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Everything posted by Warbird

  1. The ATF isn't going anywhere. Reagan tried to take advantage of a weak period for the ATF and dismantle them. He failed. So will anyone other president who tries to get rid of them.
  2. Warbird

    "Big Game" Guns

    Well for one thing it isn't legal to hunt everything, in Africa for instance, with a 30-06. Some dangerous game have a minimum requirement of 375 H&H. Obviously this hasn't always been the case as Capstick hunted elephant with the 270. However most hunters are also not Capstick and many are nowhere near as good as they think they are.
  3. A top notch case. They make excellent equipment.
  4. If he's smart he has already fled with 3 or 4 tons of gold in tow, seeking asylum somewhere, likely Saudi. He is a very wealthy man. He still owns by recent information 2-3% of Fiat, making him the largest single shareholder there. As with Egypt, Syria and other long dictator controlled countries, what replaces these tyrants remains to be seen and will liberty win out or a Iranian style theocracy. As we saw in Iran, which was not initially a wahabbist muslim rebellion, the Imams seized upon the opportunity and wrested control of the government. We all know what happened from there. Though the Shah was certainly a dictator, handed power after WWII, Iran was the most liberal government in the middle east and had been for centuries. When I say liberal, I mean liberal toward individual rights and freedoms. It had been for centuries as the persians had been a powerful and successful market driven people. These are interesting times.
  5. That pretty much sums up everything Kerr writes. She is one of the most unimpressive writers I have ever had the displeasure of reading. The fact that she still has a job says a great deal about the Tennessean. She should, at best, have a column in some local community newsletter.
  6. Bob Pope sold his shows to RK quite some time back, a couple of years ago.
  7. Correct. By law the person on the deed is the owner. A lien is not the same thing as rent. Many things in a rent fall to the owner for responsibility. And ultimately the responsibility is on an owner, not on a renter. If you own a home, but have a lien, the lien holder will not be responsible for repairs and modifications to the property unless the owner fails to meet their financial obligations, or voluntarily gives them up. In that case the lienholder will take possession, but if that lienholder sells the property for less than the value of the loan the owner is still responsible for that difference. I will also add that it would be very difficult to calculate how many people own their owns owing nothing and though the government could certainly find out I have no desire for them to know who owes on their home or their cars or anything else for that matter. We already give away far too much of this information to the IRS for the sake of so-called deductions.
  8. The book is a good primer. I also highly recommend Human Action by Von Mises and The Road to Serfdom by Hayek. I've spent some free time over the last week re-watching the Free to Choose series by Milton Friedman on You Tube. There are also some good interviews of Friedman and Rand on You Tube from Donahue, or Donaspew as I call him, from the late 70's. As a classical liberal, I find they made many observations or predictions, based on general tendencies of the time, that have proven to be as true now as they were then.
  9. I have helped establish and sat or sat on the boards of numerous non-profits, but they were mostly think tank type groups or 501©4, non-tax deductible grassroots advocacy (lobbying) organizations. None were ministries. I would think you would have to already have a knowledge of or contacts with others who would need the services of such an organization, in order to get people to readily contribute. Unless you plan to initially self-fund it. The ways to raise funds is about as large as your imagination can take you. It is done a lot of ways.
  10. First thing to do would be to establish a name, establish a board and set of by-laws and file as a 501©3 with the IRS. Three people would be a good number of board members. President, VP and Treasurer for instance, or Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer. The establishment of a ©3 would allow you to collect tax deductible donations, either self-funded or from others. Obviously you would have to have a bank account completely separate from anything you have personally. Many banks offer non-profits accounts free from their myriad of charges, or at least free of many of them.
  11. Ministry as in church or ministry as in a charitable mission work?
  12. Thank you for posting the pic Caster. I'm not sure why this photobucket is having issues posting pics, when I have never had problems with it before. I shot it with a 7mm Rem. Mag., which is more than enough gun for taking down a 'bou. It is good enough to take down just about anything up there, though on the low end of what I would want to take down a bear. I came back to the gut pile left from this caribou a couple of days later in search of a wolf and had an encounter with a griz and her two cubs. We had a bit of a stand off before she finally left.
  13. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj286/magnuscat/Hunts/P9050025.jpg Trying to repost this pic, since at the top the link doesn't go to the right pic. It should go to a pic of one of my caribou. Trying again.
  14. I think history has shown that it need not be a plastic or even a black pistol for a witness to claim an assailant pulled a Glock on them. Some witnesses have even said the assailant had a Glock revolver. In fact, in Tennessee more Ruger semis are confiscated from criminals than any other brand name. All long guns seem to be either a shotgun or an AK47. Very seldom is it found any type of so-called assault weapon at all was used. Often times what was called a shotgun turned out to be a bb gun or .22. It goes to show I guess that; 1. Witnesses are often horribly unreliable, especially in identifying weapons of an assailant, 2. Any size bore of weapon when pointed at you likely looks mighty large indeed.
  15. Yeah he mentioned that the Matthew Shepherd Hate Crime Prevention Act was largely symbolic, but it wasn't. It absolutely disgusts me. First of all, none of these laws prevent a crime from being committed. Secondly, and the part that disgusts me, is a group being singled out for special treatment for being attacked. Murder is murder, assault and battery is assault and battery. If you attack someone for the color of their skin, for their sexual orientation, for the way they dress or their gender, you should be prosecuted for the crime. What does it say about justice when attacking or murdering someone based on some specially recognized subset of society is worse than attacking someone who is not? They base these laws on the fact that until the 1960's some citizens got off scot-free for harming or killing people based on their race. We have come far since then and by the time these laws started being passed these practices were basically a remnant of the past. Not to mention that many of the people who started pushing for this type of legislation did not believe that hate crimes went the other direction, i.e. the legally protected class harming the majority class based on the same type discrimination. They liked to say reverse discrimination hate crimes do not exist. Of course that is true. It isn't reverse discrimination. It is discrimination. For a society to exist peaceably over the long term, there must be equal protection under the law.
  16. Are these links working for others? They seem to work for me. Just making sure.
  17. So you got mad and call them horrible because you bought a $25 membership, which cost them $15 to get you your magazines all year and you wanted to get that $10 duffle bag that they probably ran out of because so many people who believe in the cause joined to support our gun rights and do soooo much for the cause. Yeah they should have gotten you your bag and their membership fulfillment company is for crap. But to write them off completely because of petty crap like this is why there are 90 million gun owners and they all whine and moan about gun rights, but only 4 million carry the load for the rest. About 4.2 million if you count everyone who joins NRA and/or the other groups as well. I am a strong supporter of competition and wouldn't mind the NRA had some legitimate competition, but in reality they are the only organization with any clout at all. Period. If more people joined and did so for the cause and told the NRA to keep their crap and use the money for building an even more powerful organization, we would all be better off. If you want to change things within the organization board members and membership in general should call for changes.
  18. The Goodmans, nor any other renter of the Fairgrounds, have any say in the parking fee. They also will not see a dime of that money. This was cooked up by the Metro Council and the Fair Board.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions. I think I at least found a way to get them posted.
  20. Yeah it's photobucket. I just can't get it to work. Keeps saying invalid url. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj286/magnuscat/Hunts/P9080063.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj286/magnuscat/Hunts/P9070036.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj286/magnuscat/Hunts/P9030005.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj286/magnuscat/P9060029.jpg
  21. I should say top of the world as in toward the north pole, the arctic circle, not in elevation. I do have some mountain hunting shot at high elevations., but will have to post them at another time. Could not get photos to link directly. Here are at least a couple. The trip was to the Northwest Territories. About 350 miles NE of Yellowknife, on the edge of the arctic circle. Nobody for a long long way in any direction. Flew in on float plane, was dropped off and stayed for 7 days.. This 'bou was the smaller of the two. It is actually larger in person that it appears, both taller and wider. A bad angle. But he scored over 400. We hunted caribou, wolf and wolverine. Two days after this guy was taken we made our way back to the gut pile and I had a much too close encounter with a large brown bear mom and her two cubs. I also sat on a hill after a early morning rain in the fog and listened to the howls of the wolves which I could not see, but I could hear. Many were very close to us. They started howling at the urging of my guide, who set them off my howling at them. The trout on the bottom was caught from our little aluminum boat, which is how we got from place to place. The guide, an Inuit Indian, had a boat that was kept there during the season and we got around the lake on the boat. The lake was small for that part of the world, about 1 1/2 miles wide in several spots and 30 miles long. It was very shallow on areas and deep in others. Temps of the lake itself were in the upper 30's to lower 40's. The lake is thawed from late July to mid-Sept. You caught something nearly cast. We caught trout, grayling and char. We were the in early Sept and the lake was already freezing along some edges. It was very rough when the wind got up, very rough. It snowed our last two days there. The wind was a constant the entire time. The ground may look pleasant to walk on, but it isn't. It is like walking on a mattress at times, with swampy moss areas and jagged boot tearing rocks in other areas. You never knew from one step to the next what the step would be like. It was very tiring on the hips and calves. I was in decent cardio shape, but am 30 pounds lighter now. More photos in following post. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj286/magnuscat/Hunts/P9050025.jpg
  22. That was just passed in the last couple of weeks. I suspect it is there to stay and I am sure it will hurt business eventually. At present most people still aren't aware of the new charge.
  23. There are idiots and crooks in every business. Without knowing him, I can't of course give an opinion which he is. Unfortunately in the gun selling business there are plenty of both examples. You don't have to prove any knowledge of guns to have a business buying and selling them. The idiots will tell you anything based on their own narrowmindedness or ignorance. The crooks will tell you anything they think will get you to sell them a gun for less, or to buy a gun for more than it's worth. The SS number being behind the ejector, inside the cylinder housing, has no relation to the barrel being original or having been replaced.
  24. In the end that is correct. It is funny however, that they have a bill with this definition, yet they are stonewalling efforts to push the ATF scandal forward in hearings in the senate and by the minority in the house. In the house those hearings are going to keep going forward despite minority objections. As to the ATF scandal and wrongdoing by agents, a bill passed into law now would have no effect on them. Or those who commanded such actions. That doesn't mean laws already on the books might not lead to prosecution in this particular instance. As was said above, this is to harass others, not the ATF mess.


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