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Everything posted by decotriumph

  1. Welcome, Hoosierdood. I moved to Tennessee from Anderson, Indiana, in 2000 and I love it (miss my family, though). I live in Tullahoma, about equidistant from Nashville, Chattanooga, and Huntsville, AL. There's a lot to like here and the TGO members are exceptionally knowledgeable and helpful.
  2. My wife and I currently own an M&P Shield 40, M&P 9c, and M&P 40 full size. Plus I have a Boberg XR9s. I also have owned a Nano (gave it to my adult son). All are super reliable and good shooting guns but the Shield has the best shooting trigger of all. The Nano is too blocky-shaped (like a Glock) in my opinion to be a good deep carry gun. That's why I got rid of it. The Shield is smoother and more rounded, easier to conceal. I alternate between it and the Boberg for daily carry. I have a S&W 442 .38 Spl. I use for pocket carry when I ride my motorcycle or wear dressier clothes.
  3. "Never put anything in writing, never allow recordings, never allow video. Don't sign anything." - Chick McGee, the Bob & Tom Show
  4. I'd forgo the supercharger and go with an RV type cam, K&N air filter setup and torque-specific chip.
  5. Welcome, Jim. Tell me about your motorcycles. I live in Tullahoma (abt. 70 miles S of Nashville). I've been riding motorcycles since 1966 (1966 Benelli 125 that I ran my paper route with).
  6. Places like Ace Hardware, Lowe's, etc will have the right anchors.  They will also have drills for drilling concrete,  basically carbide inserted tips on the drill that effectively scrape the concrete away in the shape of a hole! Keep the hole cleared of the dust often or it'll jam up and break your drill or sprain your wrist when it grabs.
  7. Two part epoxy is what I'd use to seal the holes.
  8. Welcome, Nadia. I'm a Yankee transplant, too. I moved from Indiana 12+ years ago.
  9. My pets are all great swimmers: I have 4 aquariums set up in my home office. These guys are my frontosa colony.
  10.   Same here IF I only ordered one gun at a time. Once I ordered two at once.  One of them was listed as a "rapid ship" or whatever they call it. The other was not. They shipped together at the slower rate, and I'm a VIP member, supposed to get preferential treatment. Other than that, everything has gone great with them but I haven't ordered anything in the "Great Gun Panic of 2012/2013."
  11. I traded a couple of revolvers for a 1970 Harley Davidson golf cart to use when I'm working car shows.
  12. I'd be up for that once in awhile. By Saturday, I'm ready to get out of the home office and talk with like-minded folks.
  13. Well, at least with a 6mm, you won't have to compete with many people for the ammo on the shelves! Welcome.   If you're into activism, check out Tennessee Firearms Association (www.tfaonline.org). TFA also has a pretty active Facebook presence (http://www.facebook.com/groups/TennesseeFirearms/).
  14. http://www.usacarry.com/concealed_carry_permit_reciprocity_maps.html
  15.   True but the part about consignments seems to not be well enforced. I've put guns on consignment and each place told me that if I came to pick up the gun, I'd have to do the TICS check. In all 3 cases (3 shops), they didn't do one.
  16. http://www.wsmv.com/story/20559458/tn-lawmakers-wary-of-any-new-federal-gun-laws
  17. There are some people who just have to buy something that they are told is (pick one: hard to get, the newest, the latest thing, about to go away, etc.). They are the same people who were paying $3000 over list for the first PT Cruisers, grabbing up every Twinkie they could find a few weeks ago, standing in line at the Apple store for the newest iPhone, going to midnight screenings of Harry Potter movies, etc. If people are stupid enough to pay three or four times what guns, ammo, Twinkies, and PT Cruisers are worth, someone might as well relieve them of the money they are so willing to fork over. It helps the economy, at least in some little pockets of it. The buyer and the seller are both happy. It's capitalism at its extreme finest.
  18. I'll have to agree on the sentiment here, though so far I've only traded or sold. Still, everyone I've dealt with has been top-notch. Three FTF deals went without a hitch, the other parties being right on time or even a little early. The mail order deal went great as well. The TGO group is a fine community and resource, for sure.
  19. Welcome from a former Hoosier (Anderson/Muncie area).
  20. He does indeed. Nice guy, too.
  21. Custom AR from Bedford County Tactical (had to but it for myself, though!). Gift card to Etch Restaurant in Nashville.
  22. Welcome! I'm just a little south of you in Tullahoma.
  23. Merry Christmas, everyone.   And a special Merry Christmas to TGO David. Thanks for doing this great site for us. It is a wonderful resource and much appreciated!
  24. I agree wholeheartedly with DaveTN re: the full size M&P40. If I could only have one handgun, that would be it. I have one and my wife has an M&P9c. Both are great guns. No FTF, no FTE, very accurate and the best handgun trigger I've felt.   I also have a Beretta Nano as a hip carry weapon and a S&W 642 .38 Spl. as a pocket gun. I am happy with all of them. The S&W Shield is also a great little gun. I had one in .40 but sold it because it and the Nano were too similar to warrant keeping both. The Shield is more in demand so it sold first and I kept the Nano. I agree re: buying US made guns. All of my modern guns are made in the US (including the Nano). My only foreign made gun is a 1917 Enfield rifle.
  25. Brian, I just want to say thanks for your forthrightness and for going to qualified people to get the information for your article. I wish more journalists took your approach.


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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

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