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About penguincomp

  • Birthday 07/10/1971

Profile Information

  • Location
    Columbia, TN
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Scuba diving, Guns, Knives, Racing Car's
  • Occupation


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Wilson Stealth
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 42

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  1. Is this still available? If so, I'll buy it.
  2. I am coming through Clarksville today around 11a if you still have this.
  3. Great Collection!
  4. Pretty Cool SS, TY! (liberated the image, mine looks like the one on the left)
  5. I admitted it on the address label.
  6. These are only available at the banquets as I only had 30 made and they are all spoken for. Now, if we had enough interest, I could have more made up that are slightly different with the proceeds going to the Friends of NRA. Before someone asks, I received permission to use the logo on the knives ;)
  7. Just watched it with the kids. In 1.5 weeks is the Musical at TPAC. Kids are excited.
  8. Taking a page from Willis' playbook, I had these made for all of the FNRA Banquets here in TN. The #1 knife will be up for "donation" after the first of the year. #2 will be at the FNRA Statewide meeting here in Nashville in Feb. I love the 2 tone blade and Dave @ Protech really hooked us up with these :) [URL=http://s296.photobucket.com/user/sprsnk/media/NRATN1_zps25a81bad.jpg.html][/URL]
  9. Just boxed mine up and it is going out tomorrow.
  10. I put Pyrat rum into my eggnog. It's delicious.   So on that note, I love a great single malt Scotch. Glenfiddich and Arran are my go to's and need to be at least 18yo typically. 2010's Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix was supurb. Went through 5 bottles of that while it was available and have one left for the collection. Arran's The Devil's Punchbowl is great too. I discovered this after they released #2. Wish I would have found it when #1 was out for the complete collection of #1, #2, #3.
  11. I'm out. Take me off the list.
  12. I used railroad ties for a backstop on my pistol range.
  13. In the bedroom, anywhere from 4-6 guns at a time, in the offices another 8-10, another 2-5 in the vehicles and if we have to get to the gun room, someone is fubared.
  14. I'm in.


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