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Everything posted by PackinMama

  1. Why do school bus drivers have a seatbelt, but the kids do not? Are the passenger seats in the bus safer than the drivers seat? And why do I get a ticket if I get caught driving without a seatbelt on myself or my kid, but it's perfectly ok for the school district to transport my kid without a seatbelt?
  2. Why can't we all just get along?
  3. Welcome to TGO Heather! :)
  4. Well, I for one am not impressed. My gun would have been on me or within grabbing distance and in my hand after the first knock.   And I'm not even a red head. LOL :D   Oh, yes, one more thing.....the guy would have had at least one bullet in him before he had a chance to pass out. ;)
  5. Oh man! I just read the link. She was a drunk mom with her kids in the car!!! Hell yes I'd have done the same thing, confrontation or not!!!
  6. I totally would have done the same thing. Too many innocent lives are lost due to drunk drivers. I would wait until she is in the store, then block her in and get out of my car and walk away (not letting her see where I went) while I was on the phone with 911. That way, there would be no confrontations between the drunk person and myself....at least not until after the police get there.
  7. I carried Hornady 115 gr Critical Defense for the last few years in my PF9, but I recently switched my carry gun to a Sig 938 and changed to Federal 124 gr HST's. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Critical Defense. Is that one outdated now too?
  8. Oh, almost forgot about their "Big Gas Savings" commercial. Almost as good as "Ship my Pants!" LOL
  9. Have you seen Kmart's "ship my pants" commercial? Now THAT'S funny!!!
  10. First off, does she, or will she, wear a belt? If she does, then that's half the battle right there. Women's fashion is usually not belt friendly and many women will just not wear a belt.   The next question is, what position will she be carrying in? Many women prefer appendix carry (me for one).   An awesome IWB holster is the Crossbreed Supertuck. I wear mine at one o'clock and it's so comfortable, that I often have to feel to make sure it's there.   As far as holsters designed specifically for women.....there's just not many of those out there. However, I just ordered a crossdraw holster from www.SideGuardHolsters.com and they specialize in custom holsters for women. From special colors and exotic skins to actually working with the individual to "come up with a solution that will work for them."   My sister carries in her purse and she has been looking for a holster to keep her gun protected and concealed within her purse. I showed her several different kinds before she finally decided on a "Sneaky Pete" style holster. These are the ones that look like big cell phone cases. She liked it because the gun could be easily accessed, but it was still 100% covered and concealed. A good option for purse carry imho.   Hope that helps. :)       
  11. Let her try it with the extended magazine. Makes it feel a lot nicer in the hand....more to hold onto. Too bad you're not in East TN....you could come over here and she could shoot both the Glock 26 and the Sig 938.
  12. I have a Glock 26, and it's great, but feels like a small brick when carrying it. I hardly ever carry mine because it's bulky and uncomfortable. I prefer a gun that I wouldn't know it's there if I didn't KNOW it was there. Most women I know that carry are the same way.   I would recommend that you let her check out the Sig 938. What a sweet gun!!! Small, thin, and a superb shooter with a great trigger. I love mine! The only thing would be to make sure she has plenty range time with it and is 100% familiar with the safety.
  13. I'd say go ahead and list it "free if picked up locally" and then explain that since the item is rather large and heavy that you would be willing to ship only "on your dime for actual shipping cost."
  14. I just saw this on eBay: Left Handed DM Bullard Bodyguard for $85   I know you can't check it out before you buy it, but one thing about D.M. Bullard holsters is that you know it's top notch. I've never heard anyone give anything but excellent reviews on their holsters.
  15. I ordered 15 degree for the Cross Draw, because I will sometimes carry it at 1:00 in the appendix carry position and I didn't want it to be at too much of a cant. If I was going to use it in the crossdraw position only....I'd have went with 20 degree.   The "Rough Out" pocket holster I ordered is for my LCP. On the order form, it had the option to choose the cant on that one too, but I left it blank.  I'm pretty sure that one would only come one way......?
  16. I'd say it totally depends on the holster. With a kydex pocket holster, I would think that you would be able to reholster without removing it from your pocket. Possibly even with a hard custom leather that is fitted for your particular gun. Now if you have a holster made of softer leather or suede or some other soft material..... then I'd say you would have to remove it to reholster safely.
  17. Awesome choice! Congrats!!!   Please be sure and let us know how the first range session goes! I put the first 100 rds thru mine last week with 0 issues. It shot amazingly smooth and accurate as well....especially for such a small gun!
  18. I recently bought a Sig P938 SAS and I LOVE it!  :)  It reminds me of an EMP, but in a smaller package.   I shot 100 rds through it yesterday. The first box was Speer Lawman 124 gr FMJ and the gun couldn't have ran smoother or shot better! Standing with both hands and no rest, I was easily obtaining 3" groups at 7 yds, and 4" at 15 yds, and I'm not the steadiest person in the world either. The second box, I decided to try 115 gr WWB. I'd heard that the 938 can be a little picky with ammo, so I wanted to try the cheap stuff and see what happened. Again, it functioned perfectly and the groups were close to the same as with the Speer, with the exception of a couple three fliers. I was definitely pleased....and quite impressed with this little Sig, and for it's intended purpose (self defense), it's performance was more than acceptable. I can safely say that this is going to become my main EDC!
  19. Ahhh, don't worry Trek. I won't blame you if I don't like it! ;) As far as it looking like it rides lower..... that's one reason I really liked it! I prefer my grip to ride just barely above the belt line. I think it will work out perfectly for me.
  20. I ordered a Cross Guard for my 938 and a Rough Out Pocket Holster for my LCP. I'd be happy to do a review when they arrive. The current wait is 8-9 weeks, so it will be a little while. ;)
  21. I recently spent some time looking at the Sig 238's and 938's, before I acquired my Sig 938 SAS.  I handled just about every model available....Nightmare, Equinox, Rosewood, Extreme, etc., etc.  I liked them all....until I handled an SAS. After seeing and feeling the difference the "Sig Anti Snag" treatment makes, all of a sudden the others seemed cheap and unfinished. I can't understand why Sig doesn't do that to all their pistols! What a difference it makes!  The edges are all smooth and rounded off, even the serrations on the slide feel better on your fingers. This makes them ideal for pocket carry because there's nothing to snag on your clothing when you draw your gun.    The SAS might cost a little more than the other models, but let me tell you, it's worth every penny. I actually got my NIB 938 SAS off Gunbroker for $635, $25 shipping, and $40 for the transfer.....making the total otd price $700. That's actually cheaper than most of the regular 938's I saw at the gun show a couple weeks ago.   If you do go with the Sig, do yourself a favor and get the SAS! You won't regret it! :)
  22. Perfect!!! I love it!!! Thanks for the link and recommendation! I just sent him an email. :)
  23. I looked at his crossdraw model and it's really nice, but it looks like the gun rides pretty high above the beltline.
  24. I want to get a nice owb custom leather crossdraw holster for my Sig 938. I don't like my gun to ride too high above my belt.....the grip needs to stay as close to the beltline as possible.  Any recommendations?    
  25. I got to compare the 938 Nightmare and the 938 SAS side by side at the Knoxville gun show last weekend. There actually is quite a difference in the edges of the slide and the frame. I really like the smooth feel of the SAS, and after holding one, all the other models seem unfinished and cheap in comparison (to me at least). I just didn't know if there was anything else that the Sig custom shop does to them besides smoothing off the sharp edges. Do they polish the feed ramp or work on the trigger or do anything else to the internals while they have it? I've got a new 938 SAS coming. I won the GunBroker auction that I bid on over the weekend. I put in the low starting bid of $635 and no one else bid on it, so I got it for $635 plus $25 shipping. My FFL charges $40 to do the transfer, so my total otd price is $700. I think I did very well on that one! What do you think?


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