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Everything posted by Warbird
Comin up quick. I heard this is one of the biggest attended in the state. I wonder if any of the many TGO members over in east Tennessee are going to that.
Mars you are absolutely right. All of the old vets called anything designed to hold multiple rounds together clips. All of my uncles, 18 of them, all career military referred to them as clips almost all of the time. I followed their lead for several years myself. Though we like to rib, it doesn't matter much, we all know what is meant.
I have carried the P7 for many years. To me it is the ultimate carry weapon, maybe one of the top 3 pistol designs ever. I also have a couple more HK's including an HK4.
I gave you an example of the 90% mark and you chose to ignore it, so what can I say. This wasn't an idea pulled out of the air but a true way of seeing how they plan to formulate ways to end the gun business with or w/o the 2nd amendment. I don't believe anybody w/o proof. The proof is there. Is it worded by pro gun groups to get you motivated, hell yeah. Should it? Hell yeah.
As I have said I am concerned about my rights as a gun owner and believer in the 2nd amendment. I am concerned of what Obama, Reid and Pelosi will pass in the way of restrictions. In the senate they will be close to the 57 or 58 dem votes they need to be at to overcome a filibuster, they can prob count on all or all but one dem to go along lockstep. They will hit it on off election years and we will just see. I am not ready to start panicking the moment they come in, but we should be prepared to let them know if they pass this stuff, political prices may be paid. As in 94 it could be their demise, remains to be seen. We could see them go after all of their agenda or some of it, but it's all on the table and a possible threat to our freedoms. Some other things are also on the table, like finding a way to shut down or seriously curtail gun shows. They have a large agenda, they don't care that the vast majority of Americans are on our side on this issue. In the past (Clinton) gun rights proponents and groups and their members were labeled with the help of the media. We can't allow another administration to do that to us.
He supported a state bill which he said should be federal that would outlaw any gun shop within 5 miles of a school. About 90% of the gun shops in America are within 5 miles of a school. Again he won't say these things, but his actions speak louder than his words. I'm done with this someone else can take over. Obviously you are not capable of seeing the far off implications of what he has voted for and said in the past as relates to the future. There are examples for every one of those points and the details have been pointed to before. Obama gets elected he will institute all sorts of new regs onto ATF and place key appointments who can give gun shops total hell to the point they want to just shut down before they go mad. He can force shops to close w/o ever going to congress. If you don't think it will happen you should see the numbers on the shops that closed under Clinton for the same reason. So roll your eyes and make your quips, you are above taking info from any source that is trying to protect your rights even if it's specific examples, but you'll take it from a candidate, LMAO.
What is the feature? I dont understand, do you mean future? IF so, I dont know the future. I never said this would all come to pass. I said he has a record , I will not look up his record for you or his history, you choose to believe the sources you want and find the evidence to back it up for yourself I don't care. I am saying its true because I know it is true and I dont have time to spell out everyone of those things to you. I said if he was elected the reality is you'd be looking at a pres who believes in those things and will have a congress that believes many of those thing, or at least the majority party leaders do. They would do Obama's bidding. I cant say what would pass, but it sure as hell is scary enough that they would have that philosophy. Also an admin which is anti gun can make life absolutely unbearable with additional pres appointments who seek to shut down gun shops and the like. Anyone who says the pres is powerless to do anything policy wise is a person who understands nothing about the executive branch. The power over the admin appts system, the exec orders pen and what a pres deems important for those branches and more are very powerful avbilities, very.
Anti gun bills aren't moving for 2 reasons, they aren't going to pass anti-gun bills during the election year, they made that mistake before. Anti-gun bills do little to mobilize their own base but do mobilize the pr gun base. Two the president wouldn't sign the bills. You have a anti gun pres and a truly motivated leftist congress leadership ready to fulfill some long made promises then you will get major movement on anti gun legislation. It amazes me that people think ah he aint really so bad. Jeesh, open your eyes get you head outta yer butt I don't know, something. Will it all come to pass if he wins, who knows. I would hope the pro gun America would fight tooth and nail and mobilize to block it, but that is hard to know too. The question is do you want to take that chance. If so, fine. Do your worst.
Can I guarantee you that he would get all of those done, no. He would still have to get through congress. Does he support all of those things yes. How do I know, because and let me say this very S L O W L Y, I have seen his record and his statements. You want to watch interviews, now after he has been grabbed by handlers telling him to shut up then you do so? If you lsiten to him he stands for nothing, but his record as a state senator and for years befor esay otherwise. I am not going to do the work for you, I am busy, too busy to type this bs actually, but I am none the less, but the info is out there to be had. Unfortunatley for you some of the sources for the info where they want to put out the truth you seem to not believe. Have fun with your head in the sand. I know what I know and what you obviously don't know. The question is will you find out or will you simply say waaaaa no one is telling me the truth so I wont believe any of it waaaaa.
DUH???? Gee I don't know, maybe because that is what he has said, that is what he supported as a state senator before the glare of the national spotlight and he tried to hide his thoughts on the subject. Read. Read, I'm not going to do the work for you. If you care read some of the past articles on the facts of what he has said and done. OF course if you think its all lies and made up and that they aren't telling you the truth for some reason then fine, think what you want. His record has been spelled out pretty clearly if you care to know it, of course if you want to listen to Barack and what his campaign and the media tell you he stands for then fine. Do whatever, I know the truth you can to, or just bury your head in the sand. Whatever!
It sometimes takes posters and the like to get it through thick skulls. This is the most anti gun person ever nominated for national office by a major party. This isn't scare tactics, this is in your face reality. PERIOD! That is what we are looking at as a governmental force if he wins. PERIOD! I know in the months before the last election somewhere near 70% of the American people including some republicans obviously, thought John Kerry was pro-gun. Heck he even had pictures of himself in a brand new hunting suit going duck hunting. Only after the NRA released and got the word out on his record did people wake up and see that his record on gun rights was abysmal. So I say to you that it may seem redundant, but different things reach different people and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. So the message is often and looks different, so hopefully everyone who values their freedoms will make a good choice. I sure hope they keep it up, and it will still be hard to get their point across.
I don't really care who one votes for or on how many issues. What I am saying is this; if you get on here and say you are a freedom loving supporter of the second amendment and supported Clinton, Gore or Kerry then you are a hypocrite or you don't really put America's first freedom, the one that got us our freedom the 2nd amenment, in very high standing and that's fine if that's you values system. All of those gentlemen have done and would do more damage if given the chance. None of them were as anti 2nd amendment as Obama is. Personally I don't vote on one issue, I vote on about 3 or 4. Most of my candidates will have to support 3 out of them and most of them do. I don't have jumbles of principles which contradict one another fortunately. So that being said, vote your own conscience, but don't bitch about Bush and how we would have been better with Snore and Kerry while showing off your new AR in the Long Gun section. They win, you wouldn't have that ability now. You couldn't have gone out and inexpensively bought that hi cap mag. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. The hand that I want is the hand of freedom, to hell with the hand-out. Oh and if Obama wins and you vote for him for all those other wondeful reasons of hope and change, and he succeeds in taking rights (his idea of change) don't cry when you are detested here and with any other gun people and don't dare complain about the loss of freedoms, because you helped make it possible. When it comes to national politics at this time in our history there is little choice but one person. No dem on a national ticket is going to be pro gun. In a few and growing number of cases more dem house members are being elected as pro gun because the dems know they won't get hardline east and west coast libs elected in many parts of the cnountry. We will see if there's any shift in the near future, but unlike some states where legislators are more diversified on the issue, the national party is controlled by hardline anti-gunners. You can't look at TN dems and the fact is quite a few support gun rights and think it has bearing on national politics. It doesn't, it just doesn't.
It kills me these whiners of Bush who are so-called pro-gun. Bush has made his mistakes granted and I certainly don't like his big gov of the last 4 years, which you would think the big gov leftists would love. If Gore or Kerry had won, we never win the Heller case guaranteed. If Gore or Kerry are pres all of you AR 15 hi cap mag lovers would be whinin like babies because you can't buy any of that w/o huge dollars and gov ppwk. Gore or Kerry would never have allowed the so-called assault weapons ban hi cap mag ban to sunset. Some of you people are full of bovine scattology if you say you support gun rights and then cry because Bush was ever the president. Some of you need glasses because you can't see your nose at the end of your face. Or else you are simply lemmings for the left and you are not gun rights supporters at all.
Absurdity beyond the pale. Armitage outed her because she was never covert. It's a friggin ridiculous absurdity. She was an analyst. All this bs for nothing. EVERYONE in DC knew who Armitage's wife was. All the rest is media hyperbole.
And here I didn't even know the Hi-Point used clips, old technology for a new gun eh. Maybe the clips are for a Garand. The guy is just ignorant. He probably got ripped on the gun and has no idea of its worth. By the way, for those interested that gun in LNIB condition, 100% would be worth about $135. In its likely condition probably $100-110
It's a Beretta made specifically for A&F's customers. All the FS1's were alike, some had specially engraved receivers for certain large distributors and at one time A&F was a big distributor for Beretta. That wasn't really any big deal at all. But, since A&F was a major outfitter and they are not anymore some have fondness for the name.
The most I have seen one go for lately is around $185 and it was pristine. Yes, give him a call or have your friend do so, you never know. My personal favorite shotgun is my Beretta Silver Pigeon Sporting with 32"bbls, even more than the DT 10 or or 682 Gold,. They just make a fantastic shotgun. I have shot Perazzi, Krieghoff( personal favorite rifle is a double bbl K gun), Guerini, and Beretta points better than any of them for me. I just love them. He may just want to know the value for the sake of it, but if I was him and could afford to keep it I would for the memento of it, there won't be anymore A&F guns. Although a collector might be willing to pay for the A&F name on it, I don't know one who is or find evidence of it. I could ask around if you like, I attend most collectors shows around the country. My hunch would be that there is some A&F collector out there, I just don't personally know one. Hell there's a collector for everything so there has to be one for those, though I would imagine like gcrookston said the premium would likely be small.
I would look to the 30-06. It has noticeably less kick than the 300 mag and more bullets selection. It's cheaper to shoot. It will kill most anything in the US, except I would go bigger for brown bear or moose. The only reason to go 300 mag is if you plan to shoot large elk, carribou or moose at greater than 350 yards across great valleys, which few people care to do. The .270 is a fine load, but for large elk, caribou and such you have to be far more precise in shot selection then with the others. Since you also stated you are newer to the rifled barrels I would stick to the 30-06. There isn't a huge diff between that and a .308, but just enough to make me say one rifle, go 30-06. I will say though due to its shorter case many like the 308 as you will save some weight on some rifles. The 300 mag is very popular right now but IMO is often overkill. More recoil, more money and not a lot more ability for most people.
It looks to me to be the FS-1. They are not worth a lot, no demand for single barrels, probably $175 for 100%, down to $80 for 60%. The A&F guns are a piece of history now I guess though, as they no longer are the place to buy your safari guns and all the attire and accessories you would need for a safari. Many years ago people bought everything they need at A&F and you could store your safari guns there till your next trip overseas if you wished. Unfortunately for your friend the O/U's and SxS are the real money getters for shotguns, but it looks to be in decent shape. To my knowledge Beretta has not made a single barrel, outside of special trap guns, since the late 80's or so. I would say if you want more info and want to go the experts, the most knowledgable folks on scatterguns on the net will be found at www.shotgunworld.com
Hunt with AR's? yes Around here? No What? prairie dogs
Favorite is a CZ550 in .375 or a CZ 589 in .458 Win Mag. There are many great choices in 30-06, my next favorite round. I guess my favorite of my rifles in this and 308 is a Ruger M77 RSI, which is mannlicher rifle.
Sounds like a good time was had by all. I'm sorry I was unable to make it. A scheduling conflict had me in Kansas City.
Know your rights! (free pocket Constitution and DoI)
Warbird replied to G27's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Hillsdale is an excellent school. The percentage of grads who go on to grad school is huge. I would like to have my kids go there. As of now my daughter is set on a service academy, which I can live with. The Imprimis newsletter is excellent. I like the school's philosophy. However, they can keep their retirement community. I have been to Hillsdale in the winter, no thanks. -
Cleveland Gun Auction Friday 6/27 - Anyone Else Go?
Warbird replied to a topic in Events and Gatherings
I really wanted to make that, but was out of town. Was hoping to find a nice O/U sporting clays gun. -
David there also has to be a certain number of orders for them, I forget the figure, before printing if I recall. So you still may be able to order I should recall but can't at the moment how that all works.