups in your area. http://www.chineseboxing.com/index.html
Thank you for the welcome and I hope you are enjoying your right to carry here. I appreciate your kindly jabs also about driving the rightwing machine. If it keeps you all involved I shall drive any of you around the park. Perhaps someday I shall be able to share with you how I got that moniker. Again, I shall enjoy your input about your thoughts on the RTKBA and other defensive combat issues.
Hey all. I'm a long time gun enthusiast and a driver of the right wing machine. While I have rifles, shotguns and pistols my main biggest interest is in handguns. I look forward to being as active as possible and reading everyone's input on all things gun. Flyfishtn steered me over to these parts just recently.