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viscero last won the day on May 1 2021

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About viscero

  • Birthday 01/11/1976

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    Nashville, TN
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  1. I believe 5.45 is currently produced by both Red Army Standard as well as Wolf, both of which are located in Ukraine. Surplus 7N6 has been gone for while. Most of the surplus Russian 54R imports has dried up a long time ago as well. Seems like this will only drastically impact Tulammo and maybe Monarch(are they still Ruskie produced?). Still sucks but hopefully those crafty Russians will figure out how to export it in such a way that it is no longer considered 'Russian' ammunition.
  2. Nice! Since so much probably needs to be de-banned I'd probably go the way of a modern/para build around that imbel receiver; unless you can find a good Brazilian kit to pair with it.
  3. Who made the receiver on that one?
  4. Additonally, you don't have to install OneDrive on your computer to be able to upload to it. For example, on my personal machine at home I do not have OneDrive installed. But I can open a browser and go to office.com and sign into Office365 and open the OneDrive web app from there. I can then upload files directly via the web the same as Google Drive, DropBox, etc.
  5. Had to play with some different buffer weights and springs on mine to get it running nicely; ended up with a standard carbine buffer and spring. A H2 or a sprinco spring would slow it down too much and cause it to fail to pick up a fresh round from the mag. Also, make sure you bring a nice heavy duty cleaning rod to remove stuck casings if you intend to burn through steel cased ammo with it in binary as you will encounter a few and relying on mortaring sucks.
  6. Supply from CZ has increased around mid-TN in the last couple of years. A couple years ago I went looking for a P-01 and the only place I could find one was Nashville Gun Shop. At the time they had several models and variations(colors, calibers, and options) in stock and at reasonable prices too. Give them a look while you're at it. http://nashvillegunshop.co/catalog.php?search_for=cz
  7. Missed it but there was a good deal on Mountain House 14 day cases for $133 shipped after a $50 MIR.
  8. Shocked that the I.O. inc turd didn't fall a part in his hands. Also .. 'can't be silenced'? Good grief this tool needs to shut up about stuff he doesn't understand. Background checks - would be cool if they actually worked. And by worked I mean if they had some sort of tie in to mental health. Of course we would actually have to go back and re-institutionalize the mental health system first though. Would also gain more support if the government that decides they are required would provide them free of charge w/o involving a 3rd party.
  9. Don't forget they held a media range night, along with Trijicon, at Shot this year and showed up with 0 Ak's. Had to scramble to get some AR's for the media types to shoot so that at least Trijicon could show off their stuff.
  10. I agree on the PTR or FAL options... that being said a good deal of the C308 is actually produced by PTR(polymer lower, barrel, receiver). I think it probably comes down more to if you are trying to upgrade/replace some parts to end up with a S/A Cetme B/C/E clone or a H&K 91/G3 clone.
  11. Pretty sure it has a UTG rear sight too
  12. AGS Armament is one of the original resellers too. Good folks. http://www.agsarmament.com/home
  13. Do you have the linkable details on this OS?  I tried to search for it late last night but my google-fu wasn't running apparently.
  14. Looks like this passed the house today and is headed to haslam's desk.
  15. Hopefully Century will take care of it.  But this is why I only buy their(century's) stuff in person or from someone like Atlantic Firearms.  Anything that comes out of Romania should be suspect as they tend to not care too much about stuff gets assembled.


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