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Everything posted by Smokin45

  1. A touch far for me. I would of liked to get the Colt single six and Win. 25-35 out. Enjoy!
  2.  Terry Walden's range, were that be?     
  3. Good story. In some cases (jmo) I think acting and real life are 2 different personalities.
  4. Nice 3 some ! for not liking them. :confused:
  5. I here ya. There should be more shows like that today. jmo  :hat:
  6. Hey Dave you been watching those reruns of He Ha  :yum:
  7. Happy New Year to you and Buster :woohoo:
  8. Staying home and will be asleep by 10  exciting !
  9. Interview with God  MERRY CHRISTMAS   http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/popup-frame.html
  10. Old Fashions tonight !  Don't know about tomorrow.  :yum:
  11. Merry Christmas.  God Bless us Everyone.
  12. A nice Christmas Gift   :woohoo:
  13. Very Nice gesture by the airline.  
  14. Smokin45


    That's a good one :rofl:
  15. Nice one Raoul,  but you will have to spend all day loading for that beauty . :up: 
  16. Use to get them. I replied send your phone # and I'll give it to my Lawyer. That stopped the nonsense.
  17. That's a beauty, Merry Christmas !
  18. Nice build !  Is that an old Rat Fink Pic. Avatar?
  19. In some cases with a Win.m.12, a great recondition can still bring a good price from a buyer who is not into collecting with original finish. Get the wood refinished and you will have a great looking Win.
  20.  Is it a Rem. model 12 or a Win. model 12 ?
  21. Awesome eye hand coordination  ! 
  22.  55 and damp in Sevierville  :yuck: 
  23. Happy Thanksgiving Thanks for the story
  24. Happy Thanksgiving Tanker
  25. I noticed the Title and thought it was about Duluth Ball Room Jeans  :rofl:


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