First, I am a huge fan of the SA XDsc's . I have shot the .40, and it will likely be my next purchase.
Second, I am very careful about changing the manual of arms of my carry guns, with one exception (the Kahr PM9). I have two carry rotations, one based on the 1911, the other based on the HK MOA.
The HK is my primary rotation. When possible, I carry either a USP Compact 45, or a HK 45C. Both are Variant 1's. When I need something a little smaller, I have a P2000SK Light LEM 9mm. I can use the same holsters for all three, but had to choose carefully.
I also have a 1911 rotation, but will practice before putting it in play. I don't like to switch back and forth, without practice. I have 5", 4.25", and 3.5" 1911s that I carry based on a variety of factors.
I am not crazy about throwing the Kahr into the mix, but like having the option when needed.
The SA EMP has, from what I can tell, have a great reputation. The issues that I have seen can easily be fixed with a little "fluff and buff".
I would stay away from most of the other 3" 1911 variants. IMHO, you see a lot more issues with the shorter barreled 1911 variants than you do with Commander style and full-size offerings. My experience bears this out, but there are always exceptions.
If you are serious about carrying a .45, then I would look at something like the Sig C3. There may be a few other similar options on the market,so it may be worth exploring. It is very similar to the old Colt CCO, and is a great carry option. Commander length slide, and an Office length receiver. I am in the process of reliability testing a C3, and so far it has been flawless. Time will tell. I have high hopes that it will be the perfect carry gun for my purposes.
As much as I hate to admit it, the Glock G30SF is an incredible platform. 10+1 rounds of .45ACP in a fairly small package is pretty hard to beat.