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Everything posted by hornett22

  1. hornett22

    Glock 19x

    I've carried a 1911 cocked and locked for years. Never had the slightest concern.
  2. hornett22

    Glock 19x

    Yep. I think so.
  3. Definitely do NOT hold your breath. TN RINOs refuse to budge
  4. I have the Larue. Love it!
  5. I held a Mossberg today. I'm impressed. Not at all what I expected.
  6. I e had several Colts. From mustangs,defenders,commanders,to GIs. Everyone of them ran out of the box with no issues. Even with the factory mags.
  7. hornett22

    Glock 19x

    I'm 49 and I just bought my first Glock. A 19x only because I got it like new for $400. It's the only Glock that's ever felt decent and it shoots good. Mainly I bought it so I don't beat up my 1911s at work or if heaven forbid,I have to use it in self defense and the police take it. I still can't bring myself to carry it with one in the chamber though.
  8. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I guess I misunderstood you. I thought you wanted it figured out.
  9. Bring it to me . I WILL fix it correctly.
  10. That was my point. My ex pulled a restraining order on me. I NEVER got a chance to give my side. Not even with a lawyer. She then violated the terms of her restraining order on me. No one wanted to hear about it. It was all bogus. Seems they pass all these laws but no one follows them in the Just Us system.
  11. Sounds like you'll be better off.
  12. I hope he's restoring the car. That's a long time for a repair.
  13. I'm not this biggest Kimber fan but I have shot several that function fine and shoot well. Judging reliability off your experience with a range rental is not always accurate. They're rode hard and put away dirty. Not cleaned and lubed often. I've sold several Micro 9s and I haven't had any complaints.
  14. I don't think so if due process is adhered to. Law interpretation and adherence seems to vary by judge and geography. We've had judges in Knoxville who made up their own rules. One retired. Not sure his replacement is different.
  15. Not if you want the permission slip with the least restrictions
  16. Check out Colts at SMGA.com aka Smoky Mountain Knife Works. Plenty under $1k I've owned several Colts and they've all ran 100% and been dead accurate. I picked up a Lightweight commander in 45 for $750 new. According to Colt it's a blemmish but I can't find a flaw anywhere. Shoots as good as my all stainless XSE commander which is a tack driver.
  17. A few more $ and you could have had a Ruger EC9S and no issues.
  18. Prayers sent
  19. The Tennessee RINOs continue to screw us and we continue to elect them.
  20. I sell a lot of the 380 and 9. No one has complained. For the price difference, I'd get the 9. I already own a Mustang and a P238 and I'm more than happy with them both.
  21. I still won't own one.
  22. Not as big a problem as the voters who keep electing them.
  23. This is what I have. It's the stainless/laminate model. Out of the box the accuracy can be less than stellar. A bedding job and a trip to Connecticut Precision Chambering for a barrel crown,bolt tightening,and trigger job is highly recommended. If he's still in business. Hell of a guy.
  24. They were interesting to say the least. Accuracy was extremely lacking.


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