Absolutely!!! More women need to stand up, quit being helpless victims, and learn how to use an Equalizer!!! And please, if you are a woman and are going to take the handgun permit class, know your weapon and how to load and handle it!!!
When I took my handgun permit class there were two other women there. When we went to the range for the shooting part of the class, they didn't even know how to load their guns! One of them had a gun so big she could hardly hold it up! The instructor let the women go first and asked for three men to volunteer to help each of us load our guns. One guy came up to me and I told him I didn't need his help, thanks anyway. The other two women definitely needed help and when they shot, they shot very slowly and very badly! My turn came up and I loaded and emptied my mag quickly into the target without a problem, or help from a man....and if I must say so myself, a nice grouping too;) The really sad part of this story is the instructor passed those other two women! They should not have passed until they showed that they could handle those guns all by themselves.
Anyway, the main point I'm trying to make here is this - Women....please don't be helpless targets and/or victims!!! More women definitely need to learn how to shoot and get a permit to carry! Please take my advice though and select a weapon that feels good in your hand, is light enough to be comfortable to carry (on your body, not in your purse!!!!) and last but certainly not least, get familiar with handling, loading and shooting it. It's kind of like insurance.....you might not ever need it, but if you do need it, you will be very glad you had it!