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Everything posted by Warbird
TFA makes Jimmy Nafeh the issue for 2008
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yes I need to. I have a picture of Churchill on my office wall with the quote. Great quote, Churchill was not short of great quotes that's for certain. -
TFA makes Jimmy Nafeh the issue for 2008
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Len it wouldn't have to be anywhere near $95000 even w/ reply devices if you do it right. -
TFA makes Jimmy Nafeh the issue for 2008
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Greater than, no way. I'm sure he knows more than I do about something, but politics isn't going to be it. -
TFA makes Jimmy Nafeh the issue for 2008
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
LMAO... I wondered if that's what you meant. I'm not going down this road with you. I tried to give some insightful analysis. I tried to be friendly and give info on some players who do want and are working for the job. The fact that you don't realize the anybody but Naifeh mantra could be worse shows me you know nothing, nada. So keep up your useless boycotts and snide remarks and keep thinking you are in the know. LMAO Suffice it to say I have more knowledge in my big toe on politics in Tennessee or any other state or the District than you will ever have in your entire body. I've forgotten more than you WILL EVER know. I don't need a barber. And if you knew anything about politics in Nashville, you'd know the political gossip is gleened at a couple of specific shoe shine spots, not at the barbers. Other than their nice shoe shine I have no need for that gossip either. -
TFA makes Jimmy Nafeh the issue for 2008
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Excuse me? Oh please do explain. -
TFA makes Jimmy Nafeh the issue for 2008
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Doubtful what? That he wants the job, that he is working to get the job, or that he could get the job? You have no idea who could get the job, if anyone can wrangle it away. That's all up in the air right now and much much politicking to do. The question is not whether the dems could get some repubs to go with them to oust Naifeh, supposing the repubs won't get the four needed seats, the question is could the repubs get enough dems to go their way on a mutually agreed to conservative dem, as they won't get the dems to vote in a repub. -
TFA makes Jimmy Nafeh the issue for 2008
Warbird replied to TGO David's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Naifeh would still have won even w/o those republicans votes. They were just squishess who voted for him for favors. You don't want a repub to say he will vote for anyone to get Naifeh out if the repubs don't take the 4 seats necessary, and I tell you that is a long shot right now. The current most powerful dems wanting Nafeh's job, and a LOT of dems are mad at Naifeh, could well be bad news for gun owners. Probably the man most working to get Naifeh's job now is Odom, he is a leftist would would be far worse than Naifeh. Naifeh blocks good legislation, but hasn't done anything to help the gun grabbers take back ground. Odom is a gun grabber and would do so. Be wary of what you ask for, you might get bitten. -
Certainly a unique design and one that stood the test of time. Classic in the technical sense, but it was produced in large numbers for 90 years. Same for the Mauser, a great rifle. I have 2 myself and once won a shooting competition with w/o a scope when everyone else had a scope. Mauser is a classic in that technical sense as both can be. But I am especially interested in seeing smaller production non-standard rifles. Like I said, falling blocks, side by sides and over/unders. Not that the others are not classics, but I want to see some examples of what TGO members have that is unique by today's standards of rifles.
I want to see some classic rifles; side by sides, over/unders, even Hawkens, or Sharps. Great old British and Belgian guns. Falling blocks, rolling blocks. Classic big game guns. Let's see something interesting. Do you shoot them? Do you hunt with them?
I heard tell of this fellar I knew that liked wearing his six shooters on his hips and his wife too with nothing on but their underwear. Now that I think on it I wonder if that was only about home defense.
While JMB was arguably the most prolific gun genius in US History and he did have significant involvement with Winchester lever guns most notably the models 1886, 92, 94 and 95, he did not invent the lever gun. I don't think anyone in their right mind could ever, in any possible way, discount JMB's influence on gun history and engineering or on modern weaponry. He was among the titans of the industry. The fact that his basic designs are used today is phenomenal. Think of the changes in major designs since the 1911 was designed, automobiles and airplanes for instance. However others including Colt were also visionary and made monumental designs that again are still used today and the ones today are not fundamentally much different than they were then proving again that sometimes perfection of engineering is hard to ever beat no matter the technology. They can make em better today, better tolerances, stable consistency and more efficiently driving down the costs, but fundamentally they are the same design. JMB was a phenomenal inventor and his real talent was that he wasn't attuned to only one type of firearm, he influenced everything from lever action rifles to machine guns to auto-loading pistols to over under shotguns. His last invention was in fact an over/under where he invented the single select trigger, later perfected by his son. What a way to end it all, a throwback to the old days, a shotgun, two shots.
The 36 was a beautiful car. I am very partial to 30's model autos. The lines and layouts were great. I loved the interiors nearly as much as the exterior. Wonderful selection. And for many who don't know these cars are still around and many can be found for decent prices.
I'd have to agree, it's always good to have something from several great designers. Personally I'd add more to the list. I enjoy my Glock 27, Colt .45 and Colt revolvers, S&W revolvers and Ruger Single actions as well as rifles. I also love the contributions of the Beretta family in shotguns, Winchester in rifles and many more. As far as JMB goes, my prized 1911 is a true 1911 made by Colt for a relative of mine in 1918, an officer in the military. A member of my family carried that pisiol in every war until Vietnam. The bluing and fitting were pristine and despite wear in numerous wars it is in excellent shape. That being said, my favorite JMB is the High Power. 1911's, quality ones at least do not ever lose their value, they are not inaccurate and have excellent positive qualities. They are also not inexpensive, and if they are it is usually because they need work to get them to true combat defensive standards for reliability and accuracy. That is not cheap, once it is done they may be as good as anything better even than almost anything, but it is still necessary. I have owned and shot many from many manufacturers and before I carry one certain things have to be done. You may disagree but that is my experience from hundreds if not thousands of them shot, held and watched of others and talking with them.
Or worn in the open. Don't confuse what happened in a small number of towns as the norm. I would suspect on the whole that the majority of people did not even own a handgun, they owned rifles and shotguns first and foremost. Handguns were owned by those with wealth or who had certain jobs which lended itself to necessity.
Naifeh and the Tennessee legislature?
Warbird replied to DaveTN's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Naifeh does appoint the committees true,. The gun bills have been seen in several house committees over the last few years, failing in each. However the reason he can always win is the speaker has the power to take 3 others into any committee he wants, himself and two of his leadership water carriers. This increases his chances of winning greatly, not to mention that he runs the house with an iron fist. What happened several years ago with Newton was that Chris passed that bill out of committee at a time when he was acting chair despite being a repub. The committee had a quorum but not all of Naifeh's gun haters were there. Naifeh threw a royal fit and forcably told Newton he'd better get the bill back to committee, there was nothing wrong with the bill. Unfortunately the bill was sent back to committee because Newton allowed it to happen during a suspension of the session. Then he was arrested a day later for the Waltz scandal. If he hadn't been such a puss he should have let the bill stay on the floor where it would have passed. I think he simply despises any pressure on him from outside entities, like pro gun rights groups and he has drawn a line saying he is the dictator and it will be whatever his way is no matter what. He hasbecome like this with several of his colleagues as well, blocking anything of theirs because they had the gall to stand up to him on something. One of them Frank Buck finally had enough and retired. More and more are following suit. What Naifeh doesn't realize is that despite thinking he has strengthened his position he has actually weakened it. As to the argument of Naifeh being a gun hater or opposed to you having a gun, I would point out that Naifeh, though with a lot of pressure did pass the carry permit legislation and the improvements to it in subsequent years. It has only been in the last number of years that he has become a speaker who is anti-gun and I don't know what happened to turn him. He certainly isn't anti gun like many others up there, but he is no longer supportive and he has gone out of his way to block anything good recently. The repubs do need 4 seats, maybe only 3 as there are a couple of dems who would vote for someone other than Naifeh just to have him gone even if it meant 2 years of republican control. But, those 3 are going to be very very tough to get. -
It can only be considered disappointing if someone expected the court to do something it never does, make a wide ad general ruling. The SCOTUS decides rulings very narrowly. This ruling actually went further than many hoped or expected. It also means the gun grabbers cannot succeed in their penultament goal of a England Australian law as the UN money folks helping Brady hoped for., They can't pass a law saying yes you can own the weapon but it must be kept at the local Sheriff's office and you can get it from there to hunt with etc. It says you have the right to protect your home and keep your firearm there. They will now ramp up efforts to restrict sales wherever possible, another ban on so-called assault weapons. The fight ISN'T OVER friends. But, it does effectively destroy the old mantra of the gun grasbbers that the intent of the 2nd A was a right to the states for the militia. It shuts that crap up once and for all. It didn't go as far as we would hope but then again we didn't expect them to.
Goodman & Pope Show on same weekend (6/20-22)?
Warbird replied to BrandonTN's topic in Events and Gatherings
I went to both today and the Pope show was the smallest I recall. There are always fewer but there were a lot fewer and not a lot of people buying. The Goodman had less vendors and less people, but since it is in a smaller venue it looked close to the same, it wasn't. But it was pretty lame too. Probably a combo of things. Summer is slow anyway and a summer show with both events isn't going to be as good. The fall can handle it OK, but I guess it is too much for summer. The gas prices don't do much to encourage people to travel far for a deal unless they are almost certina they will get one. The days of great deals at gun shows are over. And really who can blame the dealer, they don't want to give away stuff. I doubt the RK shows have anything to do with it. Those shows suck and the majority of gun dealers I know think it's just about a waste. As far as admission goes, it is what it is. They know some less will be there, but I doubt they planned for that small of crowds. Like a movie which you pay admission for and may in the end think it sucks a gun show or any exhibit could be a gamble. Pope did have less vendors, but again if you go to gun shows in TN in the summer that is expected. This is a state where hunters go to gun shows in big numbers and hunters don't care about hunting in June. -
And notice his opponent coming up chastises him for failing to vote for gun grabbers all the time. So that tells you what we would get with him. Ugh
Have you hunted bear before yourself? What kind of bear and where are you interested in going? In general I'd recommend using a guide in an area that they know obviously. There are too many things that can go wrong hunting bear to chance it w/ a 13 yr old. That's just my opinion.
Class III Firearms Court Expert
Warbird replied to midtennchip's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Say what? -
Aargh I hate hate hate to see this written or said. Yes they do jam, yes they will jam, I have had it happen and seen it happen. And when they do jam it is worse than a mere clear to get it unjammed. I do agree that they are less prone but as a man who likes both I always hate to see this said.
Damn! Yeah I bet you do.
I have to say I agree. They look neater than they run. And from what I remember they do not use the same mags as the Thompson or anything else for that matter. I owned one for several years and traded it to a guy for a .44 mag Ruger Redhawk with a 7 1/2"bbl. i got the better end of that deal... In fact he tossed in some cash to boot.
I rode the Gap a lot many years ago. It was a fun ride. My buddy Tommy, took his last ride there, when he lost control of his Ninja on a pebble filled turn and went off the road right in front of me. He hit a tree and died on that hillside. He wasn't riding excessively fast. He wasn't taking chances. I rode from the time I was 5 till 30, rode almost every day of those years and enjoyed bikes. I raced every kind of dirt racing you could do and a few times on the road tracks too. Once my kids came, I decided the risk was not worth it. It would be selfish to take a risk which could jeopardize their lives and futures. I sold my last bike, a BMW, right after my daughter was born.
I still have some old ammo marked 9k, which is 9mm Kurtz. That is the same thing as .380. I have an old H&K .380 also marked 9k. I have to be careful to remember that 9k is not 9mm.