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Everything posted by Warbird
I will say this though about revolvers. They are reliable and certainly don't have the jam or feeding prob tendencies of some semi-autos but, the old adage that they will not jam is a fallacy. They will jam and I have had it happen to me and seen it happen to others. These were high quality revolvers from excellent manufacturers and they were relatively clean, though none were completely clean as they did not jam on the first shot. I don't mean to open a can of worms here, I am simply pointing out a myth. And if, IF a revolver jams it is far worse than if a semi-auto jams almost 100% of the time. Because you cannot simply clear a jam on a revolver. On the whole though I do understand the thought process of those who carry a revolver because they deem it more reliable. I don't care for the words Never and Always.
Cohen is no friend of the Ford's. In fact they despise one another. That being said, Steve Cohen makes Harold Jr. look like Jesse Helms. He is one of the most liberal members of the house, period which really says something when he competes with Henry Waxman and and that ilk. His record as a state senator was abysmal on gun rights. I agree that he is smart. I wouldn't say he was the smartest on the hill. David Fowler and even though he has slipped in the last few years Douglas Henry are both extremely bright gentlemen. I would listen and let him know you as a gun owner and member of his district are there. But don't try to go toe to toe with him unless you have an excellent A game. He is a real smart ass and will relish taking on anyone who tires to out legalize him.
One thought, not all encompassing, but steel is high high right now. Wheel guns often have a lot more steel than autos. Also you may think they haven't changed but they have. Manufacturers are tooled to what sells most. To make revolvers requires different tooling and tooling for something that doesn't sell as well. It takes time from making autos which competition says they have to sell for excellent prices. Therefore they sell for more. Just a few thoughts. Also most quality revolvers are not cheap to make, ask Smith, they screwed up thousands of 'em mass making them.
I doubt that. They have been on the same weekend quite a few times. Goodman loses out. Pope show will still be as big as usual. At least it always has been when this happens.
Do any of you with engineering degrees actually work in that field? Mine is in aerospace, the most worthless of all of them, too specialized. And no I do not work in that field. The closest I came was as a pilot and then as a lobbyist for the aerospace industry. You DO NOT want me designing or engineering anything that you would fly, trust me. My brain occasionally will think like an engineer, for instance when I am around guns or planes, but that's pretty much it. We all have to know our limitations. And I know mine, I am adequate at best as an engineer. I only majored in it to be a flyboy. I hated, HATED the math. By the way sling, thanks for the pics, I love the P7. It does look good. I also have a Sig, a 228. We share similar tastes in weapons.
I agree that it is a very reliable system. Perhaps the conversation related to the cylinder accidentally being coated. Obviously rails channels and barrels shouldn't be coated. I am remembering off of old conversations and that well may be what I was not remembering of the talks. As I said though, if that is what the owner wants of his firearm all good and well. Shoot what you like how you like. If it is reliable to them great, that's what's important.
Well that's my understanding Mars. I have had only 2 of them so I am not an expert and neither were refinished at all. But, my engineering undergrad probably exerts itself here and I am likely far pickier than most on this type of thing, probably too picky. There are advantages to that type of surface and disadvantages. I like what I like and am glad others like what they do. Also I have nothing against durable finishes, in fact I insist on them on my combat carry pieces. I don't want a presentation piece on my hip. As I said to each his own. in general my opinion is not to coat over a surface. I was told by several gun builders not to do so on the P7. I am well aware quite a few have and with no problems, but again that's just me. From an old school perspective and as a person who hangs out with collectors to me it's sacrilege to put such a finish on a weapon that is a better investment than most of them. In a couple of years they will be very high in price yet again. So if I was to put put on a new finish it would be done as good as one can get. Again that is just me, no offense meant to sling or any of the other the duracoaters of pistols out there.
The picture you guys are presenting is hilarious. But the AGENT on the shirt is just too much.
Being that my wife was a competitive shooter who could still blow me away if I ran 1000 yards away and being that she is a lawyer who knows more tricks than I and take me to the cleaners, I shall refrain from making any additions to this hilarity. Her father didn't bother to scare potential boyfriends with his guns when she was growing up. He, who was a sniper trainer in the Corps, NYPD Tactical and in Executive Protection for many years, simply told them he had taught her to do it herself.
That's one of the reasons I do not try to Duracoat anything myself. It's popular I know, but that's just me. Now those places where you scraped the coat off you could have rusting. I would never Duracoat a P7. The P7 is designed to have very tight tolerances and it works off of very precise engineering. Any additional material on the metal can easily cause the gas operated system to have problems. That is why P7 owners have finishes put on their guns which do not add to the metal, they transform the metal itself and imbed in it.
Refinishing a handgun... DuraCoat, Parkerizing, etc.
Warbird replied to JimmyJoe69's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
I think the bake is good for rifles and shotguns. Because of the moving slides and tolerances of a handgun I would go with another finish that won't add any layer to the metal. Hard chroming, NP3 and Roguard are excellent finishes. I'm especially partial to the first 2. Melonite is also good. -
WOW, a Foose. That set somebody back a ton of money.
Ahem. So you are assuming we break the law if we kill a snake. I can kill a snake and not break the law so no I am not picking and choosing to which laws I abide. And lets say a TWRA official says it is against the law, which in itself is grey, they do not necessarily know the law. Do you realize how many law enforcement officers have thought they knew the law and were wrong? Do you know how many government officials who you call about a law are wrong. It happens a lot. DHS and DCS case workers will often say they know the law on a subject and they don't. Are you an attorney or do you live with an attorney?
As I said earlier, this is a non-profit organization. They are NOT an official state entity and have zero authority to ever tell me what I will do or not do. Who cares what they put on their site they can say the sky is black, that doesn't make it so. They site no code at all on that site either. And the code that exists does not pertain to these situations at all. I know the law and I don't need for them to tell me the law, they have their own ulterior motives.. Never worry about killing a snake in your yard if you feel it's a threat to you. Period. If you want to worry about the snake huggers then do, but I sure as hell won't.
In this instance, yes. Period. To me anyway. I won't try to get the government to tell you to kill the snake for the children. It doesn't take a village to kill a snake.
EXACTLY! Anyone who has kids would never say, unless they were absolutely off their rockers, that some poisonous snake in their yard hanging out is doing nothing to anyone. I think the only people who could say that have never lived near copperheads and cottonmouths. Those are very aggressive poisonous snakes. Man I'd never let them live near me and even though rattlers will usually avoid conflict a child or dog may not know better and get bitten. Better a dead snake than a dead child. I will also point out that website, tnsnakes.org is not a state entity they are a non-profit organization and put whatever they want to on their site, They site no code on it at all. In the case of a snake being in your yard you have every right to kill it w/o fear of breaking any law. There is no snake in TN on the endangered species list. This law pertains to handling and hunting snakes for the purpose of killing for hides or selling as exotics. Growing up we had many snakes around, the biggest pains were the black racers because they would chase you if you ran from them. But, they kill poisonous snakes, so we always left them alone.
I have Glocks, Sigs, HK's and had 1911 customs. I loved the 228 I had for a long time. It never once failed me, but eventually I decided to stop carrying it. For one the double action first shot. I don't like the change from DA to SA and I don't like DAO's. To be truly competent with a DA to SA you have to practice a great deal. For spec forces groups who shoot sigs they are perhaps one of the greatest weapons made, with exceptional reliability and very good accuracy for a combat piece. I wasn't able to practice like I had and no longer felt competent with the firearm. The other thing I don't care for with the Sig is the high bore sight radius on the pistol. I'm sure you will enjoy shooting your new Sig, the 228 is my favorite.
Yeah one of my coworkers has one and I agree that it is a nice gun but too bulky for carry.
I visited the CMMG folks in Missouri a few weeks back. Quite an impressive group of people in my opinion. The owner's business has taken off and he has added quite a few staff. I always love an American success story and this seems to be one in the making. I am certain many of the other small manufacturer's out there are excellent as well, but this one was one I had a chance to visit with.
What handgun caliber(s) do you carry for self defense?
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Currently a 9 or a .40. I have carried just about every carry pistol round at one time or other, except .32. I don't remember ever owning a .32. Occasionally I carry an old HK .380. A great little gun, the HK4. They were the first pistol made by HK. It is very similar in design to the Walther PP. -
The standard size Witness is interchangeable with the CZ 75 for holsters and such. I used numerous holsters for the CZ with mine. Now that it has the comp frame I can't because the trigger guard is larger. I've never shot a polymer frame Witness so I have no opinion of them. Another reason I saw for the breakage was IMO the high use of the 9x21 back in the day, often people who used the standard 9x19 then put the other in for comp and often forgot to change springs and such. That's just what I saw, perhaps there were other issues. I think the reason they stopped using them for comp so much was newer, lighter opportunities.
I have one. It's essentially a CZ-75. Yes they are accurate and very reliable. They are heavy, not a great carry weapon. Mine has a blued slide and a competition stainless frame. I also have a 9x21 barrel for mine. They are very versatile, can be carried cocked and locked or hammer down, double action first pull. The safety also has a decocker on it. Mine is still very tightly fitted as it was set up for comp a long time ago. They are one of the most comfortable pistols IMO you will ever shoot.
Nice scores. You will like the Beretta. I own a Pietro Beretta 92. Stay away from that RG, they're a dangerous gun. Put that one away and just keep it for the sentimental value.