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Everything posted by ProjectDexter

  1. Angle grinder and dremel
  2. instead of a low profile gas block?
  3. I wasn't aware MILES was still being used, are manufactueres really continuing to producing the barrels for something that was so circa 1980? lol
  4. I think you are right.
  5. I'm sure they have an adapter for the Bayonet lug on ebay somewhere LOL
  6. haha every barrel should be equipped with them!!!
  7. what about behind the flash hider? whats the point in that?
  8. somebody in here chat me real quick
  9. sure thx.
  10. Thanks. I'm not planning on putting it on anything until I have a stamped lower, I just wanted to make sure it could be in my possession until the 4-6 months it takes for all the paperwork to be approved.
  11. Ok. Here is a two fold question. Maybe I should put this in the NFA section but it doesn't look like it gets as much traffic. 1) BCM looks like they have two 12.5 upper configurations. Standard with a carbine length front post, and then a Kino configuration with a carbine length LP gas block and a midlength front sight post. If I wanted to remove the front sight post for a full length rail what is the best option and is there anything about the ports that I would need to change? and 2) What is the absolute law about purchasing a used short barrel upper? Do I need to already have a stamped lower? Can I keep it in the safe until my paperwork and lower are stamped and approved?
  12. Pretend like I know nothing about SBRs. I want a BCM 12.5", tell me what to do. Got all my questions answered in the chat room thanks guys.
  13. Wish our Wally would sell this
  14. Or our law abiding citizens. This isn't about knocking our troops, or LEOs. It's about who's giving the orders that are completely unconstitutional, it goes to the top. That's what I have a problem with. This has nothing to do with our troops, or good people for that matter.
  15. The OK Nat'l Guard was going door to door with their orders to disarm. They ran Night missions into neighborhoods and forced entry. You are in denial if you say different. Listen to the interviews and watch the video interview above.
  16. Here's a few points, I don't expect you agree with anything that I say and iirc you are LEO, possibly retired so you've been around longer than I have. You are entitled to your own way of thinking according to our rights, for now. Yes, Katrina was an isolated incident, that does not change the fact that the US MILITARY was ordered to disarm or kill anyone in the entire city/area of NO. Americans, trying to defend their homes, were beaten up, and disarmed. I don't know if anyone was killed, if there were it could have easily been swept under the rug. The 2nd A is not a fair weather right, we don't have the right to bear arms only when things are peachy. I don't believe for a second that "new" laws are going to change anything if an incident like this happens again. When chaos strikes at home it's a free-for-all and people get scared, and it allows the people in power to come in and do whatever they want. Can you say that in your life time you have not seen the constitution and what it stands for dwindling away? Is it not true that our rights are slowly being compressed, amended, and stripped with EVERY passing political campaign? I hope that when this threat comes to a head and is a reality, and I believe it will come, that our trained LEO'S and Military personnel will see what's going on and stand with the people. Here's a little conspiracy. The scheme is to make nothing black and white, it blurs the line between right and wrong and can make good people do bad things. Isolated incidents are slowly scaling larger and larger. What happens if the new Madrid fault line ruptures, it would affect multiple cities in multiple states. Chaos, looting, rioting, the nat'l guard would be called on again. Are they not going to stack right this time? /rant.
  17. http://www.infowars.com/troops-ordered-to-kill-all-americans-who-do-not-turn-in-guns/ 8:30 on the video is mind blowing.
  18. The govt can trump the constitution (and does) anytime that it wants. If you look at what happened with Katrina, this has already been tested. Seize all firearms and kill anyone who resists, through chaos they will gain more control. Most likely in the name of "our protection".
  19. We need REAL leaders. If that happens in political office the way it is set-up now, so be it. If not, we need someone who will stand together with the people and claim that is enough is enough. Until that day happens, and we as the people stand up in unity, peaceably or not, we are NOT going to get our country back. In God we trust, Lord help us now. EDIT: I know infowars.com can be a subject of great debate because some people feel that site/people are extreme, but the information thats being posted up there in the past couple of days/weeks is greatly disturbing.
  20. You could also look at the springfield loaded operator instead of the TRP if you were interested in a cheaper price point but still want a railed 1911, if you decide you don't want a rail you should check the classified section *hint hint*
  21. You generally aren't going to find a deal with the vendors, haggling late on the last day is your best shot. The deals come from the individuals that come to trade/sell, there are deals to be had. I went to this show and the Nashville show. The nashville show was terrible, it was hot, no AC, and everything was over priced. The Dickson show was obviously smaller and priced a little better, especially ammo, JJ Farmer always makes good deals at his booth and he's a genuine guy. Still couldn't sell my 1911 though ... lol.
  22. I think its an average deal, good deal would be between 250-300 out the door.
  23. Buds and CTD is good, also impact guns.
  24. I'll be at the show on Saturday since I live in Dickson. According to the flyers there are supposed to be two buildings for the show? Not sure about air conditioning, the show in Nashville wasn't AC'd either, it sucked.


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